

  • 1terby
    1terby Posts: 5 Member
    I did good yesterday with my water intake but today I only got in 6 glasses. I tried. I just really have trouble with drinking all that water. Got my sit-ups in and walked the dogs this morning and got on the treadmill this afternoon. Just wish i could get something done in the evening.. Come that time of day my body is giving up on me. I have herniated disc in my neck, lower back, and my right ankle has been dislocated and both leg bones broken in a car wreck in1999. Gives me a lot of trouble. Tomorrow is another day. Lets give it our all tomorrow. Good night Eliminators.

    Congratulations on all you accomplished today! Tomorrow is another day go gettum majikwon1961!
  • 1terby
    1terby Posts: 5 Member
    Way to go ladies!! I'm up to 84.5 oz in H2O - 30 mins exercise and 10 situps will be coming later today. Hope you all are having a fabulous Tuesday!

    Love your enthusiasm! Congratulations to you on this fabulous Tuesday!!!!!
  • michelle_vankat
    100 oz. H2O - DONE
    10 sit-ups - DONE
    30 minutes cardio - DONE (Did Just Dance on the Wii -- FUN!!!)

    Hopefully tomorrow it won't be as hot and humid here and I can get my butt outside and walk for 30 minutes -- I have missed it the last 2 days but it has been way to hot and humid to even go outside.

    We are all rockin it this week -- every little bit counts!! I'll check in with you all tomorrow.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I just did 13 minutes of aerbics!!!! Woo hoo for me!! Okay...I KNOW that's not much for most of you..but I started at 6 minutes and have built up to 13 this past week!!!! It's very low impact--my own kind of thing---a lot of walking and such...but for me--IT'S AWESOME!! Proud of those situps!!! :0

    Good job, all you eliminator ladies!!!! Keep up the good work...and a better day tomorrow (I'm going to try for 15 minutes!!!). ;)
  • brandymk
    brandymk Posts: 33 Member
    Great job crzyone!

    Happy Wednesday! We will have a sucessful day! We are not alone in this journey. Many of us may now be telling our friends and family about this journey to a new life style (for a fear of failure), BUT this doesn't mean we are alone! We have one another! Go eleminators!

    (I have a burst of enthusiasm today)
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I'm doing good on the water, but I haven't done any exercise since I started this challenge. I will go to the gym tonight! No excuses!
  • majikwon1961
    You have to start somewhere...I think you are doing awesome...keep up the good will pay off. You will achieve more. I started out slow to. I'm still not doing long periods of walking, 30minutes now. I just worked my way up. You go girl!
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Wonderful Wednesday to you! I am so ready for October to get here and some cool weather. I promise not to complain about any freezing weather this year. :frown:

    I have logged on for 10 days in a row. I actually started officially on Monday. So far I have recorded my food and water each day. I have been under calories each day. I have lost 1.8 pounds. I need to work on the exercise. I feel stupid doing the sit-ups. I wait until my family goes to bed.....they would give me a hard time. There is a 5k in October I might sign-up to walk. My kids take private tennis lessons. It is kind of "My Time". Thinking I might buy a racket and join them.

    I have worked on my goals and rewards. Everything I want is expensive LOL. I am as bad as the kids. Wish my husband would lose weight with me. He is not ready, yet. Praying that he changes his mind. So many things to look forward to if I lose weight....even if I don't. I have a fantasy :blushing: (no, it is G rated) of seeing my in-laws when they come at Thanksgiving and being down 50 pounds. My father-in-law is great, but he makes comments about my weight. To see the look on his face. :wink: I don't see my ex husband very often, either. He looks down on me because of my weight and I think it would be so sweet to fly under the radar and at the next kid function we both attend be down 70 or 80 pounds. Silly I know, but it would sure boost my self confidence. :tongue:

    I had 1/2 of a Dr. Pepper with my daughter at lunch today. I will do better.

    Love to all. I am proud of you.
  • ladyjessa2
    So it was weigh in time up at the hospital. Gonna have to google how many calories are burned pushing 35odd pounds worth of kid and stroller up a redonkulously steep hill from where I parked on the back side of china to the actual front door of the hospital. Deffinitly got my cardio in there, sure the 20 people crammed into the elevator appreciated my aroma, hey I was clean when I left the house. The good news I'm down another 4lbs this week. WooHoo.

