Spin Instructor Sayings

My Monday and Wednesday morning spin instructor says some things that make me smile sometimes (with, of course, the sweat still running down my face). A few of her better ones:

"Your legs are burning, and you're LOVING it!"

"If it's not hard, you need to add more! Don't cheat yourself ... I'm watching YOU!"

"Make it heavy! Make it hard! Don't waste my time! Why'd you get up early this morning, anyway?"

Heard any good ones in your class lately? (Or said any, you instructors?)


  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Not from the spin instructor, but from the Bikram instructor after nearly 90 mins of 40 deg heat and yoga exercises kicking your butt "you're all doing so well, only another hour to go", so not funny but she gets a giggle every time.

  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    "Your workout is done when you cant lift yourself up off the floor"
  • at the end of the class an instructor once said "DON'T EVER TAKE THIS FEELING FOR GRANTED". That really struck a chord for me :)
  • Sure made me smile!!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I take classes M,W,F mornings at 5:30 to 6:30 a.m.
    Our instructor said to us this morning....
    Come on push yourself, challenge your comfort zone...its your workout, you are hear while everyone else is still in bed...finish it!!!!
    I can hear him in my sleep some days...lol.
    gotta love having an instructor that is agressive....makes me Want to push harder ;)