Looking for your thoughts on this!!



  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited November 2017
    Yeah, i need to quit smoking too. Too hard for me though.
    My wife quit cold turkey (actually reduced to 1 smoke a day for a month first) just like that when we found out she was pregnant. I tried, but couldnt. Lifes stresses were just too much for me without a smoke.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    my husband quit before we met using ziban (?) which is the same thing as far as he tells me, he had been smoke free for 3 years..........then after a month of being together he started smoking again (hoping I didnt drive him to it lol)

    he has tried with champix twice since them and had no luck although he did have some side effects.

    HOWEVER his mum has now been smoke free for several months, she said to start with she felt like had morning sickness but that eased after a few weeks, she is now off the tablets and still not smoking.

    Iv tried gum, patches and vape and didnt get on with any of them but next time I see my doctor I am going to speak to her about the tablets. my biggest problem is gonna be getting the husband to either give up again with me or smoke 100 miles up the road away from me lol we dont smoke in the house anyway because of the children so atleast I wont be sat watch tv whilst he is sat puffing away if he dont give up, he can go stand in the garden in the rain on his own
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    Yeah, i need to quit smoking too. Too hard for me though.
    My wife quit cold turkey (actually reduced to 1 smoke a day for a month first) just like that when we found out she was pregnant. I tried, but couldnt. Lifes stresses were just too much for me without a smoke.

    This was me...it was hard to quit using pills, patches etc.

    But the vape really did help...mainly because I knew I wouldn't have nicotine withdrawal...that scared me...as I know how hard it is...

    almost 3 years in without a smoke...a full year with no nicotine (lowered the levels in the vape slowly but surely) and almost a full year in without vaping even...

    i still get a craving here and there so I have a vape on me at all times...with juice in it. No nicotine in tho...as it's the act of putting something to my mouth and taking that draw that I am after now
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I quit with chantix years ago. But had to stop taking it because it messed with my blood pressure (I have low blood pressure) and started back up again.

    Last year I quit with the patch and it seems to be sticking.
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    Yeah, i need to quit smoking too. Too hard for me though.
    My wife quit cold turkey (actually reduced to 1 smoke a day for a month first) just like that when we found out she was pregnant. I tried, but couldnt. Lifes stresses were just too much for me without a smoke.

    This was me...it was hard to quit using pills, patches etc.

    But the vape really did help...mainly because I knew I wouldn't have nicotine withdrawal...that scared me...as I know how hard it is...

    almost 3 years in without a smoke...a full year with no nicotine (lowered the levels in the vape slowly but surely) and almost a full year in without vaping even...

    i still get a craving here and there so I have a vape on me at all times...with juice in it. No nicotine in tho...as it's the act of putting something to my mouth and taking that draw that I am after now

    Thanks. I will try vaping again. I do have one, dont remember why i stopped using it. I have a major willpower issue.
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    I quit for over a year using the Logic E-cig. Unfortunately, I went back to smoking but I do plan on quitting again. Just have to buckle down a set a date.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    My sister quit with Chantix. It was the only thing that actually worked for her and we even tried hypnosis! I tried Chantix and found out what road rage was! My temper really got worse, and patience went to zero! So I stopped using it. I've tried everything too, including as I've said..hypnosis. Which actually worked. Unfortunately, no body told me I had to have several more sessions.

    I finally quit 4 years ago by using an e cig. It tasted so awful, but I kept at it until I used it less and less. Finally, I just stopped using it, and quit entirely. I've quit smoking many times. I guess you just keep trying until it sticks. If Chantix works for you, then that's great! Just keep track of your emotions.
  • lifeisbeautyfull
    I quit with Chantix almost 9 years ago. Have not had a cigarette since! I had no real side effects. It was still tough but much more manageable than times I had tried cold turkey, the patch, etc before. Best of luck to you! Its really a game changer when you quit- physically, mentally, financially. And you can do it & deserve it!
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    I quit on Chanticleer twice. Took me about 30 days. It made me angry/agitated but it was worth it completely. I just had a friend remind me it was Chanticleer. It was temporary. It was 100% worth it. Been smoke free since 2011 and love it!
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    Yeah, i need to quit smoking too. Too hard for me though.
    My wife quit cold turkey (actually reduced to 1 smoke a day for a month first) just like that when we found out she was pregnant. I tried, but couldnt. Lifes stresses were just too much for me without a smoke.

    This was me...it was hard to quit using pills, patches etc.

    But the vape really did help...mainly because I knew I wouldn't have nicotine withdrawal...that scared me...as I know how hard it is...

    almost 3 years in without a smoke...a full year with no nicotine (lowered the levels in the vape slowly but surely) and almost a full year in without vaping even...

    i still get a craving here and there so I have a vape on me at all times...with juice in it. No nicotine in tho...as it's the act of putting something to my mouth and taking that draw that I am after now

    Nicotine in and of itself is only about as harmful as drinking coffee. It's the 4,000+ carcinogens in burning tobacco that are harmful.

    I use 24 nic in my vape, but I only vape at 6 watts.
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    Yeah, i need to quit smoking too. Too hard for me though.
    My wife quit cold turkey (actually reduced to 1 smoke a day for a month first) just like that when we found out she was pregnant. I tried, but couldnt. Lifes stresses were just too much for me without a smoke.

    This was me...it was hard to quit using pills, patches etc.

