Virtual Workout Buddies

Hey I'm Gabi. I'm 20 and I'm usually not that motivated to workout...unfortunately. Once I get started and get in my zone I'm really into it, it's just the getting in the car, driving to the gym, and starting part I suck at.. If anyone is like me and needs that extra push from someone in the same situation please add me and we can motivate /push each other to get up and go workout!


  • gracepostie
    gracepostie Posts: 26 Member
    I am deff like you!! There's always an excuse that I can justify somehow! Haha but yes I need to be pushed!
  • thunderztormdk
    thunderztormdk Posts: 51 Member
    If you want an excuse, you can always find one. But schedule it, like you'd schedule work. Get one other person to go with you at the same times, so that you have to call and cancel (actively say no) rather than just not go (passively say no).

    Basically, figure out a way that makes not going rather than going into the active choice.