Looking for motivated friends! Add me ☺

As long as you are motivated you can achieve anything! Add me and I will support you :) lets do this


  • Thanks!! Staying motivated is an issue for me, so I appreciate the help.
  • blahblahfood
    blahblahfood Posts: 14 Member
    Finally taking control of my life and re-dedicating myself to getting healthier! I'd love to have other motivated people to help stay on track. Anyone is free to add me!
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Welcome to MFP, All the best!! Feel free to add me :)
  • bruins5934
    bruins5934 Posts: 3 Member
    Always motivated, always looking for new friends. Add me and let those healthy gains be your guide
  • WhiteFb6_Si
    WhiteFb6_Si Posts: 9 Member
    Decided to change my lifestyle to a healthier one , any motivation and advise on losing weight and building muscle would definitely help , feel free to add and ill help as much as i can
  • ShannaZoey
    ShannaZoey Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me. I just started on Wednesday.
  • kensushi
    kensushi Posts: 5 Member
    56lbs lost and counting. Feel free to add me, I went from being severely overweight to a competing martial artist and I'm always setting new goals! So let's achieve them together!