Trying to stay motivated!

I've been doing this for a while and I do great and then I don't post my food... then I mess up... I'm a diet Yo-yo... Its depressing... I'm trying to keep motivated with my daughters help but it's not easy...


  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    Im right there with ya.... I need some help as well... Any thoughts ?????
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    ditto! I'm the worst!
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Hi:0) Feel free to friend me. We can keep each other motivated!
  • deesjourney2fit
    Remind yourself why you are trying to lose weight to begin with. Put up motivational quotes and/or pictures. Write down your goals and post them where you see them daily. Add or change goals as you need to. Also, tell yourself that this is not a diet. This is a life style change. You deserve to feel awesome and look even better! You don't have to stop eating all of your favorite foods, just learn to eat less of them less often. I'm here if you need a push! :O)
  • JeanWalker109
    Think about the reasons you really want to lead a healthy life. No matter what they may be, you don't have to share them if you don't want to share them, but focus on those reasons. They'll motivate you. I used to think that people would think me vain, etc. if they knew some of my reasons, but the reality is - everybody has their own reasons and no one should judge anybody based on those motivational reasons. Think about why you REALLY want to lose weight and live healthy. Let that lead you. Don't look for motivation based on what others tell you SHOULD be your motivation.

    If you want it bad enough, if your reasons are truly YOUR'll automatically keep yourself motivated b/c it'll be strictly for you. The effects the weight loss will have on everyone else (your children, etc.) is just a huge bonus. You come first. If you don't put yourself first you won't be there for everyone else.

    You can do anything you set your mind to do. Just make up your mind to do it!


  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    I know it is hard sometimes to remember to log food it, but eventually you will get in a routine and it will be second nature. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will try to help as much as I can!! Good luck
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    weekends mess me up so bad! Ive been here for 9 months... even if you mess up-- eventually it will get better and you will see results if you just keep plugging away. Just keep doing it, thats the secret.
  • texasmagz
    texasmagz Posts: 35 Member
    LAW623, Looking at your food diary, you're kinda setting yourself up for binges by not eating enough during the day. I looks as if you're on a "diet" rather than making lifestyle changes. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • krisntraining
    krisntraining Posts: 226 Member
    I am the same way as well! So frustrating! One thing that does work for me is to have the mobile app handy and make myself enter things before I eat them. This really helps when I am not really hungry but am about to start the mindless/boredom/stress eating. Seeing how many calories that will add to my day BEFORE I actually eat them makes me think twice!! If you are having one of those days where you are not even motivated to enter the foods, estimate (on the high end) your calories and do the "quick add" just to give you an idea of what you are about to do to yourself.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I think motivation is one of those very personal things that for each person it is different. For me right now, I have layers of motivation that I switch between because the same ones don't work with me all the time. If I had just one thing ... I probably would have quit already.

    MFP - I love the community of support, the group challenges, and the tools to track my nutrition but also my progress and exercise. Even the little ticker gets me motivated because I can't wait for it to change!

    My future- I really focus on the things that are coming up, but also milestones I want to experience. Anything from fitting into clothing to being able to see my family and show them what I accomplished!

    My past - I think about all the things that my weight has robbed me of. I also try to process how I came to be this way so that I can work through them so I don't end up back there.

    Limited time- I remind myself each day that life is short, and this is the only run you get at it ... and I ask myself is this how I want to be using these precious days? I also remind myself that with age losing this weight will only get more difficult! TODAY my body is younger than it will be tomorrow .. thus I should take full advantage of it.

    Success stories - whether it be in my real life, this virtual forum, or through media outlets ... I always like to read and watch people who did it! Then I just feel inspired and know that just the possibility that it can be done ... then it can happen to me too!

    The scale and non-scale victories! For me this is powerful because I feel better, stronger, and more empowered with each of these victories!

    Okay, I shall stop there .. but I hope you find your motivation and reach those goals!
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    I agree it is so hard to log food, it seems so tedious at times but as you do you start to realize just how much your eating and then you start to want to make changes because you can see all of your bad habits not to mention that if you let your diary be public then every one can see what your eating lol that alone helps me to make better choices.

    so give it a try even if u start by just logging one meal. you can do it stay in there and dont give up, ive been on this diet merry go round myself plenty of times