


  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    It's a mono diet that is intended to help a person resolve an unhealthy relationship with food. By only eating potatoes, eating out of boredom or for emotional reasons eventually becomes less desireable because of the monotony of potatoes as well as the relative satiety that potatoes provide. Weight loss is usually a result of this diet because it can be very difficult to eat in excess or even at maintenance levels when eating plain potatoes- as in no oil, butter, sour cream, cheese, or anything else besides salt and spices.

    There are plently of vlogs, blogs, and websites with information and people's experiences and results online.

    Considering the mono diets are pretty popular among people with eating disorders, I'm not sure why/how it's geared toward resolving an *unhealthy* relationship with food. Unless you determine that "enjoying food" is "unhealthy".
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    am I allowed to salt them? because if I can use salt on them Im not gonna lie, I could totally do this.
    love plain spud sprinkled with salt

    I could aslo do plain pasta or rice with no problems

    carbaholic ?? me ?? :D

    I could not do pasta or rice, but potato -- yep,'I totally could do it. I was surprised at the nutritional info above- it would not be as bad for me as I had expected. But, I'm Irish ancestry and peasant stock. I figure it is in my blood. Lol.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    YUM! YUM! YUM!
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited November 2017
    You have another member, right here on/in this forum, who recently posted his stellar success with a mostly potatoes based diet:

  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    am I allowed to salt them? because if I can use salt on them Im not gonna lie, I could totally do this.
    love plain spud sprinkled with salt

    I could aslo do plain pasta or rice with no problems

    carbaholic ?? me ?? :D

    I could not do pasta or rice, but potato -- yep,'I totally could do it. I was surprised at the nutritional info above- it would not be as bad for me as I had expected. But, I'm Irish ancestry and peasant stock. I figure it is in my blood. Lol.

    the husband says im odd that I like plain rice and pasta
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    It probably came from this, and a guy who ate potatoes for a year. The original was simply a publicity thing to prove potatoes are not the evil many people seem to think they are. It was not meant as a diet. Others have twisted it into one. https://www.today.com/health/60-days-nothing-spuds-leaves-advocate-21-lbs-lighter-2D80555614
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    am I allowed to salt them? because if I can use salt on them Im not gonna lie, I could totally do this.
    love plain spud sprinkled with salt

    I could aslo do plain pasta or rice with no problems

    carbaholic ?? me ?? :D

    I could not do pasta or rice, but potato -- yep,'I totally could do it. I was surprised at the nutritional info above- it would not be as bad for me as I had expected. But, I'm Irish ancestry and peasant stock. I figure it is in my blood. Lol.

    the husband says im odd that I like plain rice and pasta

    Not odd at all.

    *Hides lunch*

    Yup, totally eating plain white rice for lunch today (was too lazy to cook anything else last night and didn't feel like having to brave the snow more than absolutely necessary - so house-college/college-house :tongue: )
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited November 2017
    Well, at 2950 Calories and using a mix of 1KG each of Russet, white, red, and "various" potatoes to get there, things are looking up for the "only" potato diet!

    Of course you can't really make most of the foods you think you will be able to... because most of them require MORE than just potatoes. For example, milk, butter, oil, egg, cheese, gravy all come to mind and would be rejected as not meeting the potato only stricture! No sour cream or oil, vinegar, or lemon either, you heathen. Which part about potatoes only do you not understand?

    That said, with 4kg of potatoes in the belly, out of the amino-acids only Leucine @ 92% and Histidine @ 98% don't hit or exceed 100%. So protein is not the likeliest show-stopper.

    Vitamins B12, A, D and E are in the *kitten* (0% to 6%) and Vitamin K is @ 69%.

    Calcium is @ 44% and Selenium @ 29%. I will assume you will be adding table salt and pepper, so sodium will be abundant!

    What takes a serious hit and will probably cause problems over time is the only 4.1g of fat you're taking in!

    Oh, and since 2950 are the average calories I need to eat in order to maintain... well, there would be no weight loss in the cards for me.

    So, on balance, I will pass on the potato diet in favour of the once in a while fish and chip shop outing... the potatoes there are yummy 'cause they take a hot oil bath first!
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I heard of it.
    The idea, if I’m not mistaken, is that when all you have is one type of food, you’re less likely to overeat it.

    A book, The Starch Solution, mentions potatoes as an excellent nutrient source. The author (Mcdougall) indicates that people have survived solely on potatoes before and enjoyed exceptionally good health.

    And lastly, I’ve seen a YouTube channel where this girl who is already a plant-based eater tries it out for 30 Days and loses more weight. She then goes back to her usual vegan lifestyle.

    Interesting idea.

    If you're calling "having to eat this way so you don't all starve and even then it was Not ONLY potatoes" exceptionally good health...