Frustrations and truths

I’m not exactly sure why I’m posting this here other to vent somewhat anonymously. I’m simply having a rough day. Do you ever wake up in one of those bad moods for no reason and just can’t shake it? I seem to be having one of those today. Here are the reasons I’m frustrated and maybe some truths about why:

1. I let my self gain back 20 of the 60 pounds I lost. This is both a truth and a frustration. I worked so hard to lose the weight and I gained some of it back. I will not use the excuses that I lost my job, was unemployed for 3 months, spent the summer lounging at the lake, moved states or have been depressed. Those are just excuses. The truth is this: I quit working at it or paying attention. The truth is I have to get back on the wagon.

2. Truth: I have gotten back on the wagon and I’m determined. With the exception of a few days over maintenance, I’ve been on plan. The frustration is that the weight is just not coming off as easily. I want it off yesterday. The truth is this: I’ve only been serious again about 3 weeks. I’m 7 days out from my period. It doesn’t come off easily. I weigh, measure and log. I know how this is done because I've done it. I need to be patient.

3. I’m probably a little depressed. I moved back to my home state for a job. I left behind a state I loved, friends I loved and a life I loved. While I’m fine here, I’m simply that; fine. Which leads me to the next….

4. The frustration is drinking/socializing. I have friends here in my new/old home/state. They want to go out and drink, eat and socialize. I want to do the same but it simply doesn’t work while I’m getting back into changing my habits. I am simply not one of those people who can go out and just have one drink and a salad and chat the night away. I wish I was, but I’m not. I will eventually be able to incorporate it back in, but not right away. And let me tell you… I want the booze and the food.

5. Truth-I’ve been really successful with this site for the most part. I came back after a bit of a hiatus from reading the community sections. I used to practically live here. The frustration is that I’ve become SO irritated with some of the dumb questions on here. I mean, I have a really hard time people can actually be so stupid and uneducated. I know how terrible this sounds. Don’t even get me started on the selfie threads. I’m close to just leaving this section again. The truth is, people just want to be successful. I need to offer advice that I can or just ignore and not let petty things upset me.

So, all in all, I have my frustrations. The truth is my life is good. I need to keep seeking the truths and trying to better understand the frustrations. As my dad says, only you can change your bad day. I appreciate you all letting me vent. I’d love to hear your frustrations/truths if you have any.


  • khaleesikhaleesi
    khaleesikhaleesi Posts: 213 Member
    Be easy on yourself! We all have our off days, our shortcomings, and our weaknesses. As long as you are doing the best that you can every day, you will be successful-- you've done it before and can do it again. Also, mental health is very important-- don't neglect it. If you are struggling with depression, find someone to talk to or consider asking a doctor for some medication. I get an antidepressant through my OBGYN. Best decision I've ever made. The lows are still there but not near as low as they used to be. Good luck and take care of yourself!!!
  • khaleesikhaleesi
    khaleesikhaleesi Posts: 213 Member
    Also, here's my truth: I am 138 pounds which is on the high side for me. I keep eating candy, sweets, chicken wings, burgers, and all the stuff I tell myself I don't need. It's easy for me in the morning but I always struggle at night. I worked out for a week and a half and did great, then couldn't manage it for five days. I worked out yesterday but couldn't make myself get up this morning and go... I'm going to try to make myself do a home workout tonight. One day, one step at a time.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    You are not alone. I lost 50 pounds and my beer gut that had been a part of me for decades. In fact this all started when my son poked my belly and said "when is it due". I was on a mission, I lost all the weight, I was so strong. I ran 25 miles a week and did planks daily. I have put 25 pounds on and my pants are tight. The reason is booze and not enough running. Depressing for sure but I am down 5 pounds and have made it out for my second consecutive day of running 4.3 miles. That's good but my evening drinking is still too much. Just try to focus and take small steps forward. You won't change overnight but it will happen. If you have done it before you can do it again!
  • curiousgp
    curiousgp Posts: 122 Member
    One day at a time. Small goals. Eye on the prize. You got this.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    I’m not exactly sure why I’m posting this here other to vent somewhat anonymously. I’m simply having a rough day. Do you ever wake up in one of those bad moods for no reason and just can’t shake it? I seem to be having one of those today. Here are the reasons I’m frustrated and maybe some truths about why:

    My first thought when I read this opening paragraph was "Yeah, I used to every month" (pre-menopause)

    Then I read this in your post - "I’m 7 days out from my period."

    Sounds to me like you have PMS and it's making you focus on the negative. It happens. I get it.

    Yes, gaining back 20 lbs is a negative any way you look at it. BUT, you didn't gain it all back. You've nipped it in the bud and are doing something about it. That's a big positive.

    You don't have to to read through many posts to find those saying "I gained it all back and then some." Most people do gain it all back. You didn't!! :)

    Social drinking/eating I also get and it can be difficult. I actually lowered by calories on days I didn't have social engagements quite a bit so I could have extra calories for social eating/drinking. Even in maintenance I eat at a deficit throughout the week so I can eat/drink more at weekend social events. If not, I would regain.