Weighed myself this morning and was 4 pounds heavier....

Every morning I get up, use the bathroom, and weigh myself afterwords. My starting weight was 205 pounds... I got down to 195 so far and had been staying at that same weight for the alst 3 or 4 days. Ive been running almost every day, and lifting weights at the gym and taking lots of protein.
Ive been eating GREAT... fish, chicken, whole wheat bread, fat free greek yogurt, collard greens, veggies, egg white omelettes, been doing really great on my diet and drinking only water and sometimes a little fat free milk with a small portion of whole wheat bran flakes in the morning.
So why in the world did my weight go back up??? Ive been a little dissapointed that Ive been stuck at the 195 without being able to get past that hump... and now I went back up!!! :(( Pretty unhappy about this......
Any thoughts?
Btw if anyone would like to add me, I need some motivating friends to keep each other accountable!!! I'm 23 and have two little ones ages 3 and 2. Anybody wanna friend me? I'm trying tog et down to 170 pounds for right now and then after that work on getting down to about 150.


  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Check out the stickies in this forum about water weight and weight loss not being linear. Remember, a pound of fat is about 3500 calories. In order to gain four pounds overnight, you'd need to eat up to your maintenance (which given your stats is probably somewhere in the 2000-2500 range) and then another 14000 calories. That would be impressive! I started off at 208 back in January and am at 174 now, so it's totally doable to lose weight the MFP way, but you'll have to get used to these day to day fluctuations and be patient.
  • Scotty2HotPie
    Scotty2HotPie Posts: 146 Member
    lol... 4-5 lbs weight swings are nothing. You're not sitting at a constant weight all day long, it's always fluctuating. Long term trends are much more important. My low weight days seems to be Friday morning after my run for some reason, but not always. Also, my weight tends to be higher in the evening. I've weighed myself at night after dinner and then in the morning after my run and there's been a 6-8 lbs difference before.

    Pick a time to weigh yourself everyday. Maybe 1st thing in the morning before eating/running and after taking care of "morning business". Then after 2-3 weeks, review the trend line. It'll be more apparent what's going on then.
  • WispyBlue
    WispyBlue Posts: 41 Member
    I second quikbrellejayde. I sometimes gain up to 5lbs around and during my period.
  • pookiefatcat
    pookiefatcat Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah, this just happened to me last week and it was pretty devastating. I knew I had been within my calories and it was very disheartening to see the scale creep back up.
    For me it was excess sodium, and ovulation. Both things that have gone away.
  • wleverett1
    wleverett1 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for replies everyone!!! Yes, I am keeping to low calories AND low carbs. Im also eating my main carbs in the morning, less at lunch time, and little to none (like a grilled chicken salad) at dinner time...
    Idk about the period thing bc Im on the nexplanon and havent had a period in over a year...
    Yes, my muscles ARE sore, so maybe it is water weight! If so, what can I do about that?
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    I've been weighing myself daily since late July and have seen some somewhat inexplicable day-to-day weight fluctuations. Overall my weekly average has trended pretty consistently from 182 to 176 (which I'm good with, trying to trim fat without sacrificing muscle mass I've added), though my daily max/mins over that time have been as high as 186.8 and as low as 174 depending on sodium and hydration.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey if you have recently increased your exercise as it sounds like you have, you may be retaining a little more water to repair muscles, it's completely normal plus some days most people including myself go up and down between 1-4 lbs don't let it make you feel bad as it's normal for this to happen, give it a few more days/weeks, let your muscles repair and get used to the exercise you are doing and you will see a difference, you're doing an awesome job
  • wleverett1
    wleverett1 Posts: 9 Member
    Ah thank you so much Ramkitty87! X)
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    My weight can fluctuate 5lbs in a day from just water weight. Stick to healthier eating and exercising and let your body adjust on its own. The mistake everyone makes is we put the weight on over years, but when we start to diet and exercise we expect it to just melt off. As an example I am 51yo and in 1991 I weighed about 180lbs and my highest weight was 235lbs Dec 1st 2016. My current weight is 215lbs and my goal would be 170-180lbs. I have lost about 20lbs, but it has been a roller coaster, but I will not give up this time.

    How much sodium do you intake? I was surprised out how much was in what I ate. 1 egg has 70mg and I usually eat a 4 egg omelet in the morning. MFP says I should limit sodium to 2300mg and I have been over most days.
  • wleverett1
    wleverett1 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, yeah I havent been counting sodium at all. Probably should start lol. Thank you! Do egg whites have that much sodium?
  • Danasusann
    Danasusann Posts: 11 Member
    Nexplanon side effect states it causes weight gain.
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    are you paying attention to the WEIGHT of liquids that you are drinking? did you drink a bunch of water before going to bed? Diet pop? They have no calories so wont add fat, however they still have mass and will increase your weight until you go to the bathroom.
  • Good_Morning_Glory
    Good_Morning_Glory Posts: 226 Member
    Sigh....I gain water every time I exercise. And for two weeks out of the month.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    If you are doing everything right then just follow your plan and wait. It is probably a normal fluctuation.
    Don't get hung up on one weigh in. If you weigh daily maybe use a weight trending app like trend weight, weight grapher, happy scale to see the trend over time.

    If you don't lose for a couple of weeks it is good to check the accuracy of your logging. You may be overestimating your activity or underestimating food. Use a food scale. Make sure you are logging everything. Check that the database entries you use are correct.