Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

I watched this movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead the other day. It was intriguing but I wasnt sold on it. I then went to the website associated with the movie and they were selling juicers.

Anyone with first hand knowledge of 'juice fasting"?

Thanks in advance


  • I had a few friends who swore by juice fasting. Some say it isn't healthy because you aren't getting the necessary fiber from the fruits and veggies. you need that roughage.
  • My friend is currently trying it. She's on day 8 and she feels great and she says she can already see the difference. The first couple of days it was hard for her cause she really wanted food but she worked through it. I think it's a great starting point for those that have a lot of weight to lose.

    I, too, saw the documentary and I wanted to try it but I don't have a juicer and that much vegetables is expensive and out of my budget so I have to do things the old fashioned way. (:
  • My friend is currently trying it. She's on day 8 and she feels great and she says she can already see the difference. The first couple of days it was hard for her cause she really wanted food but she worked through it. I think it's a great starting point for those that have a lot of weight to lose.

    I, too, saw the documentary and I wanted to try it but I don't have a juicer and that much vegetables is expensive and out of my budget so I have to do things the old fashioned way. (:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I feel like you are better off eating the fruits and veggies instead of juicing them, you will get a lot more nutritional value from them plus it will fill you up more.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    the only reason that i wouldn't do it with every meal is because you need a certain amount of protein and fiber so unless you are planning on taking extra supplements or something I wouldn't try it with every meal,
    however, I would love to do it for breakfast or maybe for a snack after my workout
  • You are removing the fiber which breaks down the sugars so it can bee very unhealthy, especially if you are on the edge of diabetes.
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I've only done Juice fasting for 1 month. I didn't see any real benefits from it, so I got off.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I'm doing it now so far and I've found a lot of other people on here who are doing it too. For people who tell you it's not safe to do, they obviously haven't spoken with their doctor. It IS safe to do for people with clearance from their doctors and for short periods of time. Again, if you are looking into doing it I would contact your doctor. :flowerforyou:
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Yes and I think its awesome. I've only done 1-5 days. No more than 5 days. I don't really do it for weight loss as much as a reboot. I feel really good when I'm done. After a long week of bad food or weekend of drinking or {insert guilt here} I like to juice for a couple days to get my body and mind back on track!
  • My roommate and I just recently started the FS&ND reboot. I am loving it. I'm down 6 lbs, she is down 20! It's hard at first, i won't lie, but seems to be worth it. I have lots of energy, I am sleeping better, and I feel better already.
  • Skip it and just eat right. The weight will be back.
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    Ummm, I just like food and know that juicer is not a way of life. I need to live now how I will live for life. Just a thought..interesting that the site is selling and pushing the juicer though.
  • Liz1dixon
    Liz1dixon Posts: 7 Member
    Yes - I recommend Jason Vales books. They are very inspiring and give recipes for you to try. He has various options - lose 51lbs in three days, 7lbs in 7 days. I stuck to this for many months and did successfully lose weight. I recommend it a good way to start losing to give you the encouragement, but to be honest, I couldn`t stick to it for life. There are some recipes that I love - Breakfast Smoothies and Grapefruit/Lemon and Honey Juice . In fact I have had two today because I went out for a meal last night and ate far too many calories and felt uncomfortable. He also gives recipes for soups and meals to encourage you to eat meals as well as juice. It is all natural fruit and veg with Yoghurts in the smoothies.
    Good luck and enjoy. I`d be interested to hear how you get on.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    You are removing the fiber which breaks down the sugars so it can bee very unhealthy, especially if you are on the edge of diabetes.

    What??!! There are plenty of high fiber fruits and vegetables that can be juiced. you still get your fiber, your vitamins, protein and can get plenty of calories by juicing.
  • baileylm
    baileylm Posts: 23 Member
    I recently saw this documentary also and was blown away! It was eye-opening about how our "eating triangle" is totally upside down from what it should be. I'm more concerned about my overall nutrition than I am the weight loss aspect of juice fasting. I purchased a juicer and can't wait for it to arrive. I plan to do a 5-10 day fast just to purge everything out of my body and then will probably settle into having juice for breakfast and focusing on better nutrition in the solid foods I eat as well. Had my sons watch it with me, too, and am getting them on board too.
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I didn't see the show, but I did recently buy a juicer and I make a drink about 2 times a week. I bought the juicer brand new at a local thrift store that gets all the "left overs" from Walmart. Someone must have bought and returned it and since the packaging was damaged Walmart sent it to the thrift store. $20 juicer! For anyone thinking juicers are too expensive, check out the thrift stores or garage sales. It is a good way for me to get the veggies I hate. Like carrots. I hate carrots. But I like carrot and apple juice. I feel like that way I am getting the vitamin benefit from them. Just make sure to log the calories. They add up.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I am not a fan of long term juice fasting, esp since too much juicing effects my blood sugar in a very bad way. Be careful of must juicers, they take out all of the fiber and make it unusable.

    I do think that juicing for a short period of time or for a meal is great.

    To get all of your fiber and all the nutrients, check out the VItamix blender, it is one of the best tools in my kitchen. Not only does it juice the whole fruit and veggie and you get all of the fiber, but it also makes soup fast ( i am a soup junkie), and I also make my own nut butters.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    the only reason that i wouldn't do it with every meal is because you need a certain amount of protein and fiber so unless you are planning on taking extra supplements or something I wouldn't try it with every meal,
    however, I would love to do it for breakfast or maybe for a snack after my workout

    what you wrote!!!!
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 444 Member
    I have a couple of co-workers who are doing this exact 're-boot' / juice fasting; they both went as far as purchasing the juicer from the site. I personally would rather eat my fruits & veggies; according to both of them, it takes so much to make a glass of juice & it seems to me to be a waste of perfectly good produce! I found it especially interesting that when you go to the web site or facebook page for this movie, you get hit with ads for a very expensive juicer.

    Just my 2 cents, for what it is worth; I love eating fruits & veggies and I don't eat a lot of meat, so for me, it would be a no-go! :wink:
  • dmw907
    dmw907 Posts: 14
    I watched the documentary over a weekend and started juicing on Tuesday. I have now been juicing for 3 weeks and 4 days. I started with a Jack Lalane juicer that I already owned, it had only been used a few times prior. I recently got a Brevelle Ikon juicer (the same one featured on the website) and it makes a world of a difference. I get way more juice and it is much more powerful, fast and quiet.

    The first few days were rough because I used to drink a lot of coffee and diet Dr. Peppers. Now I feel wonderful! I have so much energy. I feel happier and I have lost 22lbs. I do not stricktly juice though, I eat one salad per day and only eat raw veggies with it and use vinegar instead of any dressing. I usually have tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, lettuce, spinach, and 1/2 an avocado.

    I lost quite a bit the first week now it has slowed to 3-5 lbs per week. I still workout but I try and limit my cardio to 30-45 minutes around 3-5 days per week and I also try to do more weights. Overall it has been a very pleasant experience. I plan on keeping it up until September 16. After the 16th I will probably go vegan.