energy levels

Hey guys,
I'm feeling pretty low on energy at the moment.
Anyone know how to keep energy levels up and keep calories down at the same time? Or is that not possible?


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    How big of a calorie deficit are you running? (too big and you will feel fatigued)
    Are you eating lots of simple carbs? (your blood sugar will spike and then you'll crash)
    Getting enough sleep?
  • millymoozie
    maybe think about opening your diary & mfp members can have a look & see what your intake & output is ,,,the normal culprit is not enough cals per day ,& not eating frequently through your day also ,,i went through the same thing & have got it bang on right now & feel great x
  • pfsojourner
    pfsojourner Posts: 3 Member
    I'm brand new - just started last Tuesday, so I don't have a lot of experience with this diet, but a while back I was feeling really tired all the time and began taking a good vitamin supplement before I went to sleep, and in a few days I felt a noticeable change. Maybe you're vitamin deficient - but don't substitute vitamins for food - it's good to eat the allotted calories every day.