Tired of gym fees?



  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "Tired of gym fees? No, not really, They are $21.36 per month and, once I go 12 times a month (3 times a week) my work provided medical coverage company reimburses me $20 for that month. So, for a net of $1.36 I get all the cardio machines I need (treadmills, ellipticals, rowing, stairs bikes) , (several in a movie room for entertainment), two squat racks (little waiting) and all the free weights, dumbbells (up to 100 pounds each) and machines I could possibly need or use. I currently use only the assisted pull up/dip. About a 15 minute drive from my home. Too good a deal to pass up.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I also quit due to the cost. My gym made some major overhauls, which would make most people say "Yay! New equipment! New workout areas! Same price!", but it actually had the opposite effect for me. I found I was waiting longer for equipment, the trainers started bringing their clients all over the gym instead of sticking to certain areas like they used to, and more people meant more kids in the childcare area and my kid getting sick every other week. I was paying to basically cut my workouts short because I didn't have time to wait around, or to sit at home with my sick child.

    Now I'm back at home and trying to figure out a workout plan that I like. I have a bad case of "I'm bored with that workout" at the moment.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I'm at the "nonjudgmental" gym as well, but I pay extra for a higher level membership. This allows me to bring my husband along (when I can talk him into it) without having to pay for a membership for him, PLUS it gets me access to the massage beds.

    Also, I like the free pizza option. Ordering pizza for two (or just for me!) often results in getting way more than I really should. And then, because it's there, and it's already mine, I eat it! But when it's available but out where everyone can see, I can take just two slices, and it feels like a treat, rather than a deprivation to "only" "limit myself" to two. Taking more than two when it's OFFERED feels rude and grabby; eating more than two when I've already paid for it my doggone self feels thrifty and non-wasteful.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,111 Member
    I quit the gym last year, cost and enjoyment being my main motivators, gym was always busy, waiting around for equipment, etc. I have a nice little set up at home now, work through Youtube videos (HASFIT, BodyCoach, etc), I run outside and walk to/from work for my cardio and do some yoga before bed.

    It has Pros and Cons,
    • I don't have all the equipment I would have at the gym available, but I have enough to get a good workout. I can add things as I go.
    • I have the luxury of a big space in my living room, if I move at any point I might have to reconsider.
    • I don't have to motivate myself to go back out on an evening it's all there at home.
    • Now that I have been doing this for over a year, it's now cost effective, I initially invested about £200 in weights, mats, resistance bands, etc, I add the odd piece of equipment now and again, like some extra weight plates, but that is maybe £30 1-2 times per year compared to the £35 per month I was paying for the gym and rarely using it.

  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    I have a robust home gym in my apartment, but I keep a parachute membership at the nonjudgemental gym for when weather is not conducive to running.
    PWRLFTR1 Posts: 324 Member
    Nope, love my gym. Only $200/year, allows me to lift heavy weight, curse, deadlift (some commercial gyms don't) and use chalk.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Yes. Was a member of several different gyms before I had my daughter. Then it got difficult to get to the gym - so I started my home gym 19 years ago. Added to it - now I have a treadmill, a recumbent seat bike, an elliptical, a Universal Weight machine and free weights. I use my home gym 6 days a week. I don't have to drive anywhere, I can workout any time of the day (or night), no waiting for anything. It's probably the best thing I've ever done.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Nope, not really -- I actually happily work a few side jobs to cover these expenses.

    Like, I prefer running outside, but I need pool access, and if it's an 86-degree heat index, or if it's raining, I want to run inside. So there's the gym membership.

    My gym doesn't offer barre, and there's a studio about 20 minutes from my house with fantastic instructors. And I feel *good* about my body in barre class, which is priceless. So there's that studio membership.

    I also hate my gym's spin classes. The bikes don't have clips, and the schedule doesn't work with my schedule. So there's Cyclebar.

    I figure I don't go to restaurants often, and my other hobbies aren't all that expensive. I'll work the extra jobs to keep these things in my budget that make me feel good about the useful things my body can do.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm fond of mine, but the time you go makes a huge difference. No wait for equipment, and most of the same small group of people every M,W,F before work when I'm there. (After work, that place is pure hell).
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    I swim therefore I gym.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Nope, not really -- I actually happily work a few side jobs to cover these expenses.

    Like, I prefer running outside, but I need pool access, and if it's an 86-degree heat index, or if it's raining, I want to run inside. So there's the gym membership.

    My gym doesn't offer barre, and there's a studio about 20 minutes from my house with fantastic instructors. And I feel *good* about my body in barre class, which is priceless. So there's that studio membership.

    I also hate my gym's spin classes. The bikes don't have clips, and the schedule doesn't work with my schedule. So there's Cyclebar.

    I figure I don't go to restaurants often, and my other hobbies aren't all that expensive. I'll work the extra jobs to keep these things in my budget that make me feel good about the useful things my body can do.

