Advice please

At the end of august I found out my fiancé and partner of 5 years was having an affair, I broke up with him and planned to lose the relationship weight that made me feel so unattractive and was my worry for why he went somewhere else. Anyway a few weeks later I found out I am expecting with his child. The morning sickness has helped me to lose a stone which is good for me however this hasn't improved my confidence in the slightest :( any advice on how I could help myself get confident again? And also any advice on losing weight while pregnant? Tia


  • mathdad41
    mathdad41 Posts: 119 Member
    I’m sorry you are going through this alone. God has a plan for you and your baby.
    I would focus on eating healthy for your baby. I wouldn’t try to lose weight while you are pregnant. Wait gain is going to happen and I would talk to your doctor about healthy eating for your pregnancy.
  • PlantStrongCyclist
    One day at a time.
    These things happen, but don’t blame yourself for someone else’s hurtful choices.

    And let yourself get through these new experiences with good people, people who support and love you.

    You’re beautiful. Be good to yourself and cherish your life. The future looks bright.
  • Greater_Gains
    Greater_Gains Posts: 32 Member
    Sorry to hear that, and congrats on the baby. I believe that swimming is meant to be really good for pregnant woman.
  • livvihall
    livvihall Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses. I'll have a chat to my doctor and look into some swimming classes x