Breaking out like a teenager!



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Back from DR mine has developed into a strep infection on my face....yuck! But at least I now have meds.
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    I had the same problem when I first started my healthier lifestyle. I tried everything and anything to get rid of the acne other than prescription meds because I didn't want to spend that money. Anywho, I have recently started juicing and getting double or triple the amount of fruits and vegetables in my diet daily as a result and my skin has started to clear up! Don't know if it's a coincidence or not but it's an observation that I have made. :smile:

    I eat crazy amounts of fruits and veggies! I'm always high in sugar because of the amts of fruit I eat! And I eat almost 8-10 different kinds of veggies through the entire week! I've been at this healthier lifestyle for quite some time--this problems has just recently submerged!
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi there! Are there any specific places that you break out? Is it the whole face or maybe just the chin area? What type of skin do you have? Have you ever broken out before? My skin is oily/sensitive/acne prone, but the last time I had pimples was in mid June. I had enough of pimples and made some changes in my diet and skincare. After reading some articles on how milk causes breakouts, I stopped drinking milk and now focus on soy and other alternatives to milk. I also started taking diet supplements with vitamins, minerals and fish oil. I discovered La Roche Posay range for oily/sensitive skin. The product that cleared out my spots was Effaclar K. Just a few quick suggestions from me. Hope this helps a little bit, I know how pimples can be frustrating and get you down. Keep the faith!

    I break out everywhere!! I have sensitive skin, face cleaners can leave me super dry and moisturizers leave me EXTRA oily--doesn't matter what kind, water based and all!! I guess I can try cutting dairy out of my diet to see if that could be the problem, but it never has been before...I usually drink 8oz of milk everyday--I love getting my calcium! Thanks! :)
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    I have 2 things for you to try. 1 use cetaphil after working out. It is a non soap cleanser that won't dry your skin. If that doesn't work at night was your face with an exfoilating cleaner (i use olay). Pat dry. Use a toner lightly across the skin the immediately use a facial lotion. One of these methods usually clears any issues I have right up. Either your skin is too dry or when the pores open up and you sweat bacteria is getting in.

    Thanks for the suggestions! :)
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    Looks like I'll be making a dermatologist appt... :ohwell: