Seriouls have no self control with anything!

CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
edited November 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
So as I have stated/complained about before I have a huge problem with control and motivation. So I say on a daily basis that I want to loose weight and get in shape for myself, my family, my husband, and my health. But what do I do, I sit here and eat candy at work or donuts if they have them. I swear I am going to have diabetes before I am 40. Lets put it this way, its only 9:19am and I have already had my coffee with creamer, a 3 Musketeer bar, a donut and a fun size Twix. That is so horrible! I mean I attempt to eat healthy. Like I brought for breakfast a Chobani Flip Yogurt, a turkey sandwich for lunch, and for snacks I have cauliflower with home made ranch, string cheese, and a fruit snack. But no I choose to eat the crap instead. I just for once want to find my damn self control and motivation again. I know its possible. Sorry for the rant everyone just wanted to say and maybe get some comments. Thank you!!


  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    The candy is at different desks in the office, we had the daycare on the reservation come around and trick or treat so its all the offices extra. As far as the donuts the guy who sits next door is out and they are from his sister who was bringing them to him so she gave them to me.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    There's food at my office all the time too. I used to eat it often reflexively just because it's there, and for me it's easier when I just don't snack. I eat my food at lunch time, eat breakfast and dinner at home (occasionally I am here super late and do bring dinner), and ignore the treats that show up, most of which aren't special and which I could easily buy myself if I really really wanted it.

    There are rare exceptions (more often around the holidays) when the things that show up are worth eating, but I know when doing it that it will make it harder for me to ignore it than a hard-and-fast no snacking rule does.

    The donuts are pretty easy as they are at breakfast and I just think to myself "you already ate breakfast!"

    I think having a plan is good (and sounds like you have it, although I agree you need to be able to look forward to your meals and not feel deprived, so make sure you've considered that). I also think having it fit into a broader plan so that you can think about WHY you are doing what you are doing and remember why one day DOES matter (unless you decide in advance it's a splurge day, because it will be really worth the calories). For me, willpower was hard in part when I kept thinking "what's one more day" every single day.
  • brznhabits
    brznhabits Posts: 126 Member
    I'm with @MegaMooseEsq and @YepItsKriss, this "Like I brought for breakfast a Chobani Flip Yogurt, a turkey sandwich for lunch, and for snacks I have cauliflower with home made ranch, string cheese, and a fruit snack." sounds awful. I'd never succeed that way. You have enough to lose that you can just focus on CICO vs. food quality for now. Find your deficit and shoot for that for now instead trying to switch out types of food too, so soon.
  • Mkneedtogetfit
    Mkneedtogetfit Posts: 93 Member
    Firstly, log it.
    Second: calculate how much you have to exercise to burn off your sugary treat and do it! When I started my weight loss journey, exercise made me appreciate calories. The thought that you just worked so hard to burn off that fun sized chocolate stops you from having it next time (at least that's how I looked at it. I didn't want to waste my hour in the gym on just candy)
    Thirdly: learn to say no. I know it can be hard to say no to friends and family when they bring you food but just do it once!
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Establish control over what goes in your mouth.
    Stick with your own food.
    Don't take anyone else's food.
    If someone else offers their food, turn it down.

  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member