20 lbs down by New Years!

Anyone want to join be in losing 20 pounds by New Years?! I’m 5’2 and I started off at my highest weight of 190.4 lbs. I managed to get down around 160-164 and have been fluctuating there for 5 months now :( buuuut my goal was to get to 140 before the year ends and I know it’ll be a little difficult since that’s a lot of weight for such a little time now. But I know if I put my mind to it I can do it that’s of course the healthy way! Add me if you want to do this with me so we can motivate each other!!! :)


  • fitsarahxoxoxo
    fitsarahxoxoxo Posts: 14 Member
    I’m joining so count me down as one! :) Yeah, that’s aggressive but if that’s what she needs or wants to do more power to her. I’m out to lose 12lbs by 1/1 and think we can do this!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Anyone want to join be in losing 20 pounds by New Years?! I’m 5’2 and I started off at my highest weight of 190.4 lbs. I managed to get down around 160-164 and have been fluctuating there for 5 months now :( buuuut my goal was to get to 140 before the year ends and I know it’ll be a little difficult since that’s a lot of weight for such a little time now. But I know if I put my mind to it I can do it that’s of course the healthy way! Add me if you want to do this with me so we can motivate each other!!! :)

    It's only 7 weeks until NYE. If you had 75+ lbs to lose, you could probably lose 2 lbs/week, which means 14 lbs. Most people can manage 1 lb/week.

    So, to lose the last 20 lbs? It will likely take 1 lb/week except the last 5 lbs, which may take more time. Let's say 25 weeks? May, 2018.
  • hisamazinggirl
    hisamazinggirl Posts: 38 Member
    Girl I'm down ! I want to lose 10 pounds by next year ! Let's do this !!!!! Stay strong and focus on what you want . Work hard and belive in yourself ! It does get tough sometimes just keep going and don't give up
  • WispyBlue
    WispyBlue Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in! 20lbs by NY sounds like a dream.
  • Manuel_Gomez
    Manuel_Gomez Posts: 2 Member
    Im in! 45+ down so far 20 more will be awsome
  • sgtx81
    sgtx81 Posts: 466 Member
    maintenance is currently 4,032 (fluctuates up from there depending on activity level), currently consuming about 1550 daily on average. 4032 - 1550 = 2482 x 53 days = 131,546/3500 = 37.58 - 7.58 pounds (just to make it more likely) = 30 lbs by new year.

    Count me in, I'll give it a go.