I am new and I need lots ~LOTS~ of support and friends!!!

Hello! : blushing:
My name is Jennifer. My daughter, Brea introduced me to this and I am really excited to be a part of something so great!! I am sort of at a loss as to what I need to do. I think I have the basics down, but I see that I have a lot to learn, as well. I notice that this site supports many different diets. That is where I am confused. I can use all the support and friends I can get to get me on track as to what diet would work best for me so I can start seeing positive results, as well. I am not sure how to "friend" people yet......still learning ....so if you could help me with that, as well.......that would be great!!! I need to lose 60 pounds!!! HELP!!!! :wink:


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Jennifer!!!
  • amie031182
    amie031182 Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome! II too am here for the support and accountability! Feel free to friend me when you figure it out:) I am new too and had to play around. Just click on the person's profile and you should be able to add them as a friend.
  • kayp1
    kayp1 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Jennifer,

    I think the secret is to log everything and just to be honest with yourself. When I feel like cheating I remind myself that I'm only cheating me!

    I find it helps not just to watch the calories, but also the fat and carbs.

    But most important, I am inspired by seeing what other people are achieving, and viewing their diaries for meal ideas.

    I have lost 8lbs in 3 weeks, and want to lose another 35lb, and I WILL get there with support from MFP and my friends,

    friends request on it's way!

    Good luck,

  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    hi ive been on here since june and have lost 7 pounds,I am trying just to eat healthy and log on and complete my diary within the calorie range.Its really about what you want and theres loads of support.Play around on the site and you will soon get the hang of most of it i will send you a friend request to start you off lol enjoy your journey
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks to all of you!! I have been reading and reading so much, I think my eyes are bleeding.. LOL! But, I am learning and getting so many ideas as to what to eat and different exercise programs that some of you try. I am just so taken back by all of this! I have actually been exercising and dieting for a couple months but I have only joined MFP this week. I logged in my exercising and every little thing I put in my mouth, right down to the piece of gum I am eating now. At the end of the day, it said that I was STARVING MYSELF....and that my body is actually in starvation mode!!! In turn, it slows my metabolism and is just counter productive in losing weight. So, tomorrow, I will try to switch a few things up, like having cereal and milk for breakfast and my slim~fast shake for lunch along with my light dinner. Most days, I drink only one slim~fast , skip lunch, and then I eat a sensible dinner. I drink NO soda, only Sobe lifewater and Wylers Lemonade. I never drink either of those full strength, I mix it in with my water to give my water a flavor... NOT A BIG WATER DRINKER W/O IT..... but by using the "flavoring" I drink so much more water in a day opposed to no water before my flavoring. That is actually all I drink. So, I hope that I am on somewhat of the right track to get this weight loss thing going. Thank you all !!