Anyone with 80-100 pounds to lose??

Hello all!! Looking for friends who have 80 to 100 pounds to lose and keep each other motivated!!! Heck...doesn't matter how much weight Add me if you are a motivator and like to be motivated lol


  • ReginasHorror
    ReginasHorror Posts: 423 Member
    Yo, got 77 more pounds to go.
  • daivosmeilas
    daivosmeilas Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Daiva, new at this weight loss buddy thing. Tried and failed to lose weight many times, would definitely be interested in having a person or few with similar goals to help keep each other accountable.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    Yep! Down 7 lbs, about 100 to go.
  • MeganAA18
    MeganAA18 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi friend!

    My name is Megan, I'd like to lose 100 lbs or more (we'll see). I've lost about 13 lbs and I would also like friends on this *long* journey
  • awingate87
    awingate87 Posts: 4 Member
    Same here!! Just started Nov 1st and im down 7 pounds, we can do this together!
  • dietz002
    dietz002 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started today -- I have 70 lbs to lose! I'd love to have some positivity and have some friends so we can motivate each other. Add me! We can do this!
  • some_weirdo
    some_weirdo Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm just starting a real focus on weight loss. My initial goal is to knock off approximately 45 lbs, but long-term, I'd like to lose 80-90. Trying to get connected to some friends and community to keep me accountable and hoping that will make the difference this time, so feel free to add me!
  • Monsterbrains
    Monsterbrains Posts: 1 Member
    Oh boy yes. There are a lot of us, you're in great company! :heart:
  • anyone can add me if you want.....thanks!
  • CHAOSrstNpeace
    CHAOSrstNpeace Posts: 47 Member
    Add a homie! i got.........mmm well i can loose weight but i wanna loose it right to look FREAKING SHEXHY
  • Cam1le
    Cam1le Posts: 4 Member
    Hi My name is Cammealla, and I have approx 80lbs to lose. I am looking to motivate and be motivated. Anyone can add me!!! Thanks
  • melpiva
    melpiva Posts: 3 Member
    Years of diet fails (lose 30, gain back 50) has left me at just over 290lbs. My goal is to get down to 190.
  • beckamargaret14
    beckamargaret14 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey guys! It's so great to see all of you on here! I lost 80lbs a year and a half ago. It took just about a year to do. I promise that it is so worth it! At least for myself I had no idea how many things I truly was missing out on! I know it sounds cliche but it's true! I still remember realizing one day during my weight loss journey that I had run down and back up the stairs (to check on the kids) and I wasn't out of breath. It was incredible. After that I was again so excited because I took the kids to the park and was climbing all over and under the equipment and playing tag with them and felt so free! I didn't have to stop because I was out of breath. I was able to chase them and eat them up for the monster's breakfast! :smiley:
  • gawitch21
    gawitch21 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm in my 3 week on Keto and have lost 12 pounds. I have about 70 to go and would love some friends to help each other out. Please add me! We can do it together
  • jessheartscats
    jessheartscats Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm just starting weightless again. I have 85 lb to lose. I'm really trying to sugar detox and cut down on my meat consumption (forcing me to add some variety to my diet that doesn't consist of just bad fats and sugar). Some motivating friends would be awesome :)