Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Starting Weight: 151
    August Goal Weight: 146
    Personal Challenge: Start exercising more; I've gotten horribly lazy about that
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    SW (not 100% sure, need to get a good scale): 137-138
    GW for August: 132
    Personal Challenge: Continue drinking at LEAST 32 oz of water a day, get in at LEAST 30min of exercise 3 x a week
  • vjohnso3
    vjohnso3 Posts: 34 Member
    For those of you that are allowed 1200 calories/day : do you always eat back all of your exercise calories? I generally work out 6 days/week and according to my HRM I usually burn 500-600. Therefore, I'm only netting about 600 calories per day. I know that you're SUPPOSED to eat these back and never go under 1200 but it just seems so hard to eat 1800 calories a day and feel good about it! Does anyone else deal with this?! How do you handle it?
  • tinymite1
    tinymite1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for starting this :) I think my goal weight for August is probably high reaching since I tend to lose weight really slowly. Hoping to start 30 day shred today. I have a weird work schedule that sometimes makes working out hard (12 hour shifts means after being on your feet all day means being exhausted when you get home ...)

    CW= 141
    GW= 120
    Goal for august= 136
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    For those of you that are allowed 1200 calories/day : do you always eat back all of your exercise calories? I generally work out 6 days/week and according to my HRM I usually burn 500-600. Therefore, I'm only netting about 600 calories per day. I know that you're SUPPOSED to eat these back and never go under 1200 but it just seems so hard to eat 1800 calories a day and feel good about it! Does anyone else deal with this?! How do you handle it?

    Some do, some don't - you have to find out what works for your body. I personally eat some of my calories back, especially if I'm hungry, but I rarely eat all of them. I think of my calories more as a range - I try to stick between 1200 and 1400 and that seems to work for me.
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    For those of you that are allowed 1200 calories/day : do you always eat back all of your exercise calories? I generally work out 6 days/week and according to my HRM I usually burn 500-600. Therefore, I'm only netting about 600 calories per day. I know that you're SUPPOSED to eat these back and never go under 1200 but it just seems so hard to eat 1800 calories a day and feel good about it! Does anyone else deal with this?! How do you handle it?

    Eh. I do if I'm hungry but I don't if I'm not. I think a day or two per week with net calories being like 600-800 isn't a big deal and isn't enough to throw your body into starvation mode. Other days, I'll net 1200 or even 1300 and not fret because I know my *average* net is close to the 1200 mark.
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    For those of you that are allowed 1200 calories/day : do you always eat back all of your exercise calories? I generally work out 6 days/week and according to my HRM I usually burn 500-600. Therefore, I'm only netting about 600 calories per day. I know that you're SUPPOSED to eat these back and never go under 1200 but it just seems so hard to eat 1800 calories a day and feel good about it! Does anyone else deal with this?! How do you handle it?

    I eat mine. That's like one of my main motivators to work out in the first place, just so I can eat the extra calories. LOL!!!

    ETA: Forgot to do my own check in! I am doing well. Yesterday I stayed within my calorie range (just barely - 22 calories to spare- lol) and I got in a total of 60 minutes of walking and did a half an hour of strength training. Wednesdays are my weigh in day, and I am down 3.8 lbs from my first weigh in last week, which was a little surprising. Although it shouldn't be, I always drop weight really fast in the first week or two, and then it slows down to a crawl, which is fine.
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    I'll join : )
    a little bit about me. i started mfp in January.. i lost 14lbs and 12in from then until May. then my husband got hurt at work, we were low on cash and our food choices suffered and i had to give up my gym membership. i started summer classes and they were a accelerated courses for 8 weeks so i had no time but to study and i stay at home with my almost 2 year old. its been a tough 10 weeks. but here i am - clean slate. we are taking a vacation on the 20th to visit family in los angeles and i would love to be as close to 140 as possible. i started p90x yesterday!

    Your starting weight for August - 160 on 8/1/11
    Your personal goal for August - as close to 140 as possible - i gained 13lbs really fast so i expect it to be a lot of water weight. i expect it to go quick!
    Your personal self-challenge for August - work out every day!
  • vjohnso3
    vjohnso3 Posts: 34 Member
    @Alissa_Sal - I know that everyone's bodies are different, but do you find that you still lose weight when you eat all of your calories back?
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hello, not too late to join I hope? I have been going over the same ground this year and my weight is creeping up again I was 125 in December was 136.6 this morning and that's with me having already scratched back some.... I have a fantastic group of mfpals and I think here could help me with accountability.... I hope anyway coz i am a master of procrastination when I am in the mindset and a total amazon at other times lol!!!!
    So my starting weight - going to go back to aug 1st 138

    August 31 goal 130

    Objective 1 no alcohol
    Objective 2 complete JM30Day Shred, day 10 level 1 done today
    Objective 3 at least 30 mins of walking/cardio per day too

    Good luck everyone! I am Debbie by the way! Will follow your prioress and post on the 8th week 1 results.
  • Starting weight for August: 147
    Personal goal for August: 140
    Personal self challenge for August: Adding the 30 Shred to my weekly workout routine for some variety-10 days on each level. Starting today, I'll be finished on September 1st : )
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    So today is my first official day since I only joined it yesterday...(yesterday was a fairly good day).

