cant stop giving into cravings !

i just cant shake of the cravings for chocolate and carbs ! Is it better to eat it so you wont want it or should i just try harder to ignore them ?


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You will probably see a wide variety of answers on this. For me, I have to do a 2 week 'cleanse' of carbs and sugars to get rid of those cravings. To do this, I go very low carb (carbs are from fruits, veggies, yogurt only) for about 2 weeks. After that I start adding back in just the complex carbs and that works pretty well for me. It is hard work any way you do it.
  • cammers74
    Im the same with sugar / chocolate...and its hindering my weight loss!
    I must resist.

    I wouldnt cut out carbs altogether though, just opt for a smaller portion and wholegrain pasta / brown rice, then have more veggies to fill up on...
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    When I have a craving for something, I usually get a huge glass of water and drink that, wait 20 minutes and if I still want whatever I was craving, I take a SMALL PORTION of it to satisfy the craving and then move on. I usually find that I'm just bored, and that's why I'm craving whatever it is I'm craving and the water helps by giving me time to reconsider. That's what works for me anyway.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Why don't you try leaving some extra calories at the end of the day for a treat of your choice. That way you're getting the thing you crave, but you're still within your calories.

    If you're out of calories, or eating the craving would mean you won't have enough calories for something nutrisious when you're actually hungry, try logging it first. A lot of times once I log it and see how it will impact my day, it makes me not want it anymore. Or ask yourself, am I really eating this because I am hungry, or because I am bored/want a treat? That's the biggest thing I am trying to work not, not snacking just for the hell of it, but only when I am actually hungry.

    A third trick is bargain with yourself. If I stay on the treadmill for 30 more minutes I can have that cookie, or I won't have the cookie now, but if I still want it on the weekend I can have it (jhopefully the craving will go away by then).
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    I have the same problem! I've really come far with my addiction to sugar (and with me it was a full blown addiction) but I still feel I eat too much and it's only sugar that beckons me. I love fruit but it's not the same. I avoid artificial sweeteners because they are packed with crap chemicals like chlorine (I don't like the taste anyway). I still can't make it through the day without some kind of chocolate, but I only have a piece or two and make it 85% cocoa. It seems to satisfy more. I have also ONCE traded dinner in for 2 hoho's but only once and pms sucks sometimes and I was a good girl the rest of the day. I felt kinda gross that night and it helped reinforce my good eating habits the next day.