Newly diagnosed with diabetes and need help with diabetic exchange diet



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    your mother is a *kitten*. dont feel bad, i have one of those for a mother too.

    anyways, i do NOT have diabetes, but i did care and cook for my ex and grandfather who were both type 2 diabetics (among many other health conditions).

    the info you were given is outdated and makes thing harder than they are. I agree with the other poster that you DO need to test - how else are you supposed to know what your sugars are doing and how your body responds to certain foods?

    my husband was on metformin and my grandfather on insulin. They were both allowed 30 (net) carbs per meal (labels make this easy). that is the long and short of it. take any meds you are given, exercise regularly, watch the carbs. with the lower carb counts (typically) comes lower calorie consumption. Focus on proteins and veggies.

    you are NOT in a bad place, you have NOT ruined thanksgiving and there is NOTHING to be ashamed of. Do you have ANY idea how many people are diabetic? I know TONS. And every single one of them, manage it and control it, with a combination of diet, exercise, and medication (ive known a few who did so well with the diet and exercise part that they were able to stop medications, but they do continue to monitor!!!!)

  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    @KnitterNotAQuitter - so many things running through my head right now.

    So, as someone stated already (I am going to 100% enthusiastically agree) if there is a chronic disease to have then I would pick diabetes.

    Can it be deadly? Absolutely. Can it wreak havoc on the human body? You, bet! But, of all the diseases "available", I feel that this is one of the few where MY DECISIONS | ACTIONS can greatly impact how this experience plays out.

    I mean, I have a high A1C (it has been 6.4 for a decade) . Not to go down this path too long, I was a very high performance athlete in high school and college and very active until I was about 35. Then I moved to Roanoke, VA and got married and had kids and got really fat (from a lean and mean 190 to a very pudgy 250). My nutrition was HORRIBLE (I mean, a balanced diet is three different kind of burritos from Taco Bell, right? And that was just lunch....let's talk about the other four meals....). Anyway, there was a five year time span in my life where opening the top of the 15 Mountain Dews I consumed a day was the only exercise I got. That all changed. I started running - a lot. Nutrition was still a mess, but a lot better. I lost 60 pounds and was strong as an ox and could run and run and run. Still, A1C was high. I am getting my nutrition in order now. And training is going well. I went to the Doctor for the first time in a decade to have a cyst on my back removed. I do not trust Doctors. Just going to be 100% upfront about that. In my experience, all they want you to do is to take one pill for your issue and then four more pills to 'control' the side effects. No thank you! I can find the real solution (nutritionally speaking and exercisely speaking....yes, that is a word...I just used it! LOL).

    Now, my prejudice against doctors notwithstanding, I would honestly suggest that you take any "nutritional advice" that a Doctor gives you with a grain of salt. Again, generally speaking. Most Doctors have little to no clue about this topic. So, they are generally ignorant regarding nutrition. I would absolutely recommend that you get with a nutritionist (or, is that a registered dietitian - I can never remember the difference) and get with one that has experience with your condition. It can literally be the game changer for you.

    Exercise (what I call 'training') will really help as well.

    Losing 10% of your current body weight can do - generally speaking - a world of difference. Please keep in mind that this comment is super general in nature and not specific to your situation.

    This is actually a really great opportunity for you to change life styles and to get really healthy. That is how I am (finally) looking at my situation.

    Don't look at this as a death sentence. I mean, just to be blunt, we are all going to die anyway, right? No one really knows when or how, but that moment will come for all of us. It is what we do while we are here that defines us. So, take this as an opportunity to make some simple (but not easy) changes and kick *kitten*!
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with prediabetes, A1c of 5.9. My doctor told me to reduce my carbs and increase my protein intake; that's all. Since then I've been on a mission to finally get serious about this weight loss thing. I set my diet goals to count sugars and carbs. I found a diabetes exchange diet online and was pretty dismayed to see that it allowed 8 (8!) servings of starch per day and only 6 of protein. That doesn't seem right! Anyway, I'm in the anti-diabetes struggle too; you're not alone.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I agree that your doctor is woefully outdated. A CDE could help. Look up some books too. I found DrBernstein's DiabetesSolution to be a great book. He's a doctor with T1D who basically invented home testing and eating to your metre.

    I completely disagree with not getting a blood glucose metre and testing at home. It is very intimidating the first few times you do it but the amount of information you get from it is invaluable. You may discover that you are fine with bread but noodles raise your blood glucose (BG) too much. You may discover that you can eat most fruits and be fine, or that bananas raise you BG a lot and so you can not eat more than half a small banana at a time.

    Consider getting a metre. Then test when you wake up, before a meal, and then every 30-60 minutes after until your BG goes back down to pre-meal levels (usually two hours in diabetics).

    You want your BG to stay as steady as possible. No big spikes. Spikes are made the worst by sugars and refined grains (flour - bread, cereal, muffins, noodles). Most whole grains will raise BG a lot too (corn, oats,rice, pearl barley). Fruit is also a source of carbs and sugar, but dried fruit (raisins, dates) and tropical fruit (bananas, mangos, grapes, etc) tend to raise BG more than fruit grown in North America (apples, oranges, nectarines, berries, some melon).

    Meats, seafood, eggs, full fat dairy (cheese, 14% sour cream, butter, whipped cream) will not raise your BG. Foods like olives, avocados, plain yogurt, some nuts and seeds, and non-starchy vegetables (not root vegetables like potatoes or turnips) will raise your BG some but usually not like grains, sugars and highly refined and processed foods often do.

