Get ready, get set, GO! P90X Week 1 [closed group]



  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Definitely! Plus you get a "fuller range of motion" as they say. ;-)
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I don't have any extra equipment - just me and my band lol.

    I'll be able to do Plyos during the day today as I only have my youngest and can do it when he naps (what exercise will this be logged under)?

    I would say I burnt around 250 - 300 (MAX) calories yesterday.

    C&B I wasn't doing anymore than 10 push-ups (and on my knees) !!!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I logged the Ab Ripper section as High Impact Aerobics and the C&B section as weight lifting - think I burnt around 237 calories, which I'm much more comfortable putting it down as.
  • Hey ladies, good job for yesterday everyone! :)

    I've just done day 2 Plyo and OMG I found it hard and wanted to quit sooooo many times. However, I made it through to the end and am very pleased about that!! Let me know how you all got on :)
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Day 2 DONE !!!
    That is the type of exercise I enjoy (well, not enjoy, but the type of exercise that I NEED) !!!

    I think at around 30mins remaining I wanted to quit and I did alter some of the squat / lunges as my legs were like jelly lol.

    P.S. Thoughts on the bloke who does it? I can't believe I have to put up with him for another 88 days !!! Argh, he does my head in lol.
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I have just taken some pictures of me "before" - will get my fella to help me do my measurements later on this evening.

    I'm going to check-in every 2-4 weeks I think, check measurements and take new pictures.

    When I did JM30DS, I didn't see any difference in my body shape - even though there was a really noticeable difference - I just never saw it at the time, until I had put the weight back on. So I'm hoping this will keep me going when I can see differences in pictures etc.
  • Day 2 DONE !!!
    That is the type of exercise I enjoy (well, not enjoy, but the type of exercise that I NEED) !!!

    I think at around 30mins remaining I wanted to quit and I did alter some of the squat / lunges as my legs were like jelly lol.

    P.S. Thoughts on the bloke who does it? I can't believe I have to put up with him for another 88 days !!! Argh, he does my head in lol.

    Ah well done on completing it ... I found it really tough! It was like the lunges were NEVER going to end hehehehe!

    I quite like him in a 'in your face kinda way'. He does talk alot though ;) !!
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Finished today! I like this one... but it was hard :) Toward the end I think I just sorta looked like a goofball throwing myself in different directions, hahaha.... The twists helped stretch my back/chest from yesterday so that felt good. I think I will be sore. I have started a marathon training schedule so I'm going to try and do P90X in the mornings on the days that need to run. I am not sure if it will overexert me or be perfect... time will tell.

    Insofar as wanting to strangle Tony, our fearless leader... it's not so much that I mind him, he sorta reminds me of a beefy version of that guy on the office, but, more that exercise for me is a time just for myself without phones, e-mail or people jabbering at me. When he's chattering I find it a touch stressful. BUT, you can actually turn the cues off so you don't have to listen, there is an option at the beginning of the DVD. I think I will do that after learn the routines so I can listen to some good tunes and just go through the work out with visual cues.


  • wyants
    wyants Posts: 18
    Day 2 done. Do any of you have a HRM? I was thinking that I should get one. What are your thoughts on that. Plyometrics is a BEAST.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    I agree with all you ladies. Plyometrics - fun, in principle, but HARD. I definitely modified stuff a lot lol. But WOW was I proud of myself for finishing it! My mom quit like halfway through though. It probably gets harder on your joints the older you get.

    ANYWAY, tomorrow is DAY 3 - Shoulders/Arms/Ab Ripper X! good luck! I'm so proud of everyone :)
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    So... tonight when I laughed, suddenly my abs ached!!! So I am a touch nervous for ab ripper again tomorrow... lol. I thought I didn't work them hard enough because my abs were not sore today until... oh, about 9pm. Guess it's working! I hope everyone has GREAT workouts tomorrow!

  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Well, it's an impressive walk I've got going on today - chest still aching from Monday's work out and now *kitten* cheeks, calf muscles and quads are so sore ..... At least it's working ... right !!??!!??

    Fingers crossed I can get day 3 out the way when the little one has his nap, otherwise it's going to be a VERY late one !!!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Day 3 = DONE !!
    Again, not the type of exercise I'm really after but I didn't find it hard - I alternated between the band and then tins of soup for the repeat ! xx

    Ab Ripper DVD still skipping then turning itself off so not getting on great with that !!! GRRRRR.
  • Day 3 done - and again the ab ripper x was a killer!!

    On the plus side I had 12 hours sleep last night, which is unheard of!! ;)

    Good luck to the US ladies who have got the Day 3 torture to come! x
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    I am glad that you agree ab ripper was hard :) They make it look so easy!!!! I am pleased with myself for finishing three days in a row in their entirety! However, with all the running and the P90X I have been starving and thus eating more, so... we'll see if it results in shedding weight. I always remind myself about gaining muscle vs. losing flab... But it's not as gratifying as seeing the numbers tick away! :) Best of luck to everyone on Day 4!!! We rock :)
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    DONE! Wow, I really liked Day 3! I need heavier weights though, my mom and I have been taking turns with 2 lbs and 5 lbs. I'd like to have 8 lbs ones, and use 5 lbs for the harder ones. ;) What weights (or vegetables lol) is everyone else using??

    Ab ripper x... ugh!!! But I definitely could do more today than I could Monday! So yay for that!!!

    Oh and I agree... I wish the scale would go down!! I'm just waiting another week or so to take measurements again... inches better be gone!
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    I have been using 5lbs for everything. It has worked well. I am sore and it is difficult but I don't lose steam and can push through till the end of the video. I suppose at some point I will need to up that to 8lb or 10lbs... But, that might be a couple weeks! And, quite frankly, I would prefer to do more reps than build up weight. I want the lean tone looked not the "I can do more pushups than my boyfriend" look :)

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Hahahaha, I know what you mean. He said 12-15 reps for lean muscles and 8-10 for big muscles. But I can usually do like 25 with the 5 lbs, so I figure I need more weight. ;-)
  • I want the lean tone looked not the "I can do more pushups than my boyfriend" look :)

    HEHEHEHEHEHE that made me chuckle ;)
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I want the lean tone looked not the "I can do more pushups than my boyfriend" look :)

    HEHEHEHEHEHE that made me chuckle ;)

    That's why I'm alternating band / tins of soup as I already have a small top half and don't want to go for the madge look.

    I will be working out later this evening when my boys are both asleep as don't have time during the day today. xx