
Hi - has anyone had success in better controlling rosacea (facial redness and appearance of acne etc) through dietary changes? What did you do? Thanks!


  • jjsmith1984
    jjsmith1984 Posts: 3 Member
    edited November 2017
    I have heard moving more to plant based foods helps. Eliminating dairy and animal products specifically. This would have to be a permanent change from what I understand, as re-introducing these foods would cause flare-ups. I think it varies from person to person.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Some people do well by learning what triggers it.
    You could see a dermatologist who might be able to help.
  • couchpotato99
    couchpotato99 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I was seeing a dermatologist and could not find anything medication that helped. I gave up gluten 7 weeks ago and I have seen great results. I read that it is a known trigger for many people and thought I might as well try it. This may not work for everyone because different things can trigger it. I would suggest starting with a doctor though.
  • Forgeahead2018
    Forgeahead2018 Posts: 12 Member
    Great ideas - thanks!