    Husband wants to go work out after dinner, we'll see if that actually happens. Wednesday is our world of warcraft night so things get a bit hectic. Trying to figgure out how to incorporate some veggies into dinner, I'm making pork and green chili enchiladas if I'd thought things out better would have tried to sneak some cauliflower in with the pork.

    Stick with it everybody.
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    Ooooh you play Wow? Me too!! My DH and I met playing EQ online 11 years ago and we've moved on to WoW. What server are you on? We're on Ghostlands at the moment. I don't get too much time to play since I started my new job. It stinks!! i have to get up at 5am just to make it to work on time.

    Today has been rough. My back has been very sore and I'm actually going to bed shortly. I didn't sleep very well last night> I fell asleep on the couch which I believe to be the root cause of my discomfort at the moment. That and my PT has me doing strengthening exercises. It feels good, but these muscles just haven't been used like this in "SO long... It's depressing to think I used to have a six pack and was always in a Do Bok. I wasn't embarrassed to tell people I earned a black belt. Maybe someday....

    To end on a good note, I didn't have any soda today. Yeah!!
  • michelle_vankat
    118.3 H2O
    40 minutes cardio
    10 sit ups

    Can't believe how fast this week is flying! Catch up with ya tomorrow!
  • msstillion79
    Hey Ladies its me nellie the stranger lol YOU guys have been doing GREAT i knew we could do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry i havent been checking in my son was in the hospital he is doing good now and is home. I tried as much as possible to stay on track i have ate so many salads and fruit and my water I add the flavor paks to it so i can get through i like propels alot it gives it flavor but only is five calories and 1 carb. As for my cardio i walked the steps alot i even got my fiancee to walk with me LOL and that is something i have been triing to get him to move he weighs 356 and i am really worried about him so i have started making his plates and using portion control on him. My situps ahhh no i couldnt get myself to do them in the hospital on the floor so i did more lunges good thing i use to work there and most of the staff knew me the others just looked at me like i lost my marbles when they came into his room or the waiting room lol You guys are doing so good One day at a time is all we can do we cant change all in one day its goin to take awhile but together we CAN and WILL do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk to everyone later im going to log my food now for the day i have made menus of what i will eat all week and i think that way i will not get into everything else i only bought that stuff and i didnt even buy diet pop yesterday at sams or even pop for the kids my fiancee agreed we do not need YEah I will check in later today

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • topless1
    crzy1 terrific. . .you gotta start somewhere my friend, I'm the same way with certain things, keep up the good work and just remember baby steps are better than no steps!
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    So, my only soda slip up was Monday!!! I have been doing pretty good with my water. I try to reach for it anytime I'm thirsty, but I pee ALL THE TIME!!!! At this point, I go back to work in a little over a week, and I'm gonna have to cut back. When you teach, you can't just up and pee every 45 minutes LOL LOL LOL I am working on the situps (even though my boyfriend has declared that I do crunches instead, but sit up hurt my back too much). So, I'll ask you 20 crunches count in place of 10 situps?
  • ladyjessa2
    ch112803 - yup we're a family of wow geeks, on Kargath. I share my account with the 10 year old, when he's not grounded from video games. Totally frustraited with our raid team but that's a vent for a different day. Need to carve out some time to pug today get some VPs since I missed both raids last night. Woot on being soda free.

    Nellie - Welcome back, glad your son is doing well. Super props on staying on plan while at the hospital. Talk about a major victory over stress eating.

    brdgtvns - ran a quick google search and the short version is: crunches work your abs while sit ups work the muscle that goes from your lower back to your thigh and makes your kness go up so if your doing one of the two go with crunches. Apparently the "best" ab exercise is: lay on your back, put a ball between your legs, now put your arms above your head as your laying down, and with your legs and the ball between your legs raise them half way while with your arms you reach for the ball, grab the ball take it behind your head while bringing your leags back down, now reach back and put the ball back between your legs. Used to do these a million years ago when I was a gymnast, idealy the only part of your body that is touching the floor is your butt...your feet and shoulders stay a few inches off the floor when your in the stretched out position.

