This really takes the biscuit



  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    that egg thing on a plate looks scary :-O

    Someone said it's calle an egg mattress. Interesting pillow talk.

    "How are your eggs?"
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119

    As for UK McDs brekkie - never in there early enough to check but can feel a visit coming on for a happy meal for DDs as they are now got smurfs soft toys with them :(

    Doesn't the stuffing stick in your throat?
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    American biscuit is the equivalent to our (being UK) cheese or fruit scone?

    I think...

    It's 'thinking' that got us into this mess in the first place, Emma.

  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Ok, it's time to take my hush puppies for a walk.

    Umm............did you mean the SHOES, or the deep fried dough product typically found in the U.S. south? ROFL
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Ok, it's time to take my hush puppies for a walk.

    Umm............did you mean the SHOES, or the deep fried dough product typically found in the U.S. south? ROFL

    Oh no, now we have another baked goods dilemma. I didn't know you could eat hush puppies (off to google I go).

    Terence where is your assignment? It's brekky time here and I don't see any pics!
    If it's late, young man, you are going to be punished. Perhaps we'll demand that you eat that meal as punishment!
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    This whole thread has been hilarious. Terence you are too funny!

    Thank you. You've been a great audience.
    Please express your appreciation in the tin can by the door.
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    Ok, it's time to take my hush puppies for a walk.

    Umm............did you mean the SHOES, or the deep fried dough product typically found in the U.S. south? ROFL

    Deep fried shoes? How would that go with my corns?

    I notice on another poster's profile that she wears TOMs. More than one reason to skin a cat, I guess.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Its funny how people are judging how tasty the breakfast is, especially the egg, purely on a picture!

    The whole breakfast is gorgeous! I used to have one every morning...along with a pub lunch, and a KFC for dinner...

    ....and i wondered how i ended up like i was...derp
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    That is totally an American biscuit in the picture (someone said it wasn't). Trust me, I am from the south and grew up on them.
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    That is totally an American biscuit in the picture (someone said it wasn't). Trust me, I am from the south and grew up on them.

    Bread and butter is a biscuit.

    A scone is a biscuit.

    A pancake is a biscuit.

    A cookie is a biscuit.

    And Seabiscuit was a horse!

    This becomes curiouser and curiouser, Dorothy.
    How would that Irish dude Barry O'Balmer solve this?
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    We're dying to see some pictures! I really would like to know what goes on over there. :noway:

    I looked into how to post pictures. First you need to upload your photos somewhere, like flickr...or is that blocked in China?

    After you have your photos somewhere, you copy and past the URL, then put img tags in front of the url and after.

    Like this :

    (img) (/img)

    but with square brackets.

  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    a scone? a scone? it's just a scone???

    It's a pretty miserable excuse for a scone, at that.

    So, I've established (with a little help from my friends, as the Beagles used to sing) that an American biscuit is a scone, a British biscuit is a cookie, the radioactiviy in Japan is actually fall-out from an Australian bakery, and a Chinese Big Breakfast is a complete fraud!!! Who'd have thought?

    Thanks to all for your help.

    Terence :laugh:

    OMG. I'm laughing so hard - I'm crying! Ok, and to be perfectly honest, my pants cried a little too.
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119

    OMG. I'm laughing so hard - I'm crying! Ok, and to be perfectly honest, my pants cried a little too.

    You're welcome (I think).
    If you come to my concert, please bring an extra pair.
    And don't be throwing the damp ones on stage.
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    I've run out of skimmed milk. That means 'no cereal tomorrow'; ergo McDonalds Big Breakfast. I'll get those snaps and this issue will finally be laid to rest.
