
So, since 2015 I've went down from about 147Ibs to 114 and I was so happy. Since then I've been staying active and eating less, counting calories etc. Now, however I found myself off the wagon and I'm back to 123lbs and I'm honestly devastated. I'm still trying to be active, trying to take my 10,000 steps and dancing and I even turned my desk into a standing desk. I am extremely bloated and since I'm a student I'm fairly broke and can't afford all the healthy foods, right now I can't even afford to buy salad and I'm more or less just eating canned stuff. Why is this happening and what am I supposed to do? I want to reduce my BFP, lose weight but I'm stuck and depressed. I can only do workouts from home (since I don't have any running shoes and can't afford to buy any) I'm serious, please help me, I'm devastated.


  • tovawiderberg
    tovawiderberg Posts: 10 Member
    I should also note that I don't have the same patience as I did back then, I need this to happen quite fast and I need to see results because at this point I barely want to leave the house.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Losing weight is 100% eating less which.. is very budget friendly. You said you fell off the wagon-- howso? What changed? You don't need 'healthy' foods or fancy gyms to lose weight. I'm sure you did it beforehand just fine.

    You mentioned losing BFP. To do that, you need to lose weight and maintain muscle. Look up body weight exercises on youtube. I really like fitnessblender.
  • kelly_stevens81
    kelly_stevens81 Posts: 79 Member
    Look at fresh/frozen vegetables and beans at Aldi if you have one. Those are cheap and healthy, and if you have to eat canned food toss a bag of frozen veg in the microwave to go with it. While canned food is not super healthy it can work out, I eat canned tuna in water a lot because it isn't the worst thing in the world for you and its cheap. Also buying salads in their natural form, aka romaine, carrots, and tomatoes makes eating healthier cheaper too. My favorite desert is the frozen triple berry blend, its low in calories and sugar but pretty much any berry will do you from blueberries to strawberries they are all pretty healthy, just make sure there is no sugar added to them. Heck its not the best but even the dollar menu burgers from Mcdonalds can work out if you have a bunch of vegetables with them when you get home and ditch the top bun.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I should also note that I don't have the same patience as I did back then, I need this to happen quite fast and I need to see results because at this point I barely want to leave the house.

    find the patience...

    and you can buy veggies and fruit in a can... plus it doesn't matter what you eat for weight loss, its all in the deficit...
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    edited November 2017
    I wonder whether the bloating is because the canned foods you've chosen are high in sodium, and you're not getting the roughage you need with vegetables. One cheap meal is scrambled eggs with some cheddar cheese grated on top. You can add in some steamed broccoli, which is filling and gets you some of that much-needed roughage and green vegetable benefits. Bananas are inexpensive, as are some varieties of apples. Whole grain cereals, oatmeal and potatoes are possible ways to get you a more varied diet. I can't tell whether you're doing all your food prep in a microwave, but a baked or microwaved potato isn't too hard or time-consuming to prepare. It sounds like the underlying issue for you is food insecurity because your budget is stretched to the max. At the food bank I've volunteered at, they have canned foods, breads and fresh vegetables available. You would not be the only college student making use of this community resource, and I encourage you to check into it.
  • max1mus2124
    max1mus2124 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! How are you? Try not to feel so down and depressed about yourself. Sometimes people go through a period of "weight" plateau where the numbers don't seem to change no matter how much you exercise or change eating habits. Just have to keep at it, try to incorporate different exercises, try eating at different times and not focus primarily on the numbers on the scale.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited November 2017
    10 lb gain should be a wake up call but it is not devastating. How is an 8 lb gain ok but a 10 lb gain is devastating? It's mostly "in your head" so try to get a healthier perspective on the situation.
    To gain 10 lbs in 2 years means you were overating about 200 calories per day. It's not hard to cut out a snack or drink each day to get back in a healthy range, especially if you're on a tight budget. Good point upthread that at least half of this, perhaps all of it, likely is water gain due to high sodium foods.