Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred - Support needed



  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Just finished my 6th day with Level 1. Increased my weights with some exercise 5LB and some 10LBS. Also, added 10 minutes of walking and then 20 minutes of running since Jillian was really tightening up my calves. Now when I workout with Jillian No pain and even feel better the next day.

    Urgh the calves. Mine are still aching. I don't know how to combat it.
  • BerryFruit
    After a really late night last night and only 5 hrs sleep I managed to drag my self out of bed to do day 3, its getting easy already so may move up though my triceps are a little tender. But I did do another workout from the Tone It Up girls on youtube straight after yesterday so not sure which workout did it.

    LOVING IT though just wish some weight would come off, think its the hot weather my body seems to be holding into water like urbanmyth.

    I am away in Edinburgh atm I have my DVD but no weights ... any suggestions of what I can do? Thinking perhaps get a couple of bottles of water and use those.
  • vivianleemit
    I actually don't have weights, so thus far I've been using large textbooks. They're harder to grip, but they definitely give my arms a workout, haha.
  • imlosing
    imlosing Posts: 3 Member
    Good job everyone! I think I will try to get a copy of this workout and try it.
    I have a friend that did the 30 days, and it firmed her up. She didn't lose
    any weight though, I don't think she had started MFP yet when she did
    the shred. I have been doing a step aerobics with 2-lb handweights for 35 or 50 min
    4 times a week. Before starting MFP I lost no weight while exercising.
    Now, after 2 weeks, I have lost 5 pounds! Now it feels like all my
    exercising is WORTH something!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Took a break last night cos was at my bfs and it would have been late after dinner. Still did some weights and sit ups and push ups though. Day 4 tonight!!!
  • urbanmyth
    urbanmyth Posts: 26 Member
    Day 7 completed today followed by 6 week 6 pack. Enforced rest day yesterday as I wasn't feeling well. I found day 7 much easier than when I first started. It's just so hot out so that's making me sweat a lot. Im also back on 3kg weights - yaay!

    Think I will be ready to move on to the next level by day nine. I don't think I will ever succeed with pushups though. I just give up after ten!

    On a final note - I'm still not seeing any changes in my body. I hope this will change by day 15 as it will help motivate me to keep going :)
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Day 4 done! I went to do another round, but I just couldn't even get through the warm up. So I did a few mins of hardcore fast knee kicks instead.
  • MsTransformation
    will be starting 30 day shred on Monday in conjunction with turbo jam! 30 day shred is challenging, but really works!! :-) would joing on this challenge. Feel free to add me as a friend! :-)
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    How's everyone doing? I know there's about 4 of these threads going.

    I'm going to do it twice today. Once in about 10 mins, and another in a few hours. I've eaten a bit today. Oh dear!

    The success stories here really keep me motivated

  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Ok so I started this about 3 weeks ago and managed 6 days before I just sopped!! I picked it up again last night and found it so hard!! On day 6 it had begun to ease a little and it was a bit easier but 2 weeks off put me right back to the start.

    So... D1L1! I did extra stretching on my legs last night. I was feeling the burn during the workout, my legs were on fire!! So adding in some extra streches for my legs seems to have helped as I have virtually no ache today!!

    Meeting a friend for a drink after work but planning to do D2 when I get home!
  • BerryFruit
    Oooh WOW just upped it to level 2 for day 5... AWESOME! Tough workout but I could really feel the burn.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    My calves always hurt heaps during the cardio :(

    I won't be going up a level any sooner than I need it!
  • BerryFruit
    So I know I need to do day 8 today, but I just feel so drained. Anyone else feeling the same?
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    So I know I need to do day 8 today, but I just feel so drained. Anyone else feeling the same?

    I had a rough day on day 14 and gave up after only 5 mins. Felt drained all day but the next morning I felt better so just carried on through.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I did day 3 on Saturday and my body was aching so much I had to give it a miss yesterday, even today my quads are aching but determined to do it when I get in from work!

    Any tips on how to avoid this? My boyfriend did it with me at the weekend and said there isn't enough stretching, do any of you do additional stretching, if so, what do you do?
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I found the best remedy for the burning quads was to do the next day!! I also stretch my quads for about a count of 10 or 12 (where Jillian only does about a count of 6)

    Day 1, 2 and 3 were brutal but I just kept going, every day, and day 4 was easier and by day 6 I had no trouble at all.
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    I just ordered the 30-Day Shred DVD and will receive it today. Has anyone just started or going to start? I'm going to need all the support I can get. The reviews and suggestions on here are great, keep up the good work!
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    I just ordered the 30-Day Shred DVD and will receive it today. Has anyone just started or going to start? I'm going to need all the support I can get. The reviews and suggestions on here are great, keep up the good work!

    Hi, I have just done my first day on 30DS, it is great if you a short on time - less than 30 minutes including stretching. It definately got my heartrate up very quickly and was sweating within a few minutes. Just when you think you cant do any more theres only a couple of more reps before the next exercise! You have to be quick getting up and down from the floor though and have your weights close by at all times. All in all I enjoyed it and look forward to the next few days to see if I can make an improvement in how much further I can stretch. Good luck with it :)
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    It's day 8 for me today - if I can manage it after kickboxing ...
  • dadaymf
    dadaymf Posts: 2
    Hi. I'm pretty new here. It's my 9th day of the 30 day shred and I lost 3 pounds after my 6th day and my weight's back again probably because of the water retention during the "time" of the month. Still positive though. Do you sometimes gain weight when it's the "time" of the month?

    Was deadbeat the 1st day level 1 until day 3 but still managed to be consistent but boy it was so hard!! Now, on the 9th day, I wasn't sweating like before so I guess it's time for level 2.
