Eating pizza and getting abs



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    spikeraw22 wrote: »
    This is my problem with CICO. Tunnel vision. Of course the theory of the formula works, but there's a lot more to the story than just cals in cals out. ANy nutritionist worth their degree will tell you this. I don't think we're disagreeing on much actually. What I'm saying is cutting down on your carbs will go a long way towards losing weight.

    No. It. Won't.

    For weight loss it's CICO. Health and nutrition is entirely separate.
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 213 Member
    Dinner tonight is half a pizza, a glass of wine, a salad and a tablespoon of balsamic dressing. I have allocated the calories and I'm looking forward to it! My husband gets the other half! I generally keep my carbs between 50g - 100g a day because it helps me manage my food cravings (insulin resistant) but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally enjoy pizza or pasta. I want to keep the weight off once I hit goal so I make sure I'm developing an eating plan that isn't a grim life sentence.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Did someone mention Alan Aragon. He is brilliant. I'll just drop this here:
  • hattieandoscar
    hattieandoscar Posts: 62 Member
    sksk1026 wrote: »
    Dinner tonight is half a pizza, a glass of wine, a salad and a tablespoon of balsamic dressing. I have allocated the calories and I'm looking forward to it! My husband gets the other half! I generally keep my carbs between 50g - 100g a day because it helps me manage my food cravings (insulin resistant) but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally enjoy pizza or pasta. I want to keep the weight off once I hit goal so I make sure I'm developing an eating plan that isn't a grim life sentence.

    Can i still lose weight with higher carbs though? As long as im in a calorie defecit ?
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 213 Member
    sksk1026 wrote: »
    Dinner tonight is half a pizza, a glass of wine, a salad and a tablespoon of balsamic dressing. I have allocated the calories and I'm looking forward to it! My husband gets the other half! I generally keep my carbs between 50g - 100g a day because it helps me manage my food cravings (insulin resistant) but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally enjoy pizza or pasta. I want to keep the weight off once I hit goal so I make sure I'm developing an eating plan that isn't a grim life sentence.

    Can i still lose weight with higher carbs though? As long as im in a calorie defecit ?

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    sksk1026 wrote: »
    Dinner tonight is half a pizza, a glass of wine, a salad and a tablespoon of balsamic dressing. I have allocated the calories and I'm looking forward to it! My husband gets the other half! I generally keep my carbs between 50g - 100g a day because it helps me manage my food cravings (insulin resistant) but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally enjoy pizza or pasta. I want to keep the weight off once I hit goal so I make sure I'm developing an eating plan that isn't a grim life sentence.

    Can i still lose weight with higher carbs though? As long as im in a calorie defecit ?

    For the billionth time, yes.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sksk1026 wrote: »
    Dinner tonight is half a pizza, a glass of wine, a salad and a tablespoon of balsamic dressing. I have allocated the calories and I'm looking forward to it! My husband gets the other half! I generally keep my carbs between 50g - 100g a day because it helps me manage my food cravings (insulin resistant) but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally enjoy pizza or pasta. I want to keep the weight off once I hit goal so I make sure I'm developing an eating plan that isn't a grim life sentence.

    Can i still lose weight with higher carbs though? As long as im in a calorie defecit ?

    Yes yes yes
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    spikeraw22 wrote: »
    This is my problem with CICO. Tunnel vision. Of course the theory of the formula works, but there's a lot more to the story than just cals in cals out. ANy nutritionist worth their degree will tell you this. I don't think we're disagreeing on much actually. What I'm saying is cutting down on your carbs will go a long way towards losing weight.

    Cutting down on your carbohydrates is only going to go "a long way" for weight loss if it results in a calorie deficit.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    sksk1026 wrote: »
    Dinner tonight is half a pizza, a glass of wine, a salad and a tablespoon of balsamic dressing. I have allocated the calories and I'm looking forward to it! My husband gets the other half! I generally keep my carbs between 50g - 100g a day because it helps me manage my food cravings (insulin resistant) but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally enjoy pizza or pasta. I want to keep the weight off once I hit goal so I make sure I'm developing an eating plan that isn't a grim life sentence.

    Can i still lose weight with higher carbs though? As long as im in a calorie defecit ?

    I will add German and Spanish to the mix:

    Ja! Ja! Ja! und noch Mal Ja!

    Si! Si! Si! y otra Vez Si!

    Sorry.....can do only English, German and Spanish. That covers a lot of the world's population.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I just tend to think that CICO works for weight loss, but, personally, in terms of how I felt physically and in terms of my body composition, I had the most success keeping the majority of my diet to whole foods, or at least, as close to natural as possible. Sure, I still had some desserts if eating out and some chocolate, but I very much limited it in favour of things like chicken, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, veggies, nuts, seeds, fruit, greek yoghurt, avocado, cheese, butter, salmon, eggs etc. But I do agree that purely for weight loss, CICO works, regardless of the foods you eat, so long as you are remaining in a deficit.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I am thinking that OP is from England (she said "pizza from takeaway", which is the way that the folks across the pond say "take out")..... :smiley:
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I am thinking that OP is from England (she said "pizza from takeaway", which is the way that the folks across the pond say "take out")..... :smiley:

    Or Britain, we've four countries, not just England ;) And yes because they said both takeaway and supermarket. And I also clarified that they likely meant a pizza from the fridge not freezer because we have more convenience/ready meals fresh in the fridge than the freezer. We're fancy (and lazy) like that.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Agreed. Good call! Thank you for the correction. I should have been much much more specific (I am a bit of a geography fan.....yes, a bit of a nerd for weather and geography).
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I am thinking that OP is from England (she said "pizza from takeaway", which is the way that the folks across the pond say "take out")..... :smiley:

    Or Britain, we've four countries, not just England ;) And yes because they said both takeaway and supermarket. And I also clarified that they likely meant a pizza from the fridge not freezer because we have more convenience/ready meals fresh in the fridge than the freezer. We're fancy (and lazy) like that.

    Or 'the colonies'. NZ we say takeaways and supermarket (and have pizza in both fridge and freezer). Aus is the same (at least pretty sure they still say takeaways).
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    This post literally made me drive and get a mexican pizza for dinner