Looking for Active Friends!



  • qstneverything
    qstneverything Posts: 125 Member
    I just did a massive cull - so looking to replace my inactive friends with active ones! I have an open diary (which to be honest isn't always the healthiest...haha) but I've also lost quite a bit of weight - so if you want someone on your list who is active and is actually losing weight - I'm ya gal!
  • deniseaah
    deniseaah Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to MFP and would love to connect. Im not even sure how to add friends
  • Olectra
    Olectra Posts: 21 Member
    Looking for active friends to.
  • Anniefae96
    Anniefae96 Posts: 19 Member
    Right here! Anyone can add me, I'll be active every day!
  • lewdkiss
    lewdkiss Posts: 90 Member
    Me!! :#
  • flamealchemist
    flamealchemist Posts: 4 Member
    Anyone can add me - looking for active friends
  • nablackb
    nablackb Posts: 28 Member
    So awesome to see this supportive community in action!! I lost track of who I have/haven't added so if I haven't added you I'm so sorry!! Add me!