Ladies - Bleeding after running?

First things first - I do fully intend to go to the doctor to get this checked out

Just wondering if anybody experiences bleeding after running.
To clarify further - I'm not even talking about a lot of running (1-2 miles at lunch or after work/3-4 days a week)
I did abruptly go from no exercise to this though...

After self diagnosing myself via web search (lol), it seems that exercise can cause an extra amount of hormones and cause spotting.

I also did have surgery back in April of this year to remove some pre cancerous cells.
I have been going for paps every 6 months for a while now until I have 3 consecutive normal results to show no cancer or 'abnormal cells'

Maybe I am just pushing myself to hard after surgery? It's been 8 months though!

If I left something out or need to clarify something, feel free to let me know


  • rsergeant79
    rsergeant79 Posts: 45 Member
    Interesting as I have had spotting on occasions after running! I don't have any answers I'm afraid
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It's not something I have ever experienced
  • roisinm
    roisinm Posts: 2 Member
    I used to run regularly, I slacked off but ran a 5k one time and was passing bloody urine that evening and had UTI type pain and urgency.
    It passed by the next day but it never happened before and I had trained for a couple of half marathons. Was it def menstrual?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have, but typically it's around the time when my period is beginning or ending. Do you have cramps or pain? My personal thoughts (for me) were that the combination of jostling and activating the muscles near the uterus cause some slight contractions because it can feel like period cramps.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've never heard of that. 8 months after surgery I wouldn't expect that to be the issue, but I'm no expert. Maybe it's hormones. Your doctor would probably want to know about this. :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    The only time I've experienced it in a couple years of 30mpw running is for a few weeks after I had an IUD inserted.

    Personally, if I had a history of issues in that area like you do and started spotting, though, I would be scheduling a doctor's appointment to ensure nothing is wrong.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Unexplained vaginal bleeding is a reason for a doctor's visit.
  • Beaudom91
    Beaudom91 Posts: 54 Member
    Yes, when I first started running my period started the very next day (two weeks early which never happens to me) ended up bleeding for 3 of the forst four weeks of running even though I wasn't actually running that much and doctor couldn't find anything wrong. I often bed menstrual like cramps while I run/ cycle even now
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I tend to have spotty periods just in general, but once I started running I found that nothing shakes the clots loose like a run for me.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,967 Member
    Running doesn't trigger it for me, but then I don't do a lot of running.

    However, cycling long distances sure does! Months where I've got long distance rides, I'll often have 2 periods.

    It used to only happen on rides over 400 km (27 hours or less in total), but then it started happening on relatively short century (100 mile) rides too.

    And if I'm about a week away from a usual start date, and I head out and do a 200 km or something, chances are I'll have an early start.

    Yep, I've seen Drs ... none of whom can explain it. Just maybe hormones.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Doctors appointment is scheduled!

    So far this week:

    Nov 14: went for run on lunch break (less than a mile), came back and found I had bled
    Nov 15: didn't have time to run (dealing with the cable man), no bleeding today
    Nov 16: stressful run today dealing with my 2 dogs and a lost dog (only .5 miles), came back found I had bled

    I have done some more research on my own and have reached out to some nurses and found that this is a very common problem, which makes me feel better.

    Under a lot of stress right now, brand new workout routine (going from not working out at all), insurance company changed my birth control to a different brand.

    Still going to get it checked out, but I do believe stress and hormones are causing my problems

  • YOLO145
    YOLO145 Posts: 98 Member
    I have this thing where when I am stressed out, I will have spotting. Calorie def and 5x a week workouts can be stressful so...spotting.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Okay. I just had a nerve-wracking experience that was precipitated by a similar symptom. In my case, the blood was in my urine. I went to an after-hours clinic, figuring it might be a UTI. Doc even thought it could be over-exercising, but he sent me for tests. It turned out to be bladder cancer. It was caught early. And it's one of the non-invasive "good" kinds, so I'm okay. (Will be undergoing treatment to try to keep the lesions from returning, but if they do, it's 92-93% likely that they won't spread outside the bladder lining).

