South Beach support group?



  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    If you are going to have wine, go red. Less sugar and it has antioxidants that are good for your heart. So you can feel less guilty about it :)
  • Cchappell10
    True indeed, excellent info!... My slip up on white wine was only because that's all we had and all of us were going to drink wine together. Because I'm on South Beach, Red Wine is allowed on the diet after the first 2 weeks, so I will be drinking Red Wine a couple times a week in one more week. :)
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    so....i finish phase one as of tomorrow night....and am having ONE reward glass of red wine:) i am counting down the hours.....:) hope everyone had a happy monday and got through the weekend ok! that's definitely my hardest time diet-wise!
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    Funny stuff because I officially ended phase 1 last night with a LARGE glass of red wine after my 1 hour walk. Slept like a baby. :laugh:
    So now I am just going to add a daily fruit and 1 high fiber grain portion 2-3 days a week. Oh and of course wine a few days a week. I am a carb lover and insulin resistant so I think this will be best to keep me on track. I'll let ya'll know how it goes.
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    nice! that's my plan too:) looking forward to working the red wine back in!
  • HulasMom
    HulasMom Posts: 14 Member
    I just started SB today and love to read about all your successes!
  • Cchappell10
    Hey HulasMom! Welcome to SBD! This diet is amazing, and surprisingly easy to stick to! I will say the the first few days are tough, but once you get past those, your body no longer has those muchie cravings it used to. I am on Day 9 and have lost 4.2 pounds. Pretty happy about that!!

    I would like to share an amazing web-site with everyone that I found last time I was doing SBD earlier this year. Kalyn has been living the SBD lifestyle for several years, and has kept this website and blog going virtually daily for years. Every couple days there are new recipes spotlighted, and you can easily search for tons and tons of SBD-friendly recipes, which she of course labels by Phase, and adds her personal comments about any adaptations that can be made, or if it should merely be a rare treat (example, high fat content). Every year she spotlights her top 10 favorite recipes from the year. Most of her recipes have step by step pictures even. Awesome all the way around.

    You've got to check it out, especially if you ever get bored of the recipes provided in the South Beach Books. Of course you can always create your own recipes and play around with them as long as you are sticking to the guidelines, but this is great to have so many at your fingertips.

    Enjoy, and Good Luck to all!! Here's to a healthier lifestyle, and a thinner you. :-)
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    thanks for posting that site! i am always looking for new SBD recipes!!
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    I came across that site the other day. going to check out some of the recipes before my next food shopping trip.

    on week 2 of p1. lost 4.4 lbs so far, Im pretty happy about it. I have to admit, Im having a hard time getting all those vegetables in a day. 4.5 is a lot!
  • jslmom1
    jslmom1 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everybody!!
    I lost 60 lbs a few yrs back and was able to keep it off until my son was born. The stresses of everyday life has caused me to eat way to many sweets (comfort food) and I want to get started on SB again. I plan on starting Sunday the 7th after my dad leaves. We will eat way to good while he's here visiting, no need to start before hand. Please friend me :)
  • HulasMom
    HulasMom Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for posting the link CChappel!!! I can't wait to check it out!
  • sarahhnash
    I'm thinking about starting the SBD - a little daunted by phase 1, but I think I can stick to it, it's only 2 weeks until phase 2, right?

    Also, I found Kayln's kitchen the other day, as someone posted on another MFP thread - it's awesome!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I've been considering jumping back into Phase 1 for the next 2 weeks. I had great success with it 2 years ago, but you know...lazy me fell off the wagon and fell back into old bad habits. SO...starting over. Again. :)
  • othellorvt
    Hi everyone :0),
    I started the SB today. I am really lacking in motivation especally to exercize. I just need some people on here to encourage me in the diet so I dont mess it up. I need to lose a good 50 pounds by next june and am having a hard time with motivation. I work an hour away which makes it hard to excersize. I just want to go home when im done with work. I leave at 745 am and dont get home until 8:30 pm if i go to jazzercise. I love it but am having a tough time. Please any help or encouragment would be great. Im getting married in June and dont want to look like the michelon man walking down the isle! lol
  • Cchappell10
    Hi Chrisi!

    CONGRATULATIONS on the upcoming wedding!!! You've got lots of time, you will be a beautiful bride!

    I am in the same boat with exercise motivation. But a few ideas... First, if you are going to Jazzercise sometimes, there you go, there's your workout for the day!! If you don't go, maybe you have time to go out for a 20-30 minute fast walk? If your computer is near where you can work out, or have some sort of browser access through your TV, this website has tons of free workout videos: If you have Comcast, there are workout videos on OnDemand. Simply doing crunches and pushups and light weight lifting (use cans of soup if you don't have hand weights) will help out a bunch on toning.

    As for the diet, if this is your first run with South Beach, you will find the first couple days are tough without carbs and sugar, but after about 3 days, the cravings go away. Feel free to add me as a friend, and I will keep an eye on updates added from your profile and try to help keep you motivated. GOOD LUCK!!
  • elizabethqm
    Good to know there is a SBD support group here. I'm on day 7 of Phase 1 and have struggled the first week as I have sweet tooth. What | found helpful is the gelatin dessert which helps. I've lost just 2.6 lbs first week although I've been slightly having 4 servings of almond nuts (which i need to stop!) for some reason addicted to replace the doritos crunching. I attend spinning class 2-3x a week so probably this helps. My problem is getting rid of crunching.
    Anyone advice how to get over this habit?