How would you lose 220 lbs

So, I weigh 365 lbs. The healthiest, heaviest weight I should be at 5'4" is 140. It feels overwhelming. Any advice on smaller goals? I also hardly leave my house because I have really bad social anxiety to the point of it being debilitating so the gym is not my friend haha any comments will be welcomed. Thanks in advance.


  • Bkind2meAli
    Bkind2meAli Posts: 38 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hey there! I'm also really far away from goal weight . However I believe you can definitely do it. Ive lost 80lbs doing low carb in a past and then had a death in a family that took me completely out.... However I'm back!!!!! Anyways, I have found an easy way for me to get some exercise in at home also! Fitness Marshal!!!! YouTube free workout videos! You're gonna love that guy! Please add me so we can do this together :smile:
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Follow the calorie goal MFP gives steps here. I have social anxiety and still can't walk into a gym alone...good can walk laps around your house and use youtube exercise videos for free :) Start small...You can do this!!!
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    !It will be hard but you will need to go at this with babysteps. Do not focus on your weight right now. Focus on learning to weigh your food before it goes in your mouth and logging everything. Your first purchase should be a food scale that you can tare out and weigh either in grams or ounces. grams are more accurate because it is a smaller measurement. Next, make a list of foods you like for each meal and snacks. Yes, on this program you can have everything just not a lot of it. Now plan a weeks worth of meals using foods you like. I have no idea what your caloric allotment for the day will be based on your weight. Try to divide your meals Breakfast lunch and dinner, allow a few snacks in there also. This will keep you from getting too hungry and quitting right away. It will be easier getting started if you can stick to foods that have caloric counts and serving sizes on the container. Log what you want to eat for breakfast. Maybe a boiled egg, slice of toast, with serving of Jam, and a banana. For beverage, you can choose coffee black, or my favorite orange juice or both. Not time for breakfast yet? Write down on a small notebook serving size (grams) so when it is you will be able to measure and stay on track. My scale allows me to put the serving container on the scale, 0 it out and add the food slowly until I get just the right number of grams. Do the same thing for lunch and dinner, setting the foods you want aside so they will be handy, but again, pre logging so at prep time you know exactly how much to measure out. Commit to doing this for one week. At the end of the week, if you have stayed on goal of weighing, logging and only eating what you have prelogged give yourself a reward. If you don't have a small reward you would like, give yourself a gold star. Each gold star is worth $10 for a larger reward so set that amount aside from your budget. That should be easy since you will be buying so much less as you will be eating less. Make sure you get at least 8 glasses of water in each day. You may also wish to start your exercise program. Keep it a walking for now. Commit to walking a quarter mile more than you normally do each day. You do not need to do it all at once if you are unable. You may need a fitbit or similar device for this. If that is not in the cards. I did a quarter mile in 10 minutes at 1.6 mph when I started. Yes, I was unfit and breathing heavily at the end but my recovery rate was less than 5 minutes. Again, log your exercise also. Your weight loss journey is more about changing some habits. There will be bumps along the way, days were you would like to celebrate family occasions, and of course we are just beginning the holiday season. It is up to you to persevere. I have confidence that you will stay true to your goals. Notice I didn't say anything about your bathroom scale? Don't become obsessed with that fickle tool which may or may not show any daily progress. Weigh yourself to start of course but then no more than once a week. You will not show a loss every week and that is ok as long as you continue to log your meals accurately and eat only what you log. If you have a family, it may mean taking the time to premeasure your meal to your plate and committing to no seconds or cooking a separate meal for yourself. Good luck. You can do this.