Future Hot Mamas ~ Group 3



  • badbrat2005
    I am going to check it out. I was just looking through this thread though and was curious. Does this challenge end technically on December 31 or January 1? Just so I know what day to put as my intermediate goal date. Figure if I am tracking everything on paper and on here I may do better.
  • badbrat2005
    I was checking out and reading your thread and just ordered the book on ebay. Cant wait for it to get here.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I Love it and I am sure you will too!! Actually I think it is a love-hate relationship. I really don't want to do it sometimes. ;-)
  • badbrat2005
    I really don't want to do any kind of diet or anything, but if I ever want to lose this weight and be happy, then I have to try whatever it takes. I didnt do well today either, so tomorrow is my new day, fresh start. I am going to make my fiance be strict with me. Get him to make me walk, drink water, eat less or better choices. I will track everything on paper and also get my son to motivate me. I can do this. I can do this. I CAN DO THIS! I think it, so I have to put it into action.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Today I fell into a continuation of what I did to myself yesterday. Luckily I was able to stop myself before going too too far... now I will be starting 30DS tonight to get back within an acceptable deficit~

    On that note, that's how I handle my inability to control those urges all the time. It's all about coming back and continuing on. Most of the time I can stay within my maintenance calories, and I tend to binge on almost healthy stuff... ya know, the stuff I will allow myself once I get to goal. I have made a habit of logging food right after I eat it. So, if I suddenly have more calories than I should at the time of day, it kinda snaps me out of my binge fog while its still repairable.

    Now I gotta get the kid in bed so I can do my workout... my other kid took off for the week before school with her grandparents to MN... I hear it is a moderate temperature and they have had rain!~

    and on that note... I too like "Rambling Random HotMoms"
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Hey Jessie, I think the challenge ends on the 31st. As for your motivation, or lack thereof, I think you have already started your journey. You have decided you are sick of the way you look and feel and want to change it. Step one-done:) We have all been where you are at-it took me years to finally decide that enough was enough-I was just upping my "date of expiration" by not exercising regularly and putting crap foods in my mouth. I knew better, I am educated on good food for you and ways to treat your body-I just didn't consistently do well. I always used the age old excuse for people who are active-I can eat this, I will burn it off later. Well, age, two kids, eating crap, and not staying active caught up with me. Of course it didn't help being tall and being able to carry the weight well. I was the only one who really knew how I looked underneath the clothes-and I didn't like it.

    Ugh, sorry. I guess what I am trying to say is that we all struggle. It took years to put the weight on, we can't expect it to come off in days. Literally one day at a time. It took me six weeks of getting through each day and telling myself I made it another day before all of a sudden-it just kind of came. I consistently make healthier choices (bag of peanut m&m's my hubby offered me this afternoon-still on the top of the fridge!!!) I gave up coke cold turkey, I didn't bake, I didn't eat out--I knew if I did, I would cave.
    I committed to exercising, I measured my thighs, arms, bust, waist, around my belly button, and around the fattest part of my belly. I measured every Sunday and wrote it down. And after 8 weeks, I had lost 6 inches off the fattest part of my belly. I tell you this to try to motivate you to just take one day at a time. Make it a habit. You will see the results and feel so motivated.
    You are also doing this so that your son will have a positive role model for when he grows up and starts dating and eventually married. What kind of women do you want him to see?

    Will we screw up? Heck yes!!! I am so thankful I joined this challenge, you all are keeping me in line. With a husband who never has to watch what he eats and two active boys, it is hard to not cave to the cookies, camping food, concession snacks, etc... But I made a choice this past April. I hated not being able to wear what I wanted from my closet. I hated feeling fat when I walked by the mirror in the hallway at my job. I hated feeling tired and grumpy and sluggish. All because of my food choices and lack of exercise.

    Wow...sorry I rambled forever. I don't have anyone to express these thought to and it is a lot easier expressing them to you guys. You understand the struggles we all have.

