I HATE running!

There.. I said it.. I hate running! I have never loved running, except when I was little and was outside running and playing.

Now don’t get me wrong… I do it every day at the gym and I LOVE how I feel after I do it…but I hate doing it lol

I believe part of the problem is I am frustrated… I started adding running to my cardio last summer…but got more serious about running in January when I got serious about losing this weight once and for all.

I am frustrated because I feel I should be better at it by now and able to do longer distances without still having to stop and walk in between runs. I am currently running at a speed of 4.4, and feel any slower would be too slow…so I really don’t want to drop my speed…but I am walking for 1-2 minutes after every 5 minutes of running (I usually run for about 30-45 mins. a day) I know part of it is mental- I tell myself that if I run for 5 minutes I can walk and catch my breath before running again...but I can’t make myself get out of that habit!

I love how running makes me feel and want to love doing it and look forward to it instead of dreading it every day… So I am writing this for any help that you runners out there can give me…

What do you do to help you get through it, and how did you learn to love it?

Thank you to everyone that stops and gives me advice :flowerforyou:


  • YeOldeLancer
    I hate running too!! I never enjoyed it! So what I do, is I don't run. I find other cardio that I actually enjoy! I find that cycling is a great alternative to running. I can get going, get my heart rate in my zone and keep it for a sustained period of time. If you have the resources to do other forms of cardio such as cycling or swimming, I would do that to break up the monotony of running every day.

    Good luck and keep in there!
  • nurse_carolyn
    me too.......I hope people have some good advice cause I need it...
    thanks Daisy :)
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    I do cycling once in a while... but I need to do it more often so I can find the setting that works for me to make it worth doing. Each time I did it, I didn't feel I had a good workout... But thanks for the suggestion :) I also use the Arc Trainer, but I just usually start off with running.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    When I was running I also hated the during but felt gret after it. Thats what kept me doing it.
  • Zinz6610
    Zinz6610 Posts: 3 Member
    The best advise I can give you is to get comfortable with discomfort. In order to improve with running, you're going to have to get a little uncomfortable. Learn your thresholds- and push past them when you feel it's safe to do so. It sounds like you're sticking well within your comfort zone- try pushing yourself out of it, and you might be surprised what you're capable of.

    best of luck!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    correct me if I am wrong, but you run on the treadmill right Daisy?

    My suggestion is try running outside. I hear it is easier, and you might just enjoy it more too.

    I give you BIG Kudos for sticking to it. One day I WILL get on the C25k plan...

    ...but not today

  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    That is what keeps me doing it right now too :)
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    When I was running I also hated the during but felt gret after it. Thats what kept me doing it.

    That is what keeps me doing it now too...
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I really hate running for fitness too. I just can't do it. I too have taken up cycling instead. For me it's the fact that the same (or similar) amount of effort results in far greater speed and therefore distance achieved. I get to see more of the country side in a 90 minute ride than I would on a 90 minute run.

    If you're intent on running still here are some thoughts that might help you. First, you said you're running in the gym. Try running outside. Use MapMyRun.com or a similar site to find good routes in your area. Another thing that might help you with extending your run time is something I do when I'm feeling tired during a game and need to get myself to continue on. Break down your expected run time into small intervals. So say you're going to run for 10 minutes straight, break that down into five, two minute segments. Focus on getting through those two minutes, telling yourself it's just two minutes. Do that five times and you've just completed a 10 minute run. It's a lot easier to think of "I just have to do five of these little 2 minute segments" than to think "man I gotta run for 10 minutes".
  • lilapr
    lilapr Posts: 9 Member
    If you are running for 5 mins at your top speed and then walking for 1-2mins, it sounds like interval training and I've heard that those are even better for you than running the whole time at a set speed!!
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    correct me if I am wrong, but you run on the treadmill right Daisy?

    My suggestion is try running outside. I hear it is easier, and you might just enjoy it more too.

    I give you BIG Kudos for sticking to it. One day I WILL get on the C25k plan...

