Working out Hard, not exceeding daily calories, NOT LOSING:

Somebody, anybody, please tell me what is going on. I have started a new 8 week workout program with interval running 5 days per week and strength training everyday. My calorie intake is 1,450 daily. The first two weeks, I lost 5 pounds. This past week, I was on my cycle. Suddenly, I gained 2 pounds and worked out harder burning more calories, at the end of this week, I HAVE LOST NOTHING.

I have 70 more pounds to lose. I have been at 11 pound loss for 2 months now and not moving. I am getting discouraged. Any advice would be helpful. By the way, the main area I have pounds on (my stomach). I have lost no inches there at ALL...


  • gemma247
    gemma247 Posts: 44 Member
    try reducing your calories just by a little bit to shock your body, its probably got used to it all xx
  • promiseskept
    Just keep with it, you will lose it. You had a good los and you do gain a little before and during your cycle, give it a week and you may see a significant change.
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    Try playing with your calorie intake. Shake things up a bit and you should start seeing a loss again. Good luck!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    What are you eating? Maybe making your diary public will help. Many times even if you are w/in calorie goal it's what you are eating.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    Don't be discouraged, but just try to shake things up a bit, play with the calorie intake, make sure you're not doing the same exercises all of the time. Muscle does weigh more than fat, so you could be building muscle. Stomach muscles are one of the hardest to develop, so just give it time. I haven't lost much weight, but my clothes are looser and I'm sure your clothes are looser in some places. Take care.
  • mijooley
    Agree with the last post - keep with it. I was once advised by my PT to focus on what you can control. You cannot control the scales, but you can control what you eat and your activity - which is what you are doing, so in the long run you will loose. It's just happened to me. I have 2 stone to loose after my second baby, and I have had two really good weeks, on 1500 calories, and have really increased my exercise - result - zero weight loss. At one time I would have got really disheartened and thought - blow it, but I have learned to take it on the chin and have confidence that as long as I am doing the right things with food and exercise, it will happen.

    Good luck.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    Are you eating your workout calories?
  • Same Happened to me I cut calories trying to avoid starvation mode the whole deal, when I cut my carb intake to about 30grams a day (some times I take carb blockers if I have to have a big meal) and it boosted my loss. I'm thinking it's the righting of the blood sugar type thing.
  • nsp1981
    nsp1981 Posts: 10
    You might be building muscle and toning your body. Have your measurements changed at all? You will lose the weight.
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water as well, if I drop my water intake down I don't loose for some reason.
  • mijooley
    I have just seen another similar post and somebody recommended this article as a possible explanation for temporary weight gain when a new exercise programme is started. I cannot validate it's content, but sounds interesting. I'm going to ask my PT.
  • malg64
    malg64 Posts: 9
    Thanks so much. Just read the article. It explains so much. I am going to keep going and see what happens. This is the 3 week of an 8 week program. Hopefully, I will see results within the next couple of weeks.
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Today is 2 weeks since I started working out (hard) and changing the way I eat. I have yet to drop a single pound!
    I'm not giving up, but I can't WAIT to see the scale drop by a few pounds...
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Watch your sugar intake just as closely as you watch calories or fat. If something has a lot of sugar, then it's going to throw off the system, and especially since you just came off your cycle, sometimes we ladies tend to not pay as much attention to foods as we would otherwise (not saying you're the same way, but it's something to keep in mind :happy: ) DON'T GET DISCOURAGED! Ask a nutritionist or someone at a fitness facility what you should do. They may suggest that you re-evaluate your workout and your diet, because like someone else said, your body gets adjusted to caloric intake and something as simple as readjusting a nutrient intake or decreasing your caloric intake could make a world of difference!

    Good luck!
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    Yourbody platues on running very quickly. Are you eating your calories back? Areyou wearing a HRM to get an accurate calorie burn? If not, thats your problem.