Steering clear of the scale...

... but for how long?

I have been seriously back on the calorie-counting train for about a month now. Down 8lbs. Last week, I started incorporating exercise in, and I almost immediately noticed a couple pounds of gain. This morning, I stepped on the scale again and saw no change.

I know that things fluctuate in the beginning and that exercise especially can cause issues on the scale initially. But how long should I expect this to go on before I start losing again?

I am set at sedentary with a goal to lose 1.5lb a week. I am probably more like lightly active (on my feet all day at work), and I do not eat back my exercise calories (to be honest, there wouldn't be much to eat back at this point anyway). I work out at home using YouTube, a yoga mat, dumbbells, resistance bands and body weight. I log carefully, I have 2 food scales that get put to good use. I occasionally have eaten somewhere/something I didn't know how to log but did my best to make an educated guess and try to overestimate. I try to "save" a few hundred calories throughout the week and eat maintenance on weekends (Friday and Saturday) and know for a fact that I have gone over twice.

I know in my head and heart that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. That isn't the issue. But stepping on the scale and seeing no progress there is frustrating, as I know most all of you know. So I'm thinking of putting it away for now. I just don't know for how long. I did take measurements this morning so that I can start tracking that, as well.



  • sammer825
    sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
    I am having the same exact issues as you. I am on my second week of healthy eating and exercise. weighing all food and not eating back my exercise calories and the scale hasnt budged. In the past I would be extremely discouraged at this point but I feel better so I know its working. My advice is to measure and take pictures and still weigh yourself once a week. I guarantee you if you stick to what you're doing you will see a noticeable difference in the measurements and pictures so that will keep you motivated!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Water and/or glycogen stores from new exercise can last up to 4 weeks.

    Drink lots of water and maybe only weigh on a day where you didn't exercise the day before.

    For example my rest day is no exercise so if I am weighing myself it's on Saturday morning.
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    thecharon wrote: »
    Did you eat a high sodium meal in the last couple of days? This really makes me hold on to water weight. Other things can be alcohol, monthly visitor, a sedentary day, even a new medication. Even exercise can make you gain muscle and you can weigh more. I like to weigh myself daily which helps me recognize the fluctuations with no surprises. No fear in weighing daily.

    I did have a high-sodium meal on Sunday. But not right before the initial gain. I haven't had alcohol in over a month. I am 2 weeks post-period, and I started blood pressure medication at about the same time I started counting again (so a month ago). I like to weigh daily, but it is discouraging to see the ups and nothings when I know I'm doing right.
  • Pocket__Cthulhu
    Pocket__Cthulhu Posts: 134 Member
    I have an app called Happy Scale, that will give you some neat graphs, charts, and predict trends. If you're the type of person that feels they must weigh themselves (I'm fond of collecting data and tracking just about everything related to progress) then I recommend the app. Even on days where it fluctuates, there's a smooth line that either curves down, stays flat, or curves up depending on the previous entries.
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    Just a suggestion but I know when I first started I was weighing my food religiously just like you, but where I ended up messing up was when I input my food into MFP because some of the choices in my search weren't entirely accurate.
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    sammer825 wrote: »
    I am having the same exact issues as you. I am on my second week of healthy eating and exercise. weighing all food and not eating back my exercise calories and the scale hasnt budged. In the past I would be extremely discouraged at this point but I feel better so I know its working. My advice is to measure and take pictures and still weigh yourself once a week. I guarantee you if you stick to what you're doing you will see a noticeable difference in the measurements and pictures so that will keep you motivated!

    I feel better, too! I am not losing my motivation, but I don't need any negativity in my life from that scale. lol. Good for you, and keep it up!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    lalee115 wrote: »
    thecharon wrote: »
    Did you eat a high sodium meal in the last couple of days? This really makes me hold on to water weight. Other things can be alcohol, monthly visitor, a sedentary day, even a new medication. Even exercise can make you gain muscle and you can weigh more. I like to weigh myself daily which helps me recognize the fluctuations with no surprises. No fear in weighing daily.

