Tips/ motivation losing 30 pounds

So I started my weight loss journey about a year ago when i was at my heaviest weight of 178. (I’m about 5’5) So i started dieting and excersizing and got down to about 158 or so, but gained it all back very fast. So 3 weeks ago at 175 pounds i decided to start again and have so far lost about 5 pounds. Now the first time i lost the weight i was not eating enough (about 1000) calories a day and excersizing 6 days a week so this time I’m trying to not restrict myself so much and exercise about 4-5 days a week. Just looking for any tips or motivation. Thanks!


  • beckamargaret14
    beckamargaret14 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! You are absolutely right about not restricting yourself so terribly. I know that it is hard but I suggest trying not to focus so much on how quickly the weight drops. The most sure way to ensure that you will gain all the weight back is by dropping it like a rock. If your mindset is to make it a lifestyle then you are more likely to be able to maintain it through to your goal and onward in a healthy life.