Anyone else starting slow, dealing with emotional & habitual over-eating? [anxiety & depression cw]



  • jessicalev0727
    jessicalev0727 Posts: 3 Member
    I am where you are now. Realizing that my emotional well being is connected to my physical healthy. I binge eat as a way to deal with stresses in my life and that has left me with an 80lb weight gain in the last 6 years. I started taking things slowly, trying to eat better and workout more. Let me know if you want a friend. :)
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I am where you are now. Realizing that my emotional well being is connected to my physical healthy. I binge eat as a way to deal with stresses in my life and that has left me with an 80lb weight gain in the last 6 years. I started taking things slowly, trying to eat better and workout more. Let me know if you want a friend. :)

    Definitely! And I think we have a similar gain time....and loss goal.....are you me?!
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    chscin wrote: »
    Hi All,
    you inspired me to respond. I am over 50 and read what you wrote. I have been an emotional eater all my life. Food and I have a bond like no other (humor here). I love to shop for it, prepare it, cook it and eat it. While I am considered by the numbers obese (5'3" 230lb), I do not feel obese (maybe that is part of an issue, haha), but a man that was trying to help me at one point urged me to be "comfortable in my own skin", and that stuck in my brain. Unfortunately I battle the ailments that come with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, edema, fatty liver, just to name a few. I had a congenital birth defect that took 35 years and open heart surgery to fix, but as a result I was able to have a child which is my blessing and a part of my drive to be fit and healthy. The problem is, as I believe many will agree with me, is that when you feed your emotions it is a bigger challenge to fix. Besides, the real issue is finding what is truly the drive that allows me to not always make the best choices. No, I am not a therapist. Yes, I could probably utilize their services, but at the end of the day, the one thing I truly know is that the answers are within me. I self talk myself through many things. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I do not. Another friend I have has been wonderful at helping to build up my self esteem and many times that is what gets me through. So, my MFP friend, the advice I offer is the following:
    1. Stop beating yourself up for any challenges you do not succeed at. Let the negative go.
    2. Accentuate the positive. Surround yourself with positive uplifting people that want you to succeed.
    3. Find a motivator, whether it be a friend, a relative, or anything that will keep you on track. Staying the track is one of the biggest challenges. It is easy to get off track and make excuses and stay there. DON'T, you deserve better for yourself.
    4. Of course, small short term goals are the best. They are attainable and put a feather in your cap, so to speak.
    5. Know that there is no cookie cutter plan for anyone. What may work for some does not work for all and there are over a million different wonderful methods that work, just not all of them for you. Find what works for you and do it. I learned years ago that, while I enjoy excising, it does not make me lose weight. It does, however, keep my other conditions in check and that is a huge bonus. Food choices are what put the weight on or allow me to drop.
    6. Surgery, pills, etc are not the fix. Yes, they will assist, but if you don't change your brain, it is not permanent. I speak from what I have seen in friends, relatives and myself.
    7. Just because you think you are making the wrong food choices or overeating your calories, do not let that stop you from logging in to MFP. In fact, use it to your advantage to identify your triggers or show your progress when you succeed. We all have a bad day or days. The wise know to pick themselves up and move forward. Life will pass you by quick enough.
    8. Don't be afraid to enlist friends, family or coworkers to assist in helping you be a better version of you. People who truly care for you will support, ask what they can do to help. My best friend and I both battle the weight issue. She is my motivator sometimes and I am hers at times. When we dine out I encourage her to share 1 meal and maybe something else. It is win-win for both of us.
    I probably could go on and on but then I sound like a preacher and I do not need to preach to the choir.
    You know what to do.
    You can do it (maybe with a little help from your friends :).
    Just do it!
    You have the part of the solution or part of the problem

    Thank you <3

    This is a wonderful list of advice.

    #7 is hard for me - I have often felt too overwhelmed by bad eating days to log. That's why logging, just logging, and trying to hit under maintenance is on my goal list. Records are good to have. Information is good. Facing myself is good.

