Taking a week off??

So I worked out on Monday. Tuesday I didn't. I was going to Workout yesterday on Wed. but I had something to take care of that literally had me naseau and my hands shaking all day because of my nerves. I decided not to workout. Well today I just feel completely off. I have high anxiety and today its just kicked in hardcore for a multitude of reasons. I want your opinons on taking the rest of the week off if I watch what I eat over the weekend (I have a super busy weekend with alot of running around so I am sure I'll burn some calories), Do you guys think thats bad? For the past 4 years I have never went 1 whole week and not worked out..Even though I worked out Monday I don't count that lol. The only time I missed a whole week was when I got a kidney infection a few yrs back..Ya there was no way haha. So Is it really that bad when for 4 years I haven't done it once?? I don't want to beat my self up for it but I just feel like a NEED this break!! Your thoughts??


  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    By all means, take a break! It's only Thursday so that's only a 3 day break. You could always wake up tomorrow ready to work out again! And if not, just pay extra attention to your calorie intake and you will really be just fine. I have anxiety issues as well so I understand where you're coming from, but if your body says it needs rest then let it rest!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    MFP is set up so that you will lose without any activity outside your daily activity level. So there's no problem with taking a break from working out to fit your life in- I do it all the time! Sometimes I find it actually gave me a little bump in my loss- just doing different kinds of activity (since they arent exercise, it almost always uses muscles differently). Just try to do something to make coming back to working out pleasant- like psych yourself up the night before your first workout back.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    You don't need to do the work-out, but try to get some activity. Take a nice relaxing walk and enjoy the scenery. It's a known fact that moving will raise the endorphines in your brain and help relieve the stress.
  • JennieD2
    JennieD2 Posts: 66
    OK on the one hand taking a week off isn't the end of the world and no you shouldn't feel guilty about it.
    On the other hand working out will help settle your anxiety. Those endorphins can work wonders! Also the longer you don't work out the harder it will be to get back into it again. I find it helps take my mind off other things so I would choose to go do that work out. :smile:
  • jolieblossom
    You know your body best, and sometimes a break is needed. You will have more energy and focus when you come back strong. If you are having anxiety problems and your hands are shaking now, you might not have enough energy while you are working out and injure yourself, or you may get even more burned out and end up taking a break anyway. So, I'd say taking a break is completely fine, but like you said just watch your calorie intake. You will still burn calories by moving around in the day, so you will be fine. Hope whatever you decide works great for you girl! <3