    But the vape really did help...mainly because I knew I wouldn't have nicotine withdrawal...that scared me...as I know how hard it is...

    almost 3 years in without a smoke...a full year with no nicotine (lowered the levels in the vape slowly but surely) and almost a full year in without vaping even...

    i still get a craving here and there so I have a vape on me at all times...with juice in it. No nicotine in tho...as it's the act of putting something to my mouth and taking that draw that I am after now

    Thanks. I will try vaping again. I do have one, dont remember why i stopped using it. I have a major willpower issue.

    When I started vaping, I still smoked too.

    What I did was very slowly reduce the number of cigarettes over about a 6 month period. Less of a shock on the system, and long term results are always more achievable when done slowly over time.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I quit back in 2004. I had very little choice as I was diagnosed with COPD at the young age of 28, having only smoked for 9-10 years. I bought a nicorette inhalator/cartridge pack and although I am still hooked on the nicotine itself, I have not smoked a cigarette since.
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    edited November 2017
    chasetwins wrote: »
    I did not know where else to post this. I WANT to quit smoking. Every time I try - i fail. Cold turkey, patch, gum, vape you name it I have tried it except...Chantix!
    With other methods I get to the third day fine...then i crash and burn! Chantix...because of the issues people had when it first came out has me scared as hell!! I work with children..ALONE for 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week. I have no diagnosed mental conditions...unless you ask my husband he will tell you I have multiple personalities lol My health is over all good -

    For those that have used it.....what is your out take on it..the good, bad and ugly!!! I have a Dr appt today and I think I am going to ask for it.

    Thank you!!

    I am a nurse, and have seen a few patients come in from using Chantix and becoming psychotic, suicidal. I would try the patch or gum first before using it. Try your best to see cigarettes as absolutely poison, aging, etc. That’s the only way I am able to not drink, smoke, use any types of pills, or binge eat- by telling myself over and over again how it will kill me. And pray!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    edited November 2017
    chasetwins wrote: »
    I did not know where else to post this. I WANT to quit smoking. Every time I try - i fail. Cold turkey, patch, gum, vape you name it I have tried it except...Chantix!
    With other methods I get to the third day fine...then i crash and burn! Chantix...because of the issues people had when it first came out has me scared as hell!! I work with children..ALONE for 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week. I have no diagnosed mental conditions...unless you ask my husband he will tell you I have multiple personalities lol My health is over all good -

    For those that have used it.....what is your out take on it..the good, bad and ugly!!! I have a Dr appt today and I think I am going to ask for it.

    Thank you!!

    I am a nurse, and have seen a few patients come in from using Chantix and becoming psychotic, suicidal. I would try the patch or gum first before using it. Try your best to see cigarettes as absolutely poison, aging, etc. That’s the only way I am able to not drink, smoke, use any types of pills, or binge eat- by telling myself over and over again how it will kill me. And pray!

    This seems a bit over the top imo.

    Champix/Chantix is an anti depressant that was found to help stop smoking. There are side effects yes...
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3736926/ this study confirms that there has to be prior issues of psychosis and it should be discussed.

    I agree smoking is not good...but the above can apply to anything if you let it...driving, walking etc.

    drinking isn't a bad thing unless done to an excess. Pills depends on what you are speaking about...
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am in the process of quitting, again, 3rd attempt. This time I really want to stop. The other times I tried for other people. I tried patches, champix, e-cig, inhalers. Quitting never lasted long. You can tell yrself 10000 times you'll get sick if you smoke, you spend to much money, you'll get heart disease and cancers but unfortunately for most, thats not enough. You need to really really want it. I really really want it this time. I'm sick of smoking. All the excuses are old for me, it's not the right time, I'll put on weight, too stressed bla bla. It's never going to be the right time unless you want it badly enough. Keep trying. No matter how many times you fall off the wagon you CAN do it. Good luck, you got this! And well done to everyone who's smoke free :):)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    I just quit...but I had weaned down to only smoking at work, and only a couple a day. It was just time. No drugs.

    Regardless of how you do it, you have to believe 100% that this is it. Done. No more. Then make it through the first couple weeks of roller-coaster emotions and it's done. You can do it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    edited November 2017
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    chasetwins wrote: »
    I did not know where else to post this. I WANT to quit smoking. Every time I try - i fail. Cold turkey, patch, gum, vape you name it I have tried it except...Chantix!
    With other methods I get to the third day fine...then i crash and burn! Chantix...because of the issues people had when it first came out has me scared as hell!! I work with children..ALONE for 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week. I have no diagnosed mental conditions...unless you ask my husband he will tell you I have multiple personalities lol My health is over all good -

    For those that have used it.....what is your out take on it..the good, bad and ugly!!! I have a Dr appt today and I think I am going to ask for it.

    Thank you!!

    I am a nurse, and have seen a few patients come in from using Chantix and becoming psychotic, suicidal. I would try the patch or gum first before using it. Try your best to see cigarettes as absolutely poison, aging, etc. That’s the only way I am able to not drink, smoke, use any types of pills, or binge eat- by telling myself over and over again how it will kill me. And pray!

    This seems a bit over the top imo.

    Champix/Chantix is an anti depressant that was found to help stop smoking. There are side effects yes...
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3736926/ this study confirms that there has to be prior issues of psychosis and it should be discussed.

    I agree smoking is not good...but the above can apply to anything if you let it...driving, walking etc.

    drinking isn't a bad thing unless done to an excess. Pills depends on what you are speaking about...

    Champix has been known to trigger phycosis and suicidal thoughts/actions in people in the uk and Europe. I'm pretty sure it's on the leaflet in the packet.

    and where did I say it didn't???

    I said per the study there has to have been prior issues...