    Jessie-you can do this! Check that: Jessie-YOU WILL DO THIS! It is a lifestyle change-it is not another diet. Keep checking in, we will help you. But you have to be responsible to yourself, first and foremost. You have chosen to do this-you will not quit:) We won't let you:) Tomorrow is the first day of your new, healthy life. Remember-day by day, meal by meal. It gets easier.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327


    Way to go, Groups 3 & 4!! You've had two weeks of all members checking in, and your numbers are showing the difference!

    One member suggested listing "% of weight loss" per group. When I ran the numbers, I didn't feel they were a good reflection of the weight lost, as some members only have to lose a very small percentage of their current weight to get to their goal weights while others have to lose a much larger percentage. Let's just keep on tracking "% to GW." Hopefully, some groups will make it to the GW's before the challenge ends!

    Please take a minute to review the following goal weights and percentages for your team listed below. I received these numbers from either the original "Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom" posting or from your group posting. This "Goal Weight" is the weight you would like to be on December 31, 2011 -- the official end of this challenge. If your goal weights are not accurate, then the "% to GW" column will not reflect your progress. For example, members with "% to GW" of 8.69% or higher as of today are on track to reach their group goal weights by December 31.


    If you are below 8.69%, don't sweat it! You still have 21 weeks to get to your GW! If you would like to make a change, just send me a message.

    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- Hot Moms Group 6 (closed group)
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
  • badbrat2005
    I thought the intermediate goal is the goal for the end of the year?!

    I am takng what people say into consideration when I keep complaining about my weight. I keep hearing "well do something about it." So that is what I am going to do. I have to get serious and I know that I can do this. And I love that this site makes you more accountable for everything. My fiances mother is now dieting as well, or watching calories at least. She comes home from work every day telling me what she has ate and how many more calories she can have. It is like wow, I inspired her to do this, yet she is doing better than me. So in other words, I need to take charge and do this.

    Someone please let me know about this whole goal date thing. I am very confused.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Helen, great job again! Very organized. And motivating! I didn't realize I was doing so well :glasses:

    And yes, the challenge runs to the 31st, but that is a Saturday and we weigh in on Mondays.....so, I don't know if that was thought through to the end. Do we have the wrong goal listed for you?
    It's great that you have inspired your future mother-in-law to be healthier. Ya'll could turn her daily confessions into an exchange. I know I hate telling my mom-in-law that she does anything better than me. Might give ya some added motivation when ya reach for something that would take away from your accomplishments. Friendly competition of sorts. You could both get even more ideas for lunch and snacks that way too, and plan dinner together. Wish I had someone that I could inspire :tongue:

    I did not manage to do the 30DS last night like I said, but I did take my dog for an evening walk, so he was thankful. Had to get my 20 minutes in. OH! and I remembered to do my 5 pushups yesterday too... on my knees, but hey! The last two days have been terrible on eating though, and I mean Terrible! Today will be better though, and I am determined to continue with another loss on Monday, even if it's smaller than I would like. Of course, if my eating was due to TOM then my weight is gonna reflect that :sad: Maybe I am overthinking now.....
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Since I've been working with all the groups, let me just tell you that there is a TON of confusion with intermediate goals and final goals. When Chari first set up the challenge, she didn't even give an end date! She eventually set up Dec. 31 as the end date, making 11-12 weeks from July 18 the "intermediate" goal, since it would be half-way through. But I also think Chari set this up based on what her final weight goal was -- lose 40 pounds by New Years. Now, for many members, it will be impossible to reach their final goal by New Years, since they have more than 40 pounds to lose. I also honestly don't think that anyone is even tracking "intermediate" goals, and to be frank, Chari hasn't even checked in for the past 10 days, which is why I jumped in to do group comparisons.

    Here's what I recommend. This challenge ends on Dec. 31. Decide what your weight goal is for Dec. 31 and focus on that goal alone. If it helps, set up mini-goals (10 pounds by Sep 15, another 10 pounds by Nov 1, etc.), so that you can reach your target by Dec. 31. And once you reach that goal, if you still have more to lose, keep at it.