    You sound like me. I have my Anytime Fitness membership, which is only $20/month. I use that a lot, its very convenient, but right now they don't have any live classes, so I have a 9Rounds membership, which I use a lot. Not really a classes, since you can start your workout at anything. However there are other people in there and trainers helping you out. Then I also joined another gym for the pool, I could drop Anytime, but the gym with the pool is crowded in the free weight area and I just don't like that part. I look at as an investment in my health.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I stopped going to the gym and invested in a home gym 2 years ago. My membership was only $35/month and its going to take years to break even on that with the amount of money I have put into equipment. It was very much worth it for me because I have kids and I love being able to work out when I want, not just when I can find someone to watch them.

    Same, I spent a lot of money on my home gym. And I continue to to add things- like the in between sizes of dumbbells that my wellness center didn't have.
    "Cheaper" was certainly not my motivation for working out at home, but I don't mind. I have much nicer lifting equipment than the gym did, aside from some machines I used basically out of convenience. Between a variety of dumbbells and barbells, and a cable set up I can easily replace those movements.

    I can think of pros and cons for each (public gym- had great cardio options, I liked some of the people, wasn't open 24/7, and a 20 min drive each way, etc).
    You can certainly do a lot at home with little to no equipment, but for me to do the workouts I want at home I had to spend some money.
  • twinkles4
    twinkles4 Posts: 124 Member
    I stopped going to the gym and invested in a home gym 2 years ago. My membership was only $35/month and its going to take years to break even on that with the amount of money I have put into equipment. It was very much worth it for me because I have kids and I love being able to work out when I want, not just when I can find someone to watch them.

    Same, I bought the equipment I actually use for at home and have no regrets. Although it will take me only 8 months to break even on the investment. I was paying $96.00/mo. and that was the cheapest in town.

    Plus DH wanted to come with me but is self-conscious working out around other people and wouldn't go if I wasn't with him.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Gym is free for me as part of work. Locker fee is $25 a year.

    To build a home gym that I would use would cost at least $3000 and likely more. I need at least 500lbs in plates right now, a bench, high-quality bar, power rack, a platform, deadlift jack, and likely chains needed soon. If I needed to pay gym fees I would consider it. With free gym access to a gym that has everything I need I'll deal with the slight inconvenience of driving 20min.
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    At home I have a treadmill, elliptical, Pilates machine and some hand weights. Each morning I do about 45 minutes of stretching and yoga, then go do cardio for 60-90.minutes and use the weights a few times per week. I swim 2-3 miles daily during the summer months when the high school pool is open to the public and stop the dedicated walking.
    I love having the availability at home but wanted to mix it up a bit and recently joined a Jazzercise class at $40 per month and enjoy the group setting.
    Now I'm thinking about checking out our 2 local gyms to see what classes and when they are offered.
  • MekaP97
    MekaP97 Posts: 16 Member
    I hate paying for the gym as well but honestly even it if were free I probably wouldn't go LOL I enjoy work out videos and now there are so many on YouTube and other place for free there is no reason to leave my basement. I have invested in weights and mats etc. I also enjoy going for walks with my friends at the trail in the park...
    My husband does not go to the gym either, he does 100% body weight strength training and has really bulked up his chest and arms just from push ups and the pull up bar he bought that hangs in the door frame...
    I think it's a personal preference though...
  • with_trish
    with_trish Posts: 34 Member
    Exactly what I do!!! Totally agree!!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I think it's great that so many people have found what works for them.

    I slowly added things and equipment to my workout space at home. I thought I would eventually get a gym membership, but before I knew it I had a room filled with everything I need to get in a great workout and was very happy with my setup. I'm the only one that uses my things, I can blast whatever music I want and I have a lot of variety. Plus I'm always adding new toys and equipment.

    I sometimes take classes like pole fitness or barre, but I enjoy and have seen awesome results working out at home/outside whenever I can.

    I'm getting ready to get in a good workout on my Pilates Reformer machine which is a 1 minute commute. I love it!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I quit the gym last year, cost and enjoyment being my main motivators, gym was always busy, waiting around for equipment, etc. I have a nice little set up at home now, work through Youtube videos (HASFIT, BodyCoach, etc), I run outside and walk to/from work for my cardio and do some yoga before bed.

    It has Pros and Cons,
    • I don't have all the equipment I would have at the gym available, but I have enough to get a good workout. I can add things as I go.
    • I have the luxury of a big space in my living room, if I move at any point I might have to reconsider.
    • I don't have to motivate myself to go back out on an evening it's all there at home.
    • Now that I have been doing this for over a year, it's now cost effective, I initially invested about £200 in weights, mats, resistance bands, etc, I add the odd piece of equipment now and again, like some extra weight plates, but that is maybe £30 1-2 times per year compared to the £35 per month I was paying for the gym and rarely using it.

    Do you have any youtube recommendations for weights? I'm a runner, so cardio is covered, but I just find myself having no motivation with weights lately. I need something to inspire me to want to do those workouts again.