Any vegetarians out there?

nani726 Posts: 70 Member
Just curious, are there any vegetarians here? I'd love to pick your brains when it comes to recipes :)

Im a fat vegetarian! lol (i blame it on carbs and the indian restaurant around the corner from me) so i would love to learn how you're handling caloric intake.
I have IBS with really bad outcome when i turn to meat, specially beef so i decided to try the vegetarian lifestyle 3 years ago. I can honestly say its the best decision i made in my life. I do slip from time to time but pay for it at a later time, anyways, these past couple of months i really didnt watch my diet and went to town on everything meat related and the price for it is surgery (yay me!! lol)

Id love to connect with fellow vegetarians, pick your brains, share recipes and whatnow :)


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I used to be a veghead (hehe) for about 2 years! Feel free to add!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    I'm a veg! You can add me.
  • I'm a vegetarian too, and carbs are my worst enemy...ugh.
  • im vegan...
  • SarahFrankel
    SarahFrankel Posts: 42 Member
    I'm vegan too!
  • I'm trying to go vegetarian...or pescetarian (which will be difficult since I don't like fish, but it's for health reasons). Try figuring out what you like first and then cater to those desires. Somedays I like sweet and spicy. So then I'll heat of the grill and grill some tofu, pineapple and jalepenos. Fix a side of beans and corn (cuban style) and I have a decent meal. If you desire the carbs, add some wheat bread in there or something.

    If this doesn't help, I have a recipe book I can start adding on here if need be. Just basically, cook what you like and it'll come out wonderful. Admittedly, this will happen if you know how to cook and won't burn a microwave just by heating up mac and cheese (brother did this once, lol).

    Good luck!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I was a vegetarian for 10+ years. now a pescoterian. and veg heads can feel free to friend me too
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Ovo-lacto vegetarian here. No food with faces for 15 years now.

    Good blog is the FatFree Vegan Kitchen and my favorite cookbook is The Vegan Soul Kitchen.
  • Vegetarian!!!
  • tootsieanne
    tootsieanne Posts: 13 Member
    veggie here - feel free to friend MEEE!!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • nani726
    nani726 Posts: 70 Member
    vegheads unite!! lol

    i was strict vegetarian, tried to go vegan but missed cheese too much! lol
    how do you guys do it??? makes me wanna hate you just a little! jk! i just wish i could :( im adding you all and stalk your food diaries (hehehee) now im more excited than ever!!
  • Indian is my curse tooo! I absolutely love it and also carbs (eek). I find myself struggling to stay under the calorie limit and carbs bc I have mainly been eating those for the main dishes of my meal and hate having people always offer a salad for my main dish. Any goo suggestions on an alternative that is easy to prepare?
  • Mumblelove
    Mumblelove Posts: 19 Member
    I'm pescetarian,... :) except for one day a month (my cheat day)
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    New vegetarian - gave up meat two months ago, and I've always hated fish. Loving playing around in the kitchen with recipes!
  • SLE0803
    SLE0803 Posts: 145 Member
    I am a vegetarian too :) (lacto-ovo)
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    I've been vegetarian almost a year and vegan about 8 months:) Loving it! Never been healthier! Even my Nanna said I looked healthy (which if you knew my Nanna, is a massive compliment!!!)

    Feel free to add me:)

    I'm motivated by ethical and environmental reasons, so giving up meat, dairy and farmed eggs was easy peasy:)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    vegheads unite!! lol

    i was strict vegetarian, tried to go vegan but missed cheese too much! lol
    how do you guys do it??? makes me wanna hate you just a little! jk! i just wish i could :( im adding you all and stalk your food diaries (hehehee) now im more excited than ever!!

    That's because cheese/milk contains casein (casomorphine), which has a morhpine-like effect on the brain - makes you want more. It's designed to make baby cows want their mother's milk and has a similar effect on humans. Just a little info on the whole cheese thing!

    There was another thread started here yesterday that a bunch of veggies responded to, if you'd like to find more to friend.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    I've been a lacto-ovo (eggs and dairy okay) vegetarian my whole life! (No joke! My parents are Seventh Day Adventists). I blame my pudge on the fact that all the good junk food is vegetarian. :) If you go to the indian place a lot start trying their Daal recipes (very low cal and high in protein) just watch out for the sides--poppadoms and chutneys are fine--careful on the rice! and sadly it's depressing how many calories are in the beauty that is Naan.

    I get a lot of my stand alone proteins from soy stuff (Morningstar, Worthington, Loma Linda, Tofurky and various brands of tofu and seitan), but I also eat eggs, milk, cheese, beans, lentils, rice. The only thing I cheat a little is I do take a fish oil supplement (since research shows that the omegas in flax seed oil are not as readily available to your body) along with iron and B12 (most likely the source of these vitamins in animal as it's very difficult to get a large bio available source of these from plants).

    Please feel free to friend me if you'd like and we can support each other and trade recipes. :)
  • tootsieanne
    tootsieanne Posts: 13 Member
    veggie shish kabobs are my obsession this summer and i am huge fan of morning star products when in a hurry. stay away from white breads, pasta and rice. whole wheat all the way! i try going vegan every once in a while too. ice cream is my weakness... i wish tofutti and rice dreams would come out with some fun flavors instead of only vanilla and chocolate.

  • nani726
    nani726 Posts: 70 Member
    see, thats why i like indian food so much! its hot and filling and spicy and soooo freaking delicious!! and well, it feels like a meal, right?
    I think thats been the hardest part of a vegetarian lifestyle, theres so many choices for meat eaters that even on a diet, they can find healthier choices when not at home and we're stuck with icky stuff.
    i'd eat fish from time to time but im not a big fan, i prefer whole foods over processed so i steer away from tofu but i like morningstar crumbs if i want to fool my stomach.

    One thing i must say about this veggie journey is this...ive never felt so in tune with my taste buds! Ive grown to appreciate foods in a whole new level, my palate is fully aware of taste and texture, its incredible!