Very Low Calorie Foods



  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Seafood sticks 19 calories
    Sugar free jelly 18 calories as I have half the packet. 9 calories if you only eat a serving
    Any pickles
    If your UK Aldi benefit light bars are great for 69 calories
    Also their chocolate desserts for 89 calories
    Also their cheese curl snacks 68 calories

    Can you tell where I shop? :D
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Veggies and hummus
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Fermented Veggies (similar to the kimchi idea) - salty, tangy, tart... I use these veggies and ferment them for about a week and the result is really great! 1 TBSP non iodized salt and 1/4 cup of Bragg's Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. Mix it all together in a mixing bowl and then put into a quart jar (you have to press it down to get it all in) and make sure to shake it every day. I use Fermilid - Waterless Fermentation and Pickling Airlock Lids For Wide Mouth Mason Jars and I have never had an issue with it going bad.



  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    Cucumbers, peppers, carrots, zucchini, coffee, hot tea, iced unsweet tea, seafood, grapes...
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    Pretty much anything green from the veggie family will be very low in calorie and very very nutritous. I always load up the plate with leafy greens, zoodles etc. Note... avocado is not a veggie :)

    Then what IS an avocado?
  • jjalajandra
    jjalajandra Posts: 2 Member
    Oatmeal with cashew milk is my go-to to satisfy hunger.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    Pretty much anything green from the veggie family will be very low in calorie and very very nutritous. I always load up the plate with leafy greens, zoodles etc. Note... avocado is not a veggie :)

    Then what IS an avocado?

    It's considered a berry.
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    Pretty much anything green from the veggie family will be very low in calorie and very very nutritous. I always load up the plate with leafy greens, zoodles etc. Note... avocado is not a veggie :)

    Then what IS an avocado?

    It's considered a berry.

    Huh! I never knew.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    KileyP1980 wrote: »
    Just trying to get a list together of very low calorie foods people eat when looking for a snack. Few of my favourites:

    Dill Pickles

    Any other good ones out there people use to curb hunger without binging???

    Protein, fiber and fat are the usual suspects for satiety, but it's a different combination for everyone.

    If fat-free fiber is satiating to you - cucumber, zucchini, celery, romaine. If fat-free fiber isn't satiating to you....then you're going to have to "spring" for some calories.

    My snacks are typically food I'm craving.....a piece of dark chocolate, salty crunchy popcorn, or an ice cream bar. I generally eat my veggies with meals.

    Edited to add - hunger between meals. Try a few thing to address that - your calorie goal may be too low for you, experiment with meal timing, trying incorporating the 3 elements above (protein, fiber and fat) into meals. It takes time to find the right balance.

    To add to that, some people find that low energy / high volume foods help with satiety. There is something called the "volumetrics" diet that focuses on this and how the stomach is a volume sensor. Worth looking into

    Rather than a fad diet, this approach emphasizes many of the same healthy eating tips that are widely accepted, like eating large quantities of vegetables.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Dried Wasabi Peas. 28gram is 120 calories and they take forever to eat. If you are a "grazer" they are great because they give you something to snack on, but they are so hot, they take forever to get through...
  • FlowerPower8579
    FlowerPower8579 Posts: 25 Member
    Fruit! Plus it’s nice to eat raw veggies.. or cooked, but raw saves time.
  • FlowerPower8579
    FlowerPower8579 Posts: 25 Member
    String cheese/ soya milk/ egg whites- cooked/ rice cakes
  • FlowerPower8579
    FlowerPower8579 Posts: 25 Member
    Also - have you had enough to drink? Sometimes we can mistake hunger for thirst. Perhaps have a drink before having a snack.
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 235 Member
    If I'm hungry in the evening, I'll have a cup of no sugar added hot chocolate and 10 mini pretzels. All together it's about 110 calories and it kills my hunger.
  • mkeonem
    mkeonem Posts: 41 Member
    One of my favorite sides is baked cauliflower. Take a half a head or so, break it up, toss it with a tbsp or two of olive oil, salt, pepper, and bake at 350-375F until it's getting brown around the edges. Dip in low calorie ranch, or anything you want or just eat it like that. It's higher fiber, low calorie (if you watch how much oil you use), and baking it transforms the flavor. A large serving of it is low in calories and very filling.

    This is delicious, the other night I did half a head of cauliflower and a bunch of carrots I peeled and cut into similar sizes. It was great and low on calories for the volume of each serving :smile:
  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    I love cauliflower, I’m going to have to try baking it like that!
  • cc183g
    cc183g Posts: 12 Member
    Slimfast barbecue chips. 100c per bag. Really good.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Avocado has to be a fruit because it's seeded. A big giant seed on the inside. Like tomato would be a fruit.
  • Tibbens
    Tibbens Posts: 1 Member
    Spaghetti squash- low cal and can be substituted for pasta!