Any college students?

So I find it tough to work out just having a job. But I'm starting college in a few months So I'll probably be even more exhausted and less eager to work out. And within a year, I wanna be 100 lbs less. Any college students losing weight with at least 50lbs to lose, willing to motivate each other? :)


  • laureneva15
    right here!
    feel free to add me
  • CanadianScot
    CanadianScot Posts: 30 Member
    Hey! I am going into my final year of an undergrad and also has two part time jobs. Yes, it can be exhausting but it is totally worth it at the end of the day! I try to work out at least 3 times a week but sometimes I lack the motivation to keep up with the excercise when I am super busy at University. I am looking to lose 50lbs...would love to look fabulous at my graduation! Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other to reach our weight loss goals :)
  • HannahPendrigh
    HannahPendrigh Posts: 147 Member
    yep I am! did my first year and that's how I put on so much weight! but I'm determined to not let it happen again this year! I have around 50lbs to lose, feel free to add me :)
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I started with 50 pounds to lose, and 22 pounds gone! I work full time and I'm also in grad school (part-time, I'm not completely crazy!). Feel free to add me if you want some support!
  • Jessicas_Old_Account
    I'm not trying to lose 50lbs but I'm pretty close. I'm trying to lose 45lbs. I start college on the 16th and I will be going for 11 hours on Tuesday and Thursday. It's going to be tough buy maybe it will keep me from snacking all day. Add me if you want. =]
  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    i'm in my 4th year at uni and have about 50lbs to lose! feel free to add me :)
  • glutenliz
    glutenliz Posts: 17 Member
    i only have 1 semester left but for now I'm in college, and 225 pounds so definitely have over 50 ponds to lose. I'd love to try and help!
  • jes0704
    jes0704 Posts: 15
    I work full time, a mother to an almost 7 year old and I will be a full time student at the end of this month and I need to lose at least 50lbs!!! Feel free to add me :)