Getting back to it!

So I am starting up on my weight loss and not giving up. I figured I would take a picture of my progress so far since I haven't done it in awhile. It's nice to see the change because sometimes you don't see it in the mirror day after day.
I'm pushing to lose 33 more lbs. I can't visually see it just yet but I know I will get there, rain or shine I am losing these last lbs!!! So here I go again, getting back on the horse!


  • emrd11
    emrd11 Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck!! Feel free to add me! I’m not sure how y’all you are, but we’ve got about the same start and same goal weight!
  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    YAY! Well welcome back and keep it up! You are doing an amazing job. :-)
  • dsromp
    dsromp Posts: 14 Member
    Sweet girl! You are doing amazing. Look at you. You are healthier and slimmer. You may not see it, because you ARE seeing it every day, but I am here to tell you that your hard work and dedication are totally paying off!!! You may have taken a break, but even that hasn’t stopped you.
    Get that momentum back and keep moving forward. You are beautiful today and and you will be beautiful tomorrow and every day after, weight loss or no weight loss, but it really feels good to feel comfortable in your own body and if that body is a little trimmer and harder because you have worked to get it, then not only will you be comfortable, but have the satisfaction that YOU made that happen! Add me as a friend if you want to, everyone needs a little push forward sometimes. I wish you everything good. (Clapping and cheering happening now for you)
  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 404 Member
    edited November 2017
    Just one step at a time lovely :D:)

    You have the ability and the knowledge.
    You look amazing <3<3<3
    You will get there. B)

    Feel free to add me.
    I am happy to share this journey with you!
  • emrd11 wrote: »
    Good luck!! Feel free to add me! I’m not sure how y’all you are, but we’ve got about the same start and same goal weight!

    Thank you. I will definitely add you
  • dsromp wrote: »
    Sweet girl! You are doing amazing. Look at you. You are healthier and slimmer. You may not see it, because you ARE seeing it every day, but I am here to tell you that your hard work and dedication are totally paying off!!! You may have taken a break, but even that hasn’t stopped you.
    Get that momentum back and keep moving forward. You are beautiful today and and you will be beautiful tomorrow and every day after, weight loss or no weight loss, but it really feels good to feel comfortable in your own body and if that body is a little trimmer and harder because you have worked to get it, then not only will you be comfortable, but have the satisfaction that YOU made that happen! Add me as a friend if you want to, everyone needs a little push forward sometimes. I wish you everything good. (Clapping and cheering happening now for you)

    You are so sweet. You just made my day! Thank you for such encouraging words!!
  • Just one step at a time lovely :D:)

    You have the ability and the knowledge.
    You look amazing <3<3<3
    You will get there. B)

    Feel free to add me.
    I am happy to share this journey with you!

    Thank you and yes one day at a time !!
  • craziedani wrote: »
    YAY! Well welcome back and keep it up! You are doing an amazing job. :-)

    Thank you so much!!
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Me too. I took off 10 pounds and maintained it. I need to drop the next 10 now.
  • DaveA1970
    DaveA1970 Posts: 11 Member
    Way to go, Now or Never! Great progress, and wishing you continued success!
  • shanee_s
    shanee_s Posts: 6 Member
    Wow girl u have done so good and I kno u will get where u won't to be even tho u look beautiful as u r. This is my second week on mfp and i lost 6 lbs so feel free to add me and we can do this together
  • shanee_s wrote: »
    Wow girl u have done so good and I kno u will get where u won't to be even tho u look beautiful as u r. This is my second week on mfp and i lost 6 lbs so feel free to add me and we can do this together

    Thank you. I will go add you now
  • DaveA1970 wrote: »
    Way to go, Now or Never! Great progress, and wishing you continued success!

    Thank you
  • Numer1ca wrote: »
    Me too. I took off 10 pounds and maintained it. I need to drop the next 10 now.

    Yes we can do it!!!