    #5 is so true. Exercise is definitely for my mood, health, and (oddly enough) appetite management, rather than just weight for me too.

  • NikkyT30
    NikkyT30 Posts: 91 Member
    All fantastic posts...... the only thing I can add is be forgiving of yourself! No day will be perfect....... it's how u get up after a fall that will set the pace for your future. I may only be speaking for myself when I say I'm my own worst critic. Don't beat yourself up over a bad day. I started with small changes and it's helped. First I started w adding more water to my day..... then a salad instead of fries...... the great part was that eventually I made those choices without thinking about it! Then it was cook one meal a week at home and pack my lunches to work...... go figure..... that worked too!!!!
    Slow and steady wins the race!!!!!!
  • doony62
    doony62 Posts: 2 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    dwilliamca wrote: »
    Stress and anxiety are normal parts of life that we need to learn to deal with in ways other than over-eating. I'm dealing with the recent death of my mom and staying on track logging calories which actually helps me take my mind off of it. My problem is that when I get depressed I have a terrible time motivating myself to do much of anything including exercise. That is where will-power has to come in. Mind over matter....I won't buy xxxxx. I won't eat xxxxxx. I will exercise. Get up and get moving. Find something fun or entertaining that doesn't involve eating, or maybe just complete something you've been putting off. Just DO IT.

    Wow, I'm so sorry for your loss, but congratulations on your will-power. I am learning. Depression bouts make it very hard to move. Things like showering and leaving the house are hard, let alone exercise - yet exercise is so rewarding for mental health.

  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    I was diagnosed with compulsive overeating disorder (or binge eating disorder) a few years ago. And my god I can pile away some food when I go on a binge (think 2 pizzas, a family sized bag of chips, chocolate, a whole pint of ice cream then some candy as well....) it’s shocking and one day I added up my calories after a mammoth binge and it was almost 6,000 I had consumed over the course of a few hours. When people say “oh I binged on cookies at the weekend....I had like 4 when I only should have had one..” I’m like “4 packs!?” Because those were my binges. I totally understand. I was at a healthy weight in 2013 (2lbs off anyway...) and I’ve gained it all back most of it in the last year. Feel free to add me as a friend. I do understand how difficult it is to get started after a bad couple
    Of days.....
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I was diagnosed with compulsive overeating disorder (or binge eating disorder) a few years ago. And my god I can pile away some food when I go on a binge (think 2 pizzas, a family sized bag of chips, chocolate, a whole pint of ice cream then some candy as well....) it’s shocking and one day I added up my calories after a mammoth binge and it was almost 6,000 I had consumed over the course of a few hours. When people say “oh I binged on cookies at the weekend....I had like 4 when I only should have had one..” I’m like “4 packs!?” Because those were my binges. I totally understand. I was at a healthy weight in 2013 (2lbs off anyway...) and I’ve gained it all back most of it in the last year. Feel free to add me as a friend. I do understand how difficult it is to get started after a bad couple
    Of days.....

    Thank you for the offer, I've sent you a request. <3
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I am where you are now. Realizing that my emotional well being is connected to my physical healthy. I binge eat as a way to deal with stresses in my life and that has left me with an 80lb weight gain in the last 6 years. I started taking things slowly, trying to eat better and workout more. Let me know if you want a friend. :)

    I've added you :)
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Can relae very much. I lost about 15 lbs a few years ago. No injury, but stopped logging. I plan to go slowly this time. I have mfp set at 1 lb/week. I am checking out home exercise apps . I am sedentary, too. We got a dog in sept and i have to walk him which helps. I binge eat and graze. I am trying to eat more often, small snacks. I think for me it can help mindless eating/grazing.
  • rachelsentinel
    rachelsentinel Posts: 14 Member
    I can’t add much to the discussion here because so many good advice and support is coming your way, but if you’d like another friend, I’d be glad to have you. I think your list of goals is a great beginning!