    A friend of mine, who is post-menopausal started spotting a few years back. Also cancer. Also checked early. In her case, it was a hysterectomy, but she's fine now.

    There are a whole bunch of totally minor conditions that could cause that symptom. (Including what amounts to, "we don't know why you experienced it, there's nothing wrong and it seems to have stopped. Sometimes it just happens.") But I'm glad you're seeing your doctor, so that if it IS something major, there's a good chance you'll catch it in time.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,967 Member
    Okay. I just had a nerve-wracking experience that was precipitated by a similar symptom. In my case, the blood was in my urine. I went to an after-hours clinic, figuring it might be a UTI. Doc even thought it could be over-exercising, but he sent me for tests. It turned out to be bladder cancer. It was caught early. And it's one of the non-invasive "good" kinds, so I'm okay. (Will be undergoing treatment to try to keep the lesions from returning, but if they do, it's 92-93% likely that they won't spread outside the bladder lining).

    A friend of mine, who is post-menopausal started spotting a few years back. Also cancer. Also checked early. In her case, it was a hysterectomy, but she's fine now.

    There are a whole bunch of totally minor conditions that could cause that symptom. (Including what amounts to, "we don't know why you experienced it, there's nothing wrong and it seems to have stopped. Sometimes it just happens.") But I'm glad you're seeing your doctor, so that if it IS something major, there's a good chance you'll catch it in time.

    Yes, more recently, I figured the reason I was bleeding 3 weeks out of every 4 was a combination of exercise and perimenopause.

    Turns out it was polyps and precancer.

    Good to get it checked.

  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    I was having this consistently for the past 4 months. I noticed if I had a very active day or ran during my workout I would bleed. Turns out my birth control was making the lining on my uterus very thin and any type of impact would cause vessels to rupture and bleed. Switched birth control and all is good.
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    First things first - I do fully intend to go to the doctor to get this checked out

    Just wondering if anybody experiences bleeding after running.
    To clarify further - I'm not even talking about a lot of running (1-2 miles at lunch or after work/3-4 days a week)
    I did abruptly go from no exercise to this though...

    After self diagnosing myself via web search (lol), it seems that exercise can cause an extra amount of hormones and cause spotting.

    I also did have surgery back in April of this year to remove some pre cancerous cells.
    I have been going for paps every 6 months for a while now until I have 3 consecutive normal results to show no cancer or 'abnormal cells'

    Maybe I am just pushing myself to hard after surgery? It's been 8 months though!

    If I left something out or need to clarify something, feel free to let me know

    YES!!!! ME!!!!
    Omg I'm just so excited that I'm not the only one! I too have had paps, I even complained enough to my dr that she sent me for an ultrasound and everything came back fine, so as long as I keep on my paps and ultrasound is fine then dr said she's not concerned, she thinks it's my hormones... in my opinion, I think just having adhesions from my c sections, some kind of a tiny blood vessel bursts and I bleed from running... my dr said, although it's irregular, if you notice a change, like more bleeding or a new symptom then say something and get checked out, but now it's just something I live with, not a biggie to me anymore. I don't think we are meant to be cut open, so I'm sure that has something to do with that ;-)
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Also when running or any exercise you burn more fat... inside your fat is estrogen, so every once in awhile your body has more estrogen than normal floating around... increased estrogen causes spotting! Try also tracking when you get it- I get the spotting a few days before my period, and in the week that I ovulate, OR it's completely random if I run a 5k the hardest I can, then I'll spot no matter what
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Had it happen once.....
    After a few days of it happening I took a pregnancy test which was positive. I was told I had miscarried but baby was hanging on. Had to give up running, then have my cervix stitched closed, be admitted on bed rest and to be given steroids
    I then gave birth at 25 weeks. It hasn't happened again
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Oh another thing. You've had surgery on your cervix. It could be cervical erosion

    My cervix is a tad dodgy and i sometimes bleed from my cervix since I had it stitched. More common for me if its taken a knock during sex in the days after my period finishes as its still sitting a bit low
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    I've never had that happen before! I'd ask your doctor.