    But, the only way to know how those foods affect you is to test.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    This video could help diabetics with reducing carbs and BG.
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    I feel so bad for you. It IS scary. My doctor told me I had pre-diabetes a year and a half ago. I was so depressed and terrified. But you know what? It shocked me into doing something - immediately. Flash forward to today and I'm down 70 lbs and feel great. You'll figure the exchange thing out, with the help with people here. This will take time so don't be hard on yourself if you're not an expert the day after getting your diagnosis. I'm positive you'll look back on this a couple of months from now and be thrilled with how far you've come and how much better your numbers are next time you see your doctor. One of my goals was to shock the *kitten* out of my doctor on the next visit - and I did. It was so satisfying! Best of luck to you!
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Hi, 6.4 AC1 not high. Did you fast before your lab test? If you didn't the 150 is so not high, and either way not high. More like prediabetic. Hospitals, if your insurance covers, they usually have classes - 5 of them, one on nutrition, one on what to eat and do when you are sick, one a counselor and 2 others. I was told 12+ years ago to do the exchange. Didn't understand either. Went to my first endocrinologist. He said I don't believe in the food exchange and then I was more confused. He didn't tell me what to do. As a diabetic, you can eat carbs, just in the right proportion, like a "normal" meal. You can still have a portion of sweet potatoes, a small piece of corn bread and a small slice of pie for your carbs. Everyone can still eat the same. Your food choices should not effect anyone. You are making your own decisions which should feel good and give you control over yourself. You should have definitely been given a blood glucose monitor so you can see after you fasted when you were asleep, what your a.m. sugar is. Then two hours after a meal you can test again. You would record these numbers to see what foods effect you more than others. Maybe you should visit an endocrinologist. They are the ones who usually have free monitors they give out. I never thought my having diabetes was embarrassing at all. Thin people, heavy people, obese people can get Type 2 diabetes. Whenever I lose weight and not eat too many carbs, my numbers are good. So focus on yourself, don't let anyone push food on you and remember, you are number 1. Hugs and more hugs
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    Your MFP name implies strength so get it together!
    Your mom was wrong by what she said about thanksgiving but it stems from ignorance!
    Remember..."knowledge is power"!
    Everyone here has given you that so use it to your advantage <3
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I thought I'd post my thanksgiving meal (I'm in Canada so it was a month ago). We had:
    • turkey
    • stuffing (heavy on sausage, onions and celery)
    • gravy
    • mashed carrot and turnip casserole (no sugar)
    • cranberry sauce (used stevia and no sugar)
    • mashed potato
    • roasted veggies (yam, snap peas, onion) in a roasted small pumpkin
    • roasted shredded brussel sprouts and bacon
    • ham
    • salad
    • pumpkin pie (no sugar) on a cookie crust, and one with more egg and no crust
    • whipped cream (with steavia and spices)
    • chocolate vanilla swirl cheese cake squares (stevia)

    I ate small amounts (large tablespoon) of the carrot casserole and stuffing. I took a small spoon of cranberries for the taste on turkey. I used a small amount of gravy on the turkey. I also did not eat huge servings of the roasted root veggies. I had lots of meats, sprouts, salad and two types of dessert, and extra helping. I also had a bit of coffee with my whipped cream.

    It was a feast. Being a gluten free person with insulin resistance did not hold me back. I doubt my guests had any clue that their meal was GF and low carb. ;)
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    OP here. Thank you, everyone, for the great advice. I feel better now. I talked with my mom, and we’ve worked out *some* Thanksgiving stuff. (Most ridiculous moment: I suggested a tossed salad, and her exact words were “You don’t have tossed salad on Thanksgiving!” Seriously. I asked if that was an unwritten rule in the Thanksgiving Bible and apparently, it is! But we’re having a salad.) I’m going to look into testing, but I have to travel cross-country for Thanksgiving, and flying gives me anxiety attacks (it was keeping me up at night before I got the diagnoses, so I haven’t been sleeping a lot at all for the past couple weeks) so not until I return home.

    A couple people asked about my weight loss goals. I am obese at 349 pounds. My goal is to lose 15-17 pounds before my follow-up appointment in four weeks. I know that’s a lot, but that’s how much I *should* lose mathematically, given my size, current activity level (zero), the number of calories I burn being alive, the number of calories I’m eating, plus the exercise (30 minutes 3x a week) I’ve been prescribed — if I stick to it.

    There was another thread going in another area about a study showing doctors/medical professionals treating obese patients differently, and after reading that, I kinda feel like that’s at play here. Granted, I didn’t get this way overnight; I’ve had plenty of time/opportunity to do something about my weight, and over the years I’ve made efforts, some more serious than others. But now I’m ready to play ball, and I feel like I only got half the rules to the game because they already think I’ll want to stick to the bench. It is a fair assessment, given my history. So I’m just going to take this four weeks, and prove I’m worth their time.

    Thanks again everyone!

    .......and you read like an intelligent woman....walk in the park for you!
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I almost always have tossed salad on Tgiving. It's a great thing to help you fill up so you aren't as hungry for the high calorie desserts.
  • ptrcmcc6
    ptrcmcc6 Posts: 103 Member
    I almost always have tossed salad on Tgiving. It's a great thing to help you fill up so you aren't as hungry for the high calorie desserts.

    We always have a salad with our Thanksgiving meal, also. Growing up, my Mom actually would make a salad with dinner every night.