The Diamond Challenge: Week 3 (Little Diamonds)



  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    My answer: I often use food as a reward, as I am sure many of us do... So I say to myself 'i have been so good with dieting and exercise I can get away with eating three chocolate biscuits, I deserve them!' Really I should find a better reward system such as a nice treat at certain points of my weight loss journey. In fact, I did treat myself to a pair of leather boots when I hit my 140 goal, they would have never zipped over my calfs when I was heavier!
  • LittleDiamonds
    Happy Thursday Diamonds!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    Lately I have been eating a lot of free food. For example, yesterday my job set out trays of chicken fingers, french fries, and fried cheesecake bites. I showed restraint and ate just one chicken finger, but I have been less successful in recent weeks at showing restraint.

    I always tell myself, "It's free, it must be meant to be!" LOL! Yesterday I finally said to myself, "This food really isn't free... I'm paying dearly for it on the scale!" In fact, that will be my new mantra!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    I really don't catch myself doing this a lot, but when I do my excuse is normally "I've been doing good so 1 is not gonna hurt anything"...not sure I need to change it because it just doesn't happen often...LOL! When I did WW in 2004 I really learned how to restrain myself from eating the "bad stuff" - I can actually have a box of candy bars sitting on my desk for a fundraiser and not eat one!!!
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    Well because I do all the grocery shopping and I refuse to bring a bunch of junk in the house, my family eats healthier also. Except for my husband who has a "secret" stash in his car. smh My kids love fruit and veggies so it hasn't been too hard of a sell.

    My two youngest children were already active so they just have things that they can do with me now. My oldest, who likes to just lay on the couch, now likes to exercise along with me. She is even considering track and field or soccer this upcoming school year. I was very shocked. My children are slim like I was at their ages but I am glad that they are getting these good habits now so that later its not a culture shock.

    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    I really have not cut out all "bad" things from my diet. I allow myself a treat every once in a while and it has helped me stick to my eating plan. I just try to stay within my "maintain' weight calories on those days.
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    I have noticed a change in my boyfriend as well as daughter. Before the change, my boyfriend's first thought would be let's go to McDonald's or Wendy's. Now, he is like let's go Wawa's. We can get a wrap, or a sandwhich. He asks if we can play basketball more frequent so he can get excerise in. The changes have been subtle. He hasn't even noticed it yet. My daughter gets really excited about it. She wants to go the gym more often, she just wants to be more active ( playing basketball, jumping rope, going swimming) Sometimes I can even keep up. She doesn't eat a lot of junk food at home, but, I still see her buying junk food when she gets her allowance. But, at home, she tends to picks fruits over oreos, which is good.
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    My major excuse is I am craving it and it's TOM. It is difficult to ignore craving during TOM!!! It really is. But, I am learning to try and focus on something else until the craving has passed. Also, being prepared helps. I do not have to visit the caf, which keeps me from being tempted..
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    I say that a little bit won't hurt me, and then I end up eating more than I planned. I could eat better things so that I can eat more of it.
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    My excuse is the "I'm too tired" excuse. After a long day, I sometimes don't have the energy to cook and neither does my husband. He'll normally suggest going out to eat or ordering take out. I resist at first, thinking I'd rather eat nothing than eat what he's suggesting. However, I will normally cave and find myself eating a slice of pizza or sitting at Friendly's restaurant. This doesn't happen a lot, thank goodness. When these situations arise, I think I need to do a workout to get the endorphins flowing, even if I already worked out earlier in the day. Do something for 30 minutes that will boost my energy again then I can get to that kitchen and cook something healthful. Days when this isn't possible because we're home so late and really need to eat, I can encourage healthier options for eating out. I really need to research the menus of some places we go to and have a go-to healthy option.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    I think of things like, 'one day or one meal won't hurt me,' 'it's okay to just have a little,' 'you're doing so good anyway.' sigh... I find it most challenging when there is something available for snacking, like when restaurants put chips & salsa in the middle, or I go to someone's home for a visit and they have chips out, or veggies (but with high cal dips), etc. I really struggle with this, but what has been helping the most is to count the number I eat instead of mindlessly snacking and once I've reached 10 or so, I put some gum in my mouth and if possible walk away.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    My excuse is that I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. If someone took the time to bake cookies or bring cupcakes to work, then I should have one. I have gotten better. For example, I will now only have 1/2 piece of cake or 1/2 cookie. I also keep healthier snacks in my desk drawer so I won't be as tempted by treats.

    I have to say, ladies, I was kind of sad to get the email this morning that tomorrow is our LAST weigh in for this challenge. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of you better. Go Little Diamonds!!
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    I usually just eat it and tell myself I can burn the calories with an extra workout. Have more will power and not eat it.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?
    Not daughter, 2, is a very picky eater so my food changes have hardly affected her. My husband spends more time at work than home, so he hasn't been affected much either.
    QOTD - Thursday: What excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?
    I don't often make excuses. I'm more likely to either work out to justify the food, or to skip it entirely.
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    I have neither, and my family are pretty good about helping me eat healthy, and exercise, so I've not really had an impact on their lives.

    QOTD - Thursday: What excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    I used to use the old "I've earned it" excuse, but I'm finding now, I'll just say "OK, that was a blip, I'm back on the wagon now" and be done with it if I eat something I shouldn't. No excuse, just honesty.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Sorry that my Wednesday question didn't apply to many of you. After 3 rounds of The Diamond Challenge, I'm running out of questions that haven't already been covered.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    I either say to myself "you've been so good for days that this one peanut butter cup (or whatever) won't hurt" or else I just think "I can exercise more to offset the calories". I have learned, however, that I don't always get time or have energy to do that extra workout to burn those calories. The one thing I have done to change my justifying Reeses peanut butter cups is to add organic peanut butter poweder with chocolate shavings to my protein shake mix. Makes the whole thing taste like a peanut butter cup and is only adds about 20 calories to the shake.
  • thebutteredtoast
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    N/A for me. My dog doesn't really care what I eat as long as he gets his weekly snack of peanutbutter! :laugh:
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    'I can work it off later' or 'It's okay, just one won't hurt me!'
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    My family has a lot of family dinners, and the food there is homemade and oh-so-delicious. I'm working on portion control right now.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    My excuse is that I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. If someone took the time to bake cookies or bring cupcakes to work, then I should have one. I have gotten better. For example, I will now only have 1/2 piece of cake or 1/2 cookie. I also keep healthier snacks in my desk drawer so I won't be as tempted by treats.

    I have to say, ladies, I was kind of sad to get the email this morning that tomorrow is our LAST weigh in for this challenge. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of you better. Go Little Diamonds!!

    I so understand this... My work colleagues are feeders... We have so much food floating around the office and during team meetings. I have been quite lately but used to not say no as I thought they may think me rude!
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Qotd Thursday: what excuses do you use to eat something you shouldn't and how could you change this?

    I think of things like, 'one day or one meal won't hurt me,' 'it's okay to just have a little,' 'you're doing so good anyway.' sigh... I find it most challenging when there is something available for snacking, like when restaurants put chips & salsa in the middle, or I go to someone's home for a visit and they have chips out, or veggies (but with high cal dips), etc. I really struggle with this, but what has been helping the most is to count the number I eat instead of mindlessly snacking and once I've reached 10 or so, I put some gum in my mouth and if possible walk away.

    Good idea I like this suggestion.]