    My weigh in days will be Sunday or Monday I think. need to stick with doing it once a week. My weight changes so much in a day (one day woke up around 135, went to bed around 140, and woke up around 135 again lol)

    My day has just started and I'm planning on doing Ripped in 30 Level 1. I'm just doing those for fun. Yesterday I did ChaLEAN Xtreme Burn it Off and now I need to throw some weights in for today. And maybe later I might talk my friend into walking out to our friends' farm (about a 10 mile walk and then we go swimming i their pool!!!)
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    @Alissa_Sal - I know that everyone's bodies are different, but do you find that you still lose weight when you eat all of your calories back?

    Yes. Last summer I lost 20 lbs in about 3 months (too bad I stopped taking care of my health and didn't maintain it...but that's another story...) When I did it, I was eating about 1600-1800 calories just based on how much I was working out.

    This time, I have only been back at it a week, but I have been eating around 1500 calories (based on how much I work out - I'm a little less active than I was able to be last summer) and I lost almost 4 lbs last week.

    I don't expect to keep losing 4 lbs a week (and I wouldn't want to - my goal is the recommended 1-2 per week) after the first week or two, but I do expect that if things go the way they went when I was losing weight last year that I will probably continue to lose 1 or 2 lbs per week by eating all of my exercise calories.

    My philosophy is that we can do this the Easy Way or the Hard Way. For me personally, the Hard Way is eating 1200 calories a day. Eat like 2 slices of wheat bread and an apple and you've eaten a fourth of your calories for the day! I can't live like that, I go nuts. The Easy Way is to work out, and thereby "earn" (and eat) enough calories to make the whole thing workable. For 1500 calories a day I don't feel like I'm dieting, I'm just making healthier choices. At 1800 calories a day I was eating a scoop of Baskin Robbins every night (and still losing weight!) For me, it's all about finding something that I can live with. I can live with working out most days, but only if it means I get to eat well too. :)
  • amymaree1010
    amymaree1010 Posts: 7 Member
    So yesterday was an alright day but i supposed in order to stay on track i should give myself some mini goals....

    1. no alcohol (saturday nights out with the girls will have me being desi driver)
    2. no chocolate or lollies or any thing along those lines
    3. exercise 4-5 times a week (the days that i am at home and not at University - so Thursday and Friday will be off and any on those days will be a bonus - Wednesday workout when ever possible)
    4. green tea and water as much as possible

    more to come i suppose.....

  • SW as of 08/01: 129
    Goal for Aug: 121
    Self-Challenge: Get my act together! Don't go over my calories, cut out sweets/junk food, eat less processed foods, excercise EVERY DAY
  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
    GOAL WEIGHT 155-157
  • I am so excited to join this challenge! Thanks for starting it!
    HW 241.2 (June 2009)

    SW 185.8 (April, 2011)

    CW 155.8 (Aug 1, 2011)

    GW1 145.8 (for Aug. 2011)

    GW2 125 (Oct , 31,2011)

    Self goal.. to speed walk 2-3 miles a day.
  • SW as of 08/01: 191
    Goal for Aug: 171
    Self-Challenge: Workout 6x a week, Only drink water and some no sugar tea, log everything I eat drink and activity!

    I know my weight loss goal is steep but I really need to do this! I really would like to lose more than my goal. We will see....

    Going on a cruise on Sept. 18 for anniversary! Thinking thin. Thanks for starting this. You rock!
  • Yayyyyy this is my 1st Challenge

    Starting Weight as of 08/03: 184
    Personal Goal for Aug: 177
    Personal Self-Challenge: Burn no less than 800 calories while working out 5 days a week, doing Nike training Club, C25K, & my 6 mile walk on Saturday's
  • SW 8/3 187.6 & 29.3% bodyfat
    Your personal goal for August: Just make sure I keep logging my food daily, exercise at least 5 days a week
    Your personal self-challenge for August: I'm trying to extend each workout or intensify it just a little bit and burn more calories each time than the previous time. There is not a specific weight loss goal for August. My goal is consistency.

    Oh, and thanks for this challenge. I've been trying to find one too.