    I did have a high-sodium meal on Sunday. But not right before the initial gain. I haven't had alcohol in over a month. I am 2 weeks post-period, and I started blood pressure medication at about the same time I started counting again (so a month ago). I like to weigh daily, but it is discouraging to see the ups and nothings when I know I'm doing right.

    why do you like to weigh daily? If you find it discouraging? Just curious.

    If you want to weigh daily then start keeping track of each weigh in either in excel for trends or trend weight tracking app.
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Water and/or glycogen stores from new exercise can last up to 4 weeks.

    Drink lots of water and maybe only weigh on a day where you didn't exercise the day before.

    For example my rest day is no exercise so if I am weighing myself it's on Saturday morning.

    I rest on Sunday and Monday, I didn't think to weigh on those mornings after. Thanks!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I haven't stepped on a scale in months, my weight just fluctuates too much, I go by pictures and measurements now.
  • BigMan2FitMan
    BigMan2FitMan Posts: 3 Member
    What is your calorie deficit at the end of each day? Also if you are trying to lose weight then on the weekends you shouldn't be eating to maintain. Always have a calorie deficit. Since I've been eating right and weight lifting I've only been weighed once and that was about a month ago because I went to the doctors for an wellness exam. Other than that I have been using my clothes and the mirror as my way to gauge how much I'm losing. Three weeks ago I even bought a pair of khaki shorts (on clearance) two sizes to small just to see how they fit... and they fit.
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    why do you like to weigh daily? If you find it discouraging? Just curious.

    That was perhaps misleading? I like to weigh daily, HOWEVER the issues I'm having in the past week presumably from introducing exercise it making it frustrating. So I'm going to stop weighing daily... temporarily. I just don't know how long it should be before I'm more or less out of the "new exercise screwing with your numbers" phase so that I can then determine if I'm staying on track loss-wise or if maybe there is something else wrong so I can address it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    lalee115 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »

    why do you like to weigh daily? If you find it discouraging? Just curious.

    That was perhaps misleading? I like to weigh daily, HOWEVER the issues I'm having in the past week presumably from introducing exercise it making it frustrating. So I'm going to stop weighing daily... temporarily. I just don't know how long it should be before I'm more or less out of the "new exercise screwing with your numbers" phase so that I can then determine if I'm staying on track loss-wise or if maybe there is something else wrong so I can address it.

    give it 2-4 weeks really esp if it's weight training.

    like I said drink lots of water to combat the water retention
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Use a 3rd party app that shows trends instead of focusing on the fluctuations. I use Libra, other people like Happy Scale (too cutesy for me). It will use your data to create a trend line. You can also overlay a "goal" line to see if you're on target for your goal date.
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    What is your calorie deficit at the end of each day?

    Typically between 150 and 200 a day under my goal of 1660. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    lalee115 wrote: »
    What is your calorie deficit at the end of each day?

    Typically between 150 and 200 a day under my goal of 1660. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.

    is that 1660 net or gross. (pre or post exercise)

    I ask as MFP gives you the calories to eat to lose the weight you want each week before exercise is factored in.

  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    lalee115 wrote: »
    What is your calorie deficit at the end of each day?

    Typically between 150 and 200 a day under my goal of 1660. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.

    is that 1660 net or gross. (pre or post exercise)

    Before exercise. I tell MFP I am sedentary and that I don't plan to exercise. I also don't log my exercise, as I don't plan to eat it back. At least not yet. Maybe as I work up to more strenuous exercise.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I had a 2lb weight gain this morning. So frustrating.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    your body retains water when beginning a new workout program. im back at the gym after a solid 6 months of NOT being, and im not stepping on the scale for at least a week, maybe 2.
  • ludazatobom
    ludazatobom Posts: 53 Member
    You know I'm in the same boat. First time i stepped on it i saw a great loss. 3rd time a 1lb gain and it made my day literally all day miserable. I was even thinking to call it quits. This was a week ago and i haven't stepped on it since. I really want to tho. But I'm terrified. So i think putting it away for now would be a great idea just until we get set into our new lives since we're still new.