C25K- who's joinin me?

kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
I start my running destiny tonight. I haven't ran in like, 15 years and even then it was horrendous, but have read the website, had a quick huff about outside and thought, just do it. I have 9 weeks of programmes to get me from nothing to 5 k, 3 times a week.

So who wants to be my huffing about Internet running friends? Come on it could be fun! ;-)

P.S I suck at running, I run like phoebe from friends. This will not be pretty.


  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Hiya I just started this too! Feel free to friend me if you like :) - haha I'm the same.... no co-ordination at all. I'm currently just finishing week 1 :)
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    i am on week 5 day 2 tomorrow. Not running fast but I am running. I figure once I can run for 30 minutes can start working on my speed then
  • gingerninja22
    gingerninja22 Posts: 54 Member
    i'm starting on monday! can i join?
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    I would love to start this with you, I don't have a iphone so will just be using my watch but let's do this (I also cannot run unless you count free jogging on the wii fit I can do 10minutes of that)
  • dogwhisperette
    dogwhisperette Posts: 177 Member
    I am in! I have been planning on starting it sometime this week so this will be the push I need. I LOVE running but had to stop a couple of months ago due to a hip injury. Thought C25K would be the safest way to get back into it. Add me if you would like support and motivation and would return the favor when needed.
  • Hi,

    I started earlier this week. I was in the Navy and had to run all the time. I hated it then, I still hate it. LOL but I'm hoping that this time I will figure out a way to love it.

    Anybody else think that it's actually harder doing all this stop and going?

    It just about killed me. I can force myself to run a mile already but it "ain't pretty." I huff and puff and groan like somebody with a pack-a-day habit (although I don't smoke).

    And don't even get me started on the feeling self-conscious part as all these insanely fit people in their tight little shorts go whizzing past. I want to smack them, evidently I am not a happy jogger.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I started Saturday and D3 tonight, already an improvemnt iv noticed as I used to be wacked just walking to shop lol. I used Endomodo app to track my time and speed etc. Find that it heapls! Good luck, please add me I'm looking for other C25Kers :)
  • emma2309
    emma2309 Posts: 203 Member
    I would love to join you! I just spent 10months on crutches so getting back to running is proving quite difficult! I'll add you on here :)
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    this program is a wonderous and joyous program. IT REALLY WORKS! seriously, im an ot a runner by any means and i am on Week 5 starting day 3 today. im amazing at how well this works! ill cheer you on! you CAN do this i promise and you'll love it! at first maybe not so much, but you'll end up wanting to do this everday!
  • I am wrapping up week 3. I've never ran in my life and since I started this program I've realized that anyone can do it, really! This is my second attempt at week 3. I found that I was trying to run too fast and getting winded quickly. Since I slowed it down a bit, I'm really loving it!
  • kellogsmscott
    kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
    Ok cool I'm glad I'm not alone. Shall we make this a sort of check in post? Talk about out runs, where we are, what week etc? I don't think we can coordinate to run on the same days lol but it would be good to be spurred on.

    Everyone is welcome at any stage at any time! Hop on! X
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    im in on that idea! talking about our weeks and our exerpience and keeping eachother on track!!!
  • BobsySpud
    BobsySpud Posts: 29 Member
    I've just graduated c25k and can honestly say that its one of the best things i've ever done. I dont normally stick with things, but i completed the full nine weeks and finished with a full 5km run at the weekend, i'm now addicted and embarking on bridge to 10k. Good luck guys. Its not easy, but worth every ounce of sweat!!
  • I've just come across this - planning on starting it despite the fact I have never been able to run very far!!!
  • kellogsmscott
    kellogsmscott Posts: 67 Member
    BRILLIANT! Guys you have got me ridiculously excited and i am normally such a grumpy lass. Just knowing people are with gives me a little boost, you know?

    I really don't think it matters if you haven't run, can't run (thats me) or are just out of practice. This is gonna get us moving in a nice, progressive, controlled way, rather than all guns a blazing, failing, feeling naff, eat crap sort of way.

    I will post my first installment tomorrow :) Im really looking forward to seeing how everyone progresses :)

    Kel x
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    i'm going to join this little group as well if I can :)

    I've attempted running several times in the past, but always have issues with my feet and the plantar fascitis. I'm using something to help with that at the moment and since its been chronic for 2 years. I've always wanted to run and am determined to get there at some point in my life, lol... why not now?
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    ok.. just went for a walk after downloading the Endomodo app for my phone... have to say it was great! I was going to drive the route i take to see how long it was and the endomodo app did that for me and told me how fast i was going ( walking).. thanks for the recommendation!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I love the Endomondo thing its a nice piece of kit! And its Fre! Lol add me as a friend on it and can track each other, goes for anyone else on it too search for me Stewie D Leigh ... Might just be Stewie Leigh

    After readibg all these I'm really psyched for my third day run tonight :)
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I just started this week. I've never been a jogger but so far I can do this. The C25K app has been so helpful. How do you guys log this?
  • Aczjohnson
    Aczjohnson Posts: 22 Member
    good luck everyone! go SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW and steady - believe me, I know. i had to quit c25k TWICE b/c of injuries. i finally did it (3rd times a charm) after 3 years and 1 baby :noway: - i ran my 1st 5k last October (profile pic). I am now doing EI210k (ease into 10k).

    YOU. CAN. DO. IT.!!!

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