    Hope that helps!
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    My current goal is to be 175lb by my birthday in 21 days. Which I am 3 lbs away. YAY! I want to be 165lbs by halloween. My over all goal is to be 160 by thanksgiving. But if it takes me until the end of the year thats fine as long as I get there.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Hmm, ok in that case... do I have our goal weights correct? I used the intermediate goals we each provided as the challenge goal, and saw the final goal as, well, our final goals. Feeling silly 2 weeks later now :P

    And yea, I got a wall post yesterday that Chari hadn't logged in in 3 days, but I remember the original thread had her going on vacation or something in the middle of the challenge.

    In all actuality, the challenge doesn't end until we reach our Final goals and are able to maintain... so really, it never ends!
    We don't just want to become Hot Moms, we want to exist as Hot Moms! The challenge just helps to bring us together for support, and place concrete dates and goals to work toward. This is a lifelong commitment to health that won't end, but change as we change and even make new goals. I guess it's all in how ya look at it :drinker:
  • badbrat2005
    Well for the goals, I know my overall goal is 135 pounds. If I aimed for that at the end of the year, I would need to lose almost 3 pounds a week. I can strive for that, but I would be happy to be at 165 by the end of the year.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    My Goal weight is 140, and I don't plan on being there by the end of the year. Which is why I put my intermediate as 175--I figured that was definitely doable. Really it isn't about how fast it comes off, but how permanant the change is. I want my change to last forever, so I am making sure I am learning exactly how to make it stick. I figured we could keep the board going into next year if we want, open up to new members or whatever after December. I think it is sad how many people fall off the wagon--but then I have been there too.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    hey girls-no matter where you are at in your day-I hope it has been a successful one. It looks like we are getting our workouts in and doing our little challenges:) Daisy-I have been lifting weights since mid-April and I STILL do my push ups on my knees :) I like to call them "speed" push ups-lol. As long as I see muscle building and improve my strength-who cares!

    Make sure you are drinking that water-it will energize you and flush the fat that your cells released. Have a good night all. One day at a time-today was a good day.

    Oh-and my GW is 170 and IW was set at 177. I am almost there!!!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Then Sugar is the only one that I had wrong in the chart.
    My husband got me out bike riding tonight. I have to give him credit :smooched:
    Me and the kid are staying inside as much as possible, cause there's frankly no reason for us to be out in the crazy killing people heat! So, hubby was nice enough to let us know the rain they got in the city cooled us down out here, and out we went. The next thing ya know, I'm on the TV doing another 40 minutes :noway: It felt good, I was overly stinky, and I feel even better now!~
    I am about to go to bed before midnight... well barely... and that's pretty awesome too!~
    G'night you hot mamas!
  • alp0918
    alp0918 Posts: 8
    I'm glad that we're discussing the Goal weight vs. Intermediate Goal. My final Goal is 140, which i don't think I have any way of making by the end of December! That would be crazy! :) So maybe my end of Dec goal should be 165....? That would put be at 25 lbs lost during the challenge. That seems do-able, right?

    Helen, can you please update my GW?
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Helen, can you please update my GW?


    Well, ladies, I'm working extra hard this week to squeeze in 3500 calories burned through exercise. I only had about 700 before yesterday's workout, so I burned almost 800 yesterday, bringing me to around 1500. Yikes! I gotta kick it into high gear today, Friday, and Saturday if I want to reach 3500 (Sunday is always my rest day). Hopefully this extra burn will help me on the weigh in on Monday!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Bike riding sounds like fun!! To have a hubby that would encourage exercise. That would be nice! I have gotten off track, not reading my book, not logging. Time to get back on the horse. When I woke up this morning I kept thinking I need to exercise,but it never happened either. I am just having a hard time moving my fanny. Hopefully all of you are more motivated than I am right now...
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    Bike riding sounds like fun!! To have a hubby that would encourage exercise. That would be nice! I have gotten off track, not reading my book, not logging. Time to get back on the horse. When I woke up this morning I kept thinking I need to exercise,but it never happened either. I am just having a hard time moving my fanny. Hopefully all of you are more motivated than I am right now...

    Get on it! Actually, maybe you need a rest day. Enjoy it and exercise tomorrow.