    ...but not today


    Yes Lizzy... I do mostly run on the treadmill... I occasionally run outside, and usually do better than I think I will, but I think I mostly do the treadmill because I can control the pace... but I really need to not worry so much about my pace and just do what feels comfortable when I am outside... I think I get too focused on the burn too...
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I think you're doing GREAT for only getting serious in January. If it makes you feel any better, it's taken me 12 years (off and on) of jogging to run for 3-4 miles+ w/out stopping. It's hard work, and most of us aren't "naturally-born" runners (perfectly aligned, built like gazelles, never get tired), so give yourself a break.

    And if this makes you feel any better, too -- even after 12 years, I have a love/hate thing with running sometimes. It's like that goofy joke "I like hitting myself in the head with a hammer because it feels so good when I STOP." :}
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Running isn't compulsory!

    Try and run outside, leave your watch and GPS phone or whatever at home and just enjoy the feeling.

    You could also set mini goals for each session so you don't get bored - a minute longer before a walk break, a 30 second sprint every 5 minutes, some hills etc.

    Running doesn't have to be the be-all and end-all of your exercise, just an ENJOYABLE session somewhere in your routine.

    Have fun! :flowerforyou:
  • EnS1110
    EnS1110 Posts: 10
    Try doing intervals..run at about 5.5 for 30 seconds, then walk at a 3.5 for 1 minute. It not only elevates your heart rate for those bursts but allows you time to work on your breathing. I hate running too! and have always had asthma so its hard for me to control my breathing, but the intervals helped and it feels like you're doing less running. Its like tricking your body into a better overall burn! Try it 1 or 2 times a week as an alternative to plain running.
  • Cherrycandy
    I have to run outside, I cant do it on a treadmill. I used to run in hs, and I think its just that we are older and our bodies are different now.
  • Will_is_the_Power
    Daisy, It is all about the "after-glow"

    Not that after-glow the "running after-glow"

    I recently got back (heavier) into running. I am doing between 15 and 20 miles a week and OMG does it hurt but then you feel that great feeling once your system returns from the shock!

    Keep going, you will be so glad you did!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I hate running too!! I never enjoyed it! So what I do, is I don't run. I find other cardio that I actually enjoy! I find that cycling is a great alternative to running. I can get going, get my heart rate in my zone and keep it for a sustained period of time. If you have the resources to do other forms of cardio such as cycling or swimming, I would do that to break up the monotony of running every day.

    Good luck and keep in there!

    I'm with you on that one. I do not enjoy it, never did, so I use the treadmill or the bike. The elliptical and the stair monter try to kill me, too...
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    Thanks :) These are some great ideas! I agree with the running outside.. but that is pretty much only an option on the weekends because of my work schedule and a long commute every day. But I am going to start doing it outside more on the weekends just to get out of the gym once in a while...
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i second going outside to run, to start with you'll be slower due to not being on a controlled surface with a controlled incline, but in time you'll improve and you won't be staring at the same wall/screen for ages
  • ehs5mw
    ehs5mw Posts: 65
    This may or may not apply to you, but seems true for me:

    I recently read a very long post on some running forum about lactate threshold and why some people never seem to get comfortable running. Essentially, many people (myself included, and numbers proved it during recent metabolic testing) have a low anaerobic threshold. Those in this category often get frustrated because they are pushing themselves too hard. Basically, my mentality was always about running a mile at a certain speed and then adding distance to that each time I go out in order to try to improve my endurance. This is more about mental endurance than physical, because your muscles will simply not allow you to get comfortable training this way. What I need to do, and you may need to do also, is run at a much lower heart rate so that my body increases its anaerobic threshold and its aerobic base. Basically, I need to train at slower speeds so that my heart rate is still low enough to benefit long-term from my cardio. Maybe you are in a similar position? Elite marathon training professionals often use this approach, though I am admittedly much worse in terms of my anaerobic threshold than the runners they probably start with.