Help, haven't lost in a week even though I've been eating 800 calories a day



  • CannedKindness
    CannedKindness Posts: 9 Member
    800 cal a day in your situation is a great way to wreck your health. With how little you have to go now you need to do a few things: set a loss rate of .5lb a week, have super precise logging and patience.

    If you're not losing weight you're eating at maintenance, how are you determining how much you eat? Odds are you're eating a lot more than 800-900cal a day.

    I am most certainly not eating more than that, I'm not a liar and I log in everything. Take your accusations somewhere else.

    I think you're a little hangry. Do you just want to be told you're a special snowflake and it is totally out of your control that you're not losing weight or did you actually want helpful suggestions which people gave (and then you got angry about)?? No one accused you of anything.

    You're being ruder to me than I was to that person, when their initial post and follow-up post make it pretty clear how antagonistic they are being. I assume you heard the term special snowflake in some political video, as that's where I generally hear it, and this isn't the place to call names like that. Thank you.

    That's the internet honey.....people call you out on dangerous eating levels....

    Did you read the post? They were not calling me out on dangerous eating levels, they said it was impossible that I was doing what I said.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I think the poster failed to notice that you were talking about ONE WEEK, which is why it's not impossible, but the point that if you were eating 800 cal and not losing over a period of time that your logging is almost certainly off (which is common) is certainly true. And, more significantly, neither an attack nor warranting the aggressive response it received.

    Maybe chill and focus on the fact that you lost 8 lbs in a week and a half (so my guess is the logging isn't particularly off) and probably your body is just adjusting and the answer is to pick a more sustainable deficit and be patient and consistent.

    If you want logging tips (IMO, useful, but I'd guess you don't) opening the diary is sometimes something people like to try. Many experienced loggers might see issues.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I think the poster failed to notice that you were talking about ONE WEEK, which is why it's not impossible, but the point that if you were eating 800 cal and not losing over a period of time that your logging is almost certainly off (which is common) is certainly true. And, more significantly, neither an attack nor warranting the aggressive response it received.

    In a later comment she mentioned that she'd been eating less than 800cal before she bumped it up to that, so she's been under eating (or think she has) for longer than a week. But she's going by labels and guesstimates, so I think logging is definitely the issue.

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Sorry--you're just not going to get a lot of support around here for a very low calorie diet especially if your not under a doctor's care...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I think the poster failed to notice that you were talking about ONE WEEK, which is why it's not impossible, but the point that if you were eating 800 cal and not losing over a period of time that your logging is almost certainly off (which is common) is certainly true. And, more significantly, neither an attack nor warranting the aggressive response it received.

    In a later comment she mentioned that she'd been eating less than 800cal before she bumped it up to that, so she's been under eating (or think she has) for longer than a week. But she's going by labels and guesstimates, so I think logging is definitely the issue.

    I under ate for a week and a half and lost 8 lb. I under ate for another week and stopped losing.

    Weight loss isn't linear. Some weeks we lose more, some we lose less, some we lose none. A weight loss rate ("X pounds a week") is an average per week over a longer period of time, not that amount every single week.

    Stress affects weight loss via water weight. Eating way too little is a stressor. I'm not saying eating too little is the full reason you're not losing weight, but it may be a factor in your fat loss being masked by water weight.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Have a snickers OP.

    Once you've had that, think about just what the *kitten* you are doing to your body.

    By eating this little, you are losing not just fat but also muscle (your heart is a muscle btw). Another reaction is stress which causes a higher level of cortisol which can cause massive water retention. Body weight is not a static number and can vary radically due to the very variable water weight and all that affects it.
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    Even though MFP “gives” you 1200 to lose 2 lbs a week, that won’t actually happen because the calculator stops at 1200. At your height and weight, if you enter 1 lb a week, you’ll probably get close to 1200 also. If you subtract 500 calories (representing another lb per week), that will be the number to lose 2 lbs a week which will be far under 1200 and not possible at your weight.
    Change to 1/2 lb a week, use a weight trending app, start weighing your food and be patient and you’ll start losing.
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