The perils of water

Since starting my healthier approach to life I have really stuck to 2 litres of water a day and I feel much better for it generally. However i feel like it is causing significant sleep disruption as I have to go far more frequently including through the night. This was very disruptive from the beginning and meant I was tired the next day so more likely to snack.

So I decided to stop drinking at 8:30, I literally only sip on water to satiate thirst in hope that I won’t have to go during the night but no luck. Tonight for instance I specifically stopped drinking at 8:30 poured myself a small glass, about 200 mls I have sipped on when my throat is dry to point of coughing, there is still about half of it left. But in this time I have had to get up for the toilet 5 times and every time it’s a normal amount. I don’t understand how long it takes for water to pass through but it’s beyond frustrating it’s now 1:20 and I haven’t slept at all thanks to my constant toilet trips.

Does anyone else have this? I don’t know what I can do beyond stopping drinking at 6 or something but that’s impossible. Any tips that would ease sleep disruption would be much appreciated.


  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited November 2017
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    Do you have diabetes? That can cause the need to go a lot.

    There is no polyuria (abnormally large volumes of dilute urine at a higher frequency) without polydipsia (increased water consumption 2º to increased thirst) when it comes to diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus.

    OP: I concur with the advice of you should check in with your PCP (primary care provider) to make sure there is no internal medicine reason why you are getting up that many times a night due to the urge to micturate (urinate). No one here can tell you if what you are urinating - volume, frequency, or any characteristic thereof-wise - is "normal" or not for you and/or the amount of water you are consuming daily.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Since this is a sudden-onset thing, I agree with the advice to see a doctor, but FWIW, I have all my adult life gotten up at least twice a night to pee, up to as much as four or even five times, and nobody has ever been able to find anything wrong with me. Or, let me amend that. Nobody has ever been able to find anything physically wrong with me.
  • sgtx81
    sgtx81 Posts: 466 Member
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    Do you have diabetes? That can cause the need to go a lot.

    There is no polyuria (abnormally large volumes of dilute urine at a higher frequency) without polydipsia (increased water consumption 2º to increased thirst) when it comes to diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus.

    OP: I concur with the advice of you should check in with your PCP (primary care provider) to make sure there is no internal medicine reason why you are getting up that many times a night due to the urge to micturate (urinate). No one here can tell you if what you are urinating - volume, frequency, or any characteristic thereof-wise - is "normal" or not for you and/or the amount of water you are consuming daily.

    There is a very small gap in what the topic writer is drinking 2 liters and where polyuria can begin, expelling 2.5 liters+ per day. The level of excess sugar in the urine would affect the amount of extra urine produced. I know one person who had a similar experience as the topic writer (who didn't drink a lot either) and they ended up finding out they had type two diabetes after going to the doctor. It is just one of many possibilities and just a thought.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Has this also coincided with increased exercise and calorie deficit? I found I woke up lots to pee when I was over stressed from diet and training, regardless of how much water I drank.

    Taking magnesium supplements helped me sleep through in these situations
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    It's possible you're drinking more than you need? Considering this started with the "healthy drinking amount" if I read correctly. Maybe cut back a bit and see if it lessens. Also just as another data point...I will say if I have been retaining water for whatever reason...sore muscles, increase in drinking, high sodium etc. I always have a few days where I go more than normal and then my weight appears to be the excess just moving out and I return to my normal schedule.
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    You say you consume 2l of water per day, but how much other liquid do you also consume? Soda, tea, coffee, beer, milk, yogurt, soup, fruit? If you consume significant amounts of other liquids as well, it could add up to a lot of water altogether.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i'd see a doctor
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Here is some info. Not sure it will help, but it may inform.

    Cheers, h.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    People don't really need to drink 2 liters a day, unless maybe it is really hot out or you are exercising a lot. Even the reminders to drink 8 glasses of water on the MFP food log perpetuates this as an absolute necessity. It's not.

    Adam Ruins Everything did an excellent segment on this! Check out this link:
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member
    edited November 2017
    I ended up drinking a ton of water as well at one point, and it was rather crazy! I would be running to the washroom at work, and waking up a lot during the night to use the wash room. I went to the doctor to double check if I personally had diabetes, and I was told no, so I was glad about that.

    My fix? I stopped drinking so much water honestly 2 liters isn't even needed. Less frequent trips to the washroom occurred, and I had my peace of mind. Try this approach, and see if you still need to make your frequent washroom trips.

    Also one of the perils of water is water intoxication it's a really real and dangerous thing that can occur. One will also sweat more if you drink a ton of water

    But yeah speak with your doctor as well if you have any health concerns like diabetes etc.

    Good luck!!
  • squatsnotsquat
    squatsnotsquat Posts: 29 Member
    Make sure you aren't consuming any diuretics. Anything with caffeine is going to make you have to go a lot and need a lot of water-- also too much salt/protein, and certain veggies. I agree, go to the dr.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Maybe just cut back how much water you are drinking. How much water did you get before you made lifestyle changes? Was it a big increase?

    I drink water with meals but otherwise it is to my thirst level... maybe 1-1.5 liters of water most days. I am plenty hydrated with less than 2 liters of water.