When does one start losing real fat

I have been following 1200 calories diet for a week and i have lost 5 pounds in a week which I believe is water loss.when would i start losing real fat?

I have 40 pounds to lose. I am not doinn any exercise as my life doesnt allow me sadly. I have been drinking 8-10 glasses of water whereas I used to drink only four glasses of water earlier.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    If you're consistent with a calorie deficit, it will happen within a week or two. The RATE of fat loss will differ from person to person though.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • jamespatten3576
    jamespatten3576 Posts: 71 Member
    sometimes it's hard to tell when it's happening. Went from 368 to 300, and never really felt I looked any different in the mirror. Clothes just got looser. It is very apparent when you look at old pictures, but I could never really tell as it was happening.
  • jasummers76
    jasummers76 Posts: 225 Member
    edited November 2017
    Any weight loss is likely some combination of fat, lean body mass, water, and glycogen stores, so odds are some of what you lost was fat. There's really no point in worrying about it.

    I agree with this just wanted to add a statement. Any weight water, fat, glycogen, lean body is still weight you are not carrying anymore. Of course you should do your best to not lose lean body massage.

    I saw this video of a man who lost 50#s but could not tell and didn't feel any different. So one day he wore a 25# weighted vest and had to take it off by noon do to being tired. Our minds sometimes will not allow us to see the change.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Any weight loss is likely some combination of fat, lean body mass, water, and glycogen stores, so odds are some of what you lost was fat. There's really no point in worrying about it.

    I agree with this just wanted to add a statement. Any weight water, fat, glycogen, lean body is still weight you are not carrying anymore. Of course you should do your best to not lose lean body massage.

    I saw this video of a man who list 50#s but could not tell and didn't feel any different. So one day he wore a 25# weighted vest and had to take it off by noon do to being tired. Our minds sometimes will not allow us to see the change.

    Carrying a heavy grocery bag long distance is annoying (granted thats more for awkwardness) i cant imagine a 110 pound coat. This just blew my mind a bit lol
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    edited November 2017
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    If you're consistent with a calorie deficit, it will happen within a week or two. The RATE of fat loss will differ from person to person though.

    Come on, get out of here with this. You start losing fat the instant you are in a calorie deficit. You can start losing fat within a few hours if you exert yourself and expend your glycogen and GI tract energy stores.

    You can’t “make” energy. It’s one of those famous laws of thermodynamics. If your body is in a deficit not satisfied by non-fat energy stores, and you’re not dead or dying, you are burning fat. It doesn’t take a week. In deficit = burning fat.

    Depending on body size and muscle mass you will keep between 1400 and 2500 calories of carbohydrates stored in glycogen in a non-fasted state. Consume this by either exertion or decreasing intake, and from that point on you are burning fat.

    To the OP, some of your 5 pounds IS fat loss. Keep at it!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Because it takes a couple of days for food to go through your system, it may take a couple of days before a calorie deficit creates a situation in which your body has to use stored fat rather than what is in your gut. But aside from that the fat loss begins immediately.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You only have 40 lbs to lose and you're at 1,200? That's the bare minimum # of calories it can give. Do you have it set to 2 lbs/week? You may want to change it to 1.5 or even 1 lb/week since high deficits aren't as sustainable and you'll lose a higher percentage of muscle with the fat.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    ayshakool wrote: »
    I have been following 1200 calories diet for a week and i have lost 5 pounds in a week which I believe is water loss.when would i start losing real fat?

    I have 40 pounds to lose. I am not doinn any exercise as my life doesnt allow me sadly. I have been drinking 8-10 glasses of water whereas I used to drink only four glasses of water earlier.

    Your life as in time? or your life as in health?

    IF it's time, I'd encourage you to make time. Even if it's little things like parking in the back of the lot and taking the stairs.

    If it's health. Check with your medical team for activities that you can undertake. even walking will help you maintain some of your muscle mass/strength as you lose.