My fellow vegan women

Recently switched over to a vegan diet from vegetarian and also working out 5 days a week. I love it and feel more energized but I’ve been experiencing weight gain, bloating and no period this month, are these normal side effects?


  • pbbananacoffeechocolate
    That has not been my experience. Perhaps your period is just late, and that accounts for the bloating/weight gain? Your body might be adjusting to your new diet, something like that can definitely affect the timing of your cycle. I recommend the book, Vegan for Life, as it highlights how to get all essential nutrients on a vegan diet.
  • hannalunaa
    hannalunaa Posts: 9 Member
    Yes actually! Initially I did lose my period on a vegan diet but it happened only once I went completely raw. My guess is that you are eating mostly raw and sugary fruit like bananas and dates and such. Try maybe replacing some of that with cooked lentils and potatoes or vegetables. Also make sure you're getting enough Omegas (avocados, nuts, etc.) it might help to just track your calories as a vegan to see how to best balance your new fully vegan menu. So happy you made the switch!! It's honestly the best, good luck (: (:
  • robynjohnston3
    robynjohnston3 Posts: 4 Member
    hannalunaa wrote: »
    Yes actually! Initially I did lose my period on a vegan diet but it happened only once I went completely raw. My guess is that you are eating mostly raw and sugary fruit like bananas and dates and such. Try maybe replacing some of that with cooked lentils and potatoes or vegetables. Also make sure you're getting enough Omegas (avocados, nuts, etc.) it might help to just track your calories as a vegan to see how to best balance your new fully vegan menu. So happy you made the switch!! It's honestly the best, good luck (: (:

    My diet is pretty well balanced. Beans, veggies, nuts, fruits, carbs, etc. I’m wondering if it’s because I’m working out more possibly. But could that also be where the weight gain is coming from?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    In my experience, this isn't normal with a switch to veganism unless something else is going on. Assuming you're getting enough fat and calories, another thing to consider is if you've increased your fiber a lot since going vegan. Some people find that a sudden increase in fiber can lead to bloating and discomfort and sometimes constipation (which can account for weight gain). If your fiber has increased, you can see if decreasing it helps some (and if it does, you can then plan to gradually increase it until you're at the level you want to be at long-term).

    Increasing exercise can also lead to temporary water weight gain because your muscles are retaining water to help with recovery. I have also heard, anecdotally, of big increases in exercise causing periods to be skipped or delayed. If this continues, though, I'd probably get it checked out just to make sure nothing else is going on.

    I second the recommendation for "Vegan for Life," it's an excellent nutritional resource for vegans.