
jasminebri Posts: 13
i was wondering how you are doing with the p90x so far?! i have noticed that with me doing p90x and eating 1200 calories and sometimes eating the calories that i burned exercising, i've been stuck at the same weight for the past three days?? should i be doing the lean p90x..or maybe making sure i eat the calories that i burn exercising...im confused as to why the scale isn't moving when im exercising so much and it's intense!!!


  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    maybe you're retaining water? 3 days isn't enough time to tell if you've really lost weight... Id weigh yourself weekly :)
  • and how do you post a P90X cardio workout? I didn't find one on the list.
  • JoseMedina21
    JoseMedina21 Posts: 186 Member
    during muscle strengthening, your muscles will hold water for repair. I agree you need to weigh yourself once a week
  • mhig011975
    mhig011975 Posts: 181
    I'm doing P90X and love it, I'm about to start phase 2, I've lost 22lbs so far. I couldn't find P90X in the cardio workout, so I just created it. Not that hard. Can't wait for P90X part 2 to come out.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Keep doing it and eat all your exercises calories back (trust me, your body need those fuel...). Also make sure you eat right / healthy.
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    Hang in there. Most people I talked to (and myself) didn't really notice a weight loss until a few weeks in (and some not until phase 2). Don't get discouraged though. You're building muscle and you'll see progress as the workouts become easier to do.
  • klamont9
    klamont9 Posts: 59
    I agree with the 2nd poster. I weigh myself every Sunday night and that's it.

    And I've never done P90x. But I am on month 2 of Insanity and my weight has stayed about the same since I started and I'm seeing great results. Starting to get a 6-pack, something I never thought was possible. So keep at it and remember muscle weighs more than fat!

    *I have P90x sitting in my room and will start the day after I finish Insanity. Cannot wait
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    I'm doing P90X and love it, I'm about to start phase 2, I've lost 22lbs so far. I couldn't find P90X in the cardio workout, so I just created it. Not that hard. Can't wait for P90X part 2 to come out.

    do you follow the nutrition plan? i am following 1200 calories per day (sometimes over if i am exercising ALOT that day) but i am in phase 1 recovery week and i am only down 5.5 pounds. (i see a huge difference in body tho) i am trying to eat more protein and veggies, but sadly, am not following the nutrition plan closely. just wondering if you were. because if so....and you are dropping double digits....i am soooooo starting to follow the nutrition plan!!!!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Follow the nutrition plan-I'm losing inches more so than weight where as my husband is losing weight more than inches.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I am in week 11 and havent lost any weight!! 3 days is too short of time to really know....give it time!
  • I honestly thank everyone for their response!!! i am taking the advice of everyone and going with it. I might be retaining some water that my muscles need to repair..and everyone is right...it has only been 3 (well 4) days now. So I'm going to stick with it and I know that I will get results! Yes, I am following a nutrition plan, but it is not the one from p90x. I basically just count my calories and watch the sodium, carbs, etc from the profile. Thank you everyone, this has turned out to be an AWESOME form of support and i love hearing from you guys with opinions and stuff! thanks, thanks, thanks!!! and good luck to everyone!!!
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