    My daily struggle is chocolate, doesn't have to be lots but I need some at the end of the day. Lord give me strength cause its baking day today, kids usually get homemade granola bars or muffins in their lunch for morning snack and I've been putting off making them so I wouldn't taste as I baked. That and need to make cookies out the dough that the husband bought cause if I watch him eat one more spoonful of cookie dough I might just wack him.
  • msstillion79
    Thank you ladyjessa it was hard to stay away from the vending machine but i had my daughter with me she helped we looked at wedding dresses and stuff to keep my mind focused and we talked to keep from completly loosing it on worring about david but he is home and doin good he is a little pain but doin well daughter bought home a no bake cookie cake to make tonight i told her i was goin to hang her lol so i have to stay away from kitchen till its gone with five other people itll not take long here lol i actually drank 105 oz of water today and im not done sit up when fiancee gets in from mowing grass i may try some crunches instead i know i am not able to do the ball thing right now but i might buy a fitness ball this weekend to try well see u guys in the morning take care and GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • crazynay96
    so today is day 16 for me! Doing great! I know Monday is weigh in but I've been weighing in on Fridays so couldn't help but pop on that scale today! :) lost 1 lb, EVEN DURING MY TOM! :) WOOT WOOT! :) Stoked about though so its likely -4lbs or so... We'll see next week! Being doing great on the water, diet and exercise... logging diet is easy but haven't been logging exercise because I HATE that it adds additional calories, fat, etc for me to eat. SO I've been given 2 solutions... 1, write it down and add it at the end of the night after I've entered all my food for the day and 2 enter calories burned as 1 so it doesn't affect my food :) I'll try this. Don't know why this bothers me so much but it does... I don't eat my my calories I've worked my *kitten* off for! :)

    How is everyone else doing?
  • crazynay96
    I have a question for everyone... Is anyone doing like short goals for themselves and rewards to keep themselves on track?

    For example...

    For every 10 lbs I loose hubby and I have agreed on a reward... I have a baggie with all sorts of things in it
    (pedicure, girls night out, day at the beach, new pair of jeans, eye brow wax, massage, etc) and I get to pick something out of the bag (but of course its folded and I have no idea what I'm picking). It helps keep me on track and also gives me a reward for doing so besides the weight loss and continues to help me stay proud of myself.
  • msstillion79
    HEy Everyone i am totally on track have done my exercises and water but only did five situps im going to do a set of ten of them i dont know what they are called where u lay on the floor put a ball between ur legs and put ur arms above ur head then reach for the ball and hold it there then relaz and do it again my kids r laughing at me oh well this is for me and i do look funny doing them i will start my set in a few i add my exercise after i eat too i dont want to eat my extras i earned thats just more weight i havent weighed myself yet waiting on monday my son is up and moving around getting on my nerves all he know is to say im bored what do i do lol cant wait till school starts in two weeks for him an three for the younger two I hope that u guys have some ideas for next weeks goals i have a few but want to make this a team thing so let me know either message me or on here take care and everyone is doing a great job :drinker:
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    Today I did not do so well. I gave in to stress eating. Need to build a bridge and "get over it". It is funny (actually sad) how I turn to food to "fix it". Does anyone else do this????

    Supposed to sleep in today....neighbor's lawn guy starts weed eating at 7:00 AM outside my bedroom window. I get up and eat junk (rice crispy treat) because it is not fair he woke me up.

    Husband calls and says he wants to leave kids at home while we make a fast trip for a funeral (we just got back on Sunday night from the same long trip). I make arrangements for kids.....then 30 minutes later he calls back and wants to bring the kids and has reserved a room with a great pool. I thought an ice cream bar would fix that frustration.

    Husband calls at 10:30 and wants us to come have lunch with he and some people for work. They were celebrating with all their families...forgot to tell me. Got three kids washed and dressed and my make-up on in less than thirty minutes. Drove an hour and make it by 12:00. No one else brings kids. I got a Dr. Pepper to fix that.

    Kids fight all the way home in the car. I am trying to pack in my head for this weekend. Stopped at Sonic Happy Hour for a Route 44 Dr. Pepper. Thought it might fix my headache.

    Got texts from three co-teachers that our stipends finally came. I have been waiting since the end of May for mine. Go to the mail box....nothing. Had ice cream bar #2 to fix that.

    So now I am an overweight woman who is tired, broke, doing laundry and packing and has consumed an extra 900 calories. Not to smart on my part.

    Have a wonderful weekend.