New mum- new to the health journey!

Hi everyone,

10 months ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but since then she has been attached to me like a cuddley koala. She's very needy which gives me little time to exercise and eat healthy.
I'm looking to lose weight but also gain my muscles back, and lead a healthy life style.
Would love some tips and tricks from you all!


  • hisamazinggirl
    hisamazinggirl Posts: 38 Member
    First you have to be the tough mom and start putting the baby down and showing her who the boss is . Then you can start doing what you want when the baby is playing . I have 2 girls and go to gym every day for 2 weeks now . They love the daycare there and the daycare is an awesome place .
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome to MFP, All the best!!
  • luciegumise
    luciegumise Posts: 11 Member
    Hello lovely, mama to a 4 month old ebf baby feel free to add me so we can motivate each other! Xx
  • ReginasHorror
    ReginasHorror Posts: 423 Member
    First you have to be the tough mom and start putting the baby down and showing her who the boss is .

    Mmkay, stop right there. She is parenting in the best way she can. Don't be mom-shaming.

    I have twins, who are much older now. Here's what I'll tell you, dear- people will always say how you should do things. Here's all you have to do: if you make it a priority, like you do showering, eating and using the bathroom, then you will find ways/time. And maybe you DON'T have time for fitness, that's okay too! Being a mom is tough work... So just focus on eating right for now. Your baby will grow, and you will get more free time as life goes on. Just take it one step at a time. And don't let anyone tell you what to do.

  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    Congrats on the new baby! Adjusting to adding a person in the family is always hard and it will change as they get older. Start back in small, easy to accomplish goals (chair dips & such for a few minutes), walking around the block, etc. From there you'll get used to fitting it in.
  • embtreas
    embtreas Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there, I have an 11month old girl and am now back in the weightloss wagon. Put on about 15kg from the first lot I lost after my boy and am looking to get back there - I felt sensational and I want that feeling back again. Right now, mum stuff is going to take up most of your energy, give yourself a big smile for wanting to get some fitness back. Take it each step at a time and pat yourself on the back for the things you do and forget about the rest. For me, I feel so good when I can chase my 5year old at the park and push the pram to the local shops and back with good choice foods in my bags. Find your things that